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118 Cards in this Set

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Anatomical Position
Erect, Feet parallel, Arms hanging at side, w/ Palms forward
Orientation and directional terms; know opposites:
Superior (cranial or cephalad)
Toward the head end or upper part of a structure or the body; above.
(example: The forehead is superior to the nose)
Inferior (caudal)
Away from the head end or toward the lower part of a structure or the body; below
(Example: the navel is inferior to the breastbone.)
Ventral (anterior)
Toward or at the front of the body; in front of
(Example: The breastbone is anterior to the spine)
Dorsal (posterior)
Toward or at the backside of the body; behind
(Example: The heart is posterior to the breastbone)
Toward or at the midline of the body; on the inner side of
(Example: The heart is medial to the arm)
Away from the midline of the body,; on the outer side of
(Example: The arms are lateral to the chest)
Close to the origin of the body art or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk.
(Example: The elbow is proximal to the wrist [meaning that the elbow is closer to the shoulder or attachment point of the arm than the wrist is])
Farther from the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk
(Example: The knee is distal to the thigh)
Superficial (external)
Toward or at the body surface (Example:The skin is superficial to the skeleton.)
Deep (internal)
Away from the body surface; more internal
(Example: The lungs are deep to the rib cage)
Antercubital Region
Anterior Landmark anterior surface of elbow.
Integumentary System
Forms the external body covering; protects deeper tissue from injury; synthesizes vitamin D; Location of cutaneous (pain, pressure, etc.) receptors and sweat and oil glands.
(waterproofing, temperature, protection…)
Skeletal System
Protects and supports body organs: provides a framework the muscles use to cause movement; blood cells are formed within bones; stores minerals.
Muscular System
Allows manipulation of the environment, locomotion, and facial expression; maintains posture; produces heat.
(contract for movement)
Nervous System
Fast-acting control system of the body; responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands.
(brain, spinal cord, nerves for responsiveness)
Endocrine System
Glands secrete hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction, and nutrient use (metabolism) by body cells.
(Slow reacting control center, excretes hormones)
Cardiovascular System
Blood vessels transport blood, which carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, etc.; the heart pumps blood. (Transportation mechanism for oxygen, nutrients, hormones...)
Lymphatic System
Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it to blood; disposes of debris in the lymphatic stream; houses white blood cells involved in immunity. (complements cardiovascular system, return fluid leaked from the blood back to blood vessels…)
Respiratory System
Keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide; the gaseous exchanges occur through the walls of the air sacs of the lungs.(supply body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide…)
Organic Compounds
Organic contains carbon
Organic contains carbon, Inorganic does NOT contain carbon, Example: NaCl¯ (Sodium)
Ionic Bonds
Form when electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another.
Covalent Bonds
Molecules in which atoms share electrons
Complementary Base Sequence
DNA: A-T and G-C
Steps of tissue repair:
1. Capillaries become very permeable
2. Granulation tissue forms – forming new capillaries
3. Surface epithelium regenerates
Epithelial tissue
The lining, covering, and glandular tissue of the body. is AVASCULAR
Categories of Epithelial Tissue Membrane:
1. Cutaneous - skin
2. Mucous – ears, eyes, nose, mouth, vagina, urinary
3. Serous – parietal & visceral
Vital function of skin
converts cholesterol into vitamin D(cholecalciferal)
Factors that stimulate sebum
What is the axial skeletal system made of?
1. Skull
2. Ribs – attached to sternum
3. Spine – vertebral column
Joints are the union of two bones. 3 types:
1. Synarthroses – immovable joints, synsacrum
2. Amphiarthroses – slightly movable joints, vertebral sutures
3. Diarthroses - freely movable joints, all movements
The canal that runs through osteon (Volkmann’s Canal) contain:
blood vessels & nerves
Insertions of:
a. Gluteus Maximus – is the gluteal tuberosity of the femur
b. Achilles tendon – gastrocnemius muscle at heel
Function of Gluteus Maximus – extensors
a. Anterior muscles = flexor
b. Posterior muscles = extensor
What is muscle tone?
Sustained partial muscle contraction
(Fight or flight)
Junction between neurons.
synaptic cleft (synapse)
Correct sequence of connective tissue sheaths: (outer to inner)
a. Epineurium
b. Perinurium
c. Endonerium
Shallow groove on the cerebral cortex
We will have to pick what statement is NOT true of color blindness?
Color blindness occurs often in women is the false statement
Another name for Anvil
We need to know the hypothalamus does NOT produce....
thyroid stimulating hormone, the anterior pituitary does
What hormones leads to Addison’s Disease?
Hyposecretion of adrenal cortex hormones
Blood Groups are based on the presence of...
A & B antigens
blood’s inability to clot
What is the Intrinsic conduction system of heart?
pace maker
SA node → AV node → AV bundle of His → Purkinje fibers → Purkinje cell
Location of the carotid artery
We will need to choose what is NOT a second line of defense.
Intact mucous membrane (it is first line)
What is lymph?
fluid forced out of capillary beds into tissue spaces.
Walls of the alveoli.
composed of simple squamous epithelium
The pancreatic juice performs its function where?
digestion in the duodenum
We will have to say what is NOT a characteristic or function of the stomach
Digestion begins here, this is NOT true because digestion does not begin here
Noninvasive treatment of kidney stones.
Percentage of sodium absorbed in the proximal convoluted tubules
about 80%
Inner mucosal layer of uterus that is discharged every 28 days:
a. Perimetrium
b. Myometrium
c. Endometrium
Which is true concerning internal, axial, and brachial regions
anterior surface
Know complimentary DNA pairs:
A – T & C – G
Endocrine glands
ductless glands that secrete products into blood.
Loss of fluid in burn patients is assessed by...
rule of NINES
Pathway of reflexes:
Receptor → Afferent sensory neuron → Integration center → Efferent motor neuron → Effector
Where is the mastoid process?
Temporal bone
What is acetylcholine?
Neurotransmitter of smooth skeletal muscle
Sequence of nerves that exit the spinal cord going from superior to inferior
Cervical → Thoracic → Lumbar → Secral
Correct order of light entering different parts of eye
Cornea → Acuous Humor → Lens → Vitreous Humor
What cells of the testes produce testosterone?
Interstitial cell
We will need to know the choice that does NOT cause anemia
Polysythemia does NOT cause anemia
We will need to recognize what is NOT a pressure point
renal artery is NOT a pressure point
The specific body defense system
is slower than the non-specific
We will need to recognize what characteristic or function the pleura does not possess
the pleura does NOT produce sticky membrane
The part of the pharynx that continuous with the esophagus
Example of buffer system
bicarbonate buffer system
Birth control procedure for men
Smallest living unit of all living things
Description of enzymes
biological catalyst
Location of ribosomes
found in nucleolus
How epidermis receives nutrients
nutrients reach surface of skin through upward diffusion
The unpaired facial bone
Connective tissue sheaths that surrounds the skeletal muscle cell
Position of the subarachnoid space
between arachnoid and pia
What does not provide information to the cerebellum for balance?
What is not a typical response of hormonal binding to target cells?
Cellular mutations occur
Ion essential for blood clotting
Sequence of outermost to innermost layer of blood vessels
Tunica externa → tunica media → tunica intima
A lymphocyte capable of responding to antigen
Lipid molecule critical to lung function.
People without phenylania suffer from?
Function of the endocrine system
fast acting body control system - false
The amin group acts like an acid
false, the base group acts like an acid
True or False Stratified consists of one layer
True or False: Mucosa membranes lack openings
True or False: ) Diaphysis of long bone is spongy
True or False: Muscle fatigue and soreness is a buildup of pyruvic acid
False - lactid acid
True or False: During depolarization the inside of the membrane becomes less negative or more positive
True or False: Gross eye movements are produced by 5 entrinsic muscles attached to outer eye
True or False: Hypersecretion of sex hormones leads to masculinization.
True or False: ph 7.35-7.45
True or False: Coronary sinus back side, drains oxygenated blood to L atrium
True or False: Lymph fluid exits afferent
True or False: Larynx is the passageway for food and air
Brush border enzyme have no effect on protein digestion
True or False: Urethra is shorter in woman than men
True or False: Ovaries have many almond shaped follicles
True or False: Lymphatic system secretes hormones
True or False: Lower ph = greater number of H+
True or False: Cardiac muscle cells are multinucleated
True or False: Jon burned hand…it is 3rd degree.
True or False: Costal cartilages joins ribs to sternum
True or False: Muscle fibers contract
True (I bands diminish, H bands disappear, A bands do not decrease in size)
True or False: Spinal nerves are paired, cranial nerves are not
True or False: Dynamic means not moving.
True or False: Placenta in pregnant woman
True or False: Normal blood volume in men = 5-6 L in men
True or False: Purkinje supplies ventricles, not atria
True or False: Macrophages arise from monocytes
True or False: Lungs of fetus fill with air late in pregnancy
True or False: Body’s thermostat is in the hypothalamus
True or False: Sperm swim faster in alkaline environment