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26 Cards in this Set

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what is a bone

form of connective tissue, hardest tissue in the body

what is the skeleton made of

cartilage and fibrous membranes that harden into bone before birth

Ossification definition

the formation of bone from fibrous tissue which continues until maturity

Osteoblasts definition

oste/o= bone , blasts= immature

immature bone cells that produce bony tissue

when matures they are called osteocytes

Osteoclasts definition

oste/o= bone, clasts = break

eat away/breakdown bony tissue from the medullary cavity and reabsorbs the bone

3 cell types involved in the development, growth and remodeling of bones

1- Osteoblasts (bone forming cells )

2- Osteocytes (mature bone cells )

3- Osteoclasts (breakdown and reabsorb bone)

Hematopoietic definition

Its RED BONE MARROW which produces red,white and clotting cells

hemat/o = means blood, poietic = formation

Medullary cavity of bone

inner space of bone containing yellow bone marrow

Yellow bone marrow is composed of

mainly fat cells and serves as a fat storage area.

In adult animals, yellow bone marrow replaces red bone marrow

2 Types of osseous tissue that form bone

Cancellous = spongy bone normally at end of long bones and within interior vertebrae

Cortical = aka compact bone, hard dense strong bone that forms the outer layer

Epiphysis (bone anatomy term)

wide end of bone, covered in articular cartilage and is composed of cancellous bone

Distal and proximal epiphysis (bone anatomy term )

distal = located farthest away from the midline of the body

Proximal= located nearest the midline of the body

Diaphysis (bone anatomy term )

the shaft or central part of a long bone

Physis (bone anatomy term )

the epiphyseal cartilage plate at each end of a long bone that involes growth

Metaphysis (bone anatomy term )

wide portion between the diaphysis and physis, part of the bone that grows during childhood.

In adult animals it is considered part of the epiphysis

Periosteum & Endosteum (bone anatomy term)

Periosteum = tough fibrous tissue that forms the outer layer of the bone

Endosteum = tough fibrous tissue that forms the lining of the medullary cavity

Long and short bones

(bone classification )

Long = consist of shaft, two ends and a marrow cavity

Short = cube shaped with no marrow cavity

Flat and pneumatic bones

(bone classification )

flat = thin flat bone , ex : pelvis

Pneumatic = bone that contains air filled spaces

Irregular and Sesamoid bones

Irregular = bones that do not fall in the other categories, usually consist of cancellous bone with thin outer layer of compact bone ex: vertebrae, mandible

Sesamoid = short irregular bones inbedded in a tendon, ex: patella (knee cap)

Suffixes malacia & sclerosis

malacia = abnormal softening

sclerosis = abnormal hardening

Cartilage is

another form of connective tissue that is more elastic then bone, is more flexible portion of the skeleton

Articular cartilage

specific type of cartilage that covers the joint surfaces of bone

Meniscus cartilage

Curved fibrous cartilage found in some joints where the cushion applies to the joint ( ex: canine stiffle )

prefix Chondr/o

combining form for cartilage

Joints or articulations are

connections between bones, articulation allow movement

there are different types of joints based on their function and degree of movement

Prefix Arthr/o

combining form for joint