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98 Cards in this Set

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what is the common name of the radiocarpal joint
the wrist
what separates the ulna from the wrist joint
articular disk of radioulnar joint
what are thickened ares of the anterior side of the capsules of hte mcp joints
volar plates
an entrapment of the ulnar nerve as it passes under the pisohamate ligament
guyons tunnel syndrome
what causes guyons tunnel syndrome
repetitive motion, or dislocation of pisiform, or ganglion
what hand injury is common in sports
rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the 1st MCP joint
what is anothername for when the ulnar collateral ligament of the 1st MCP rupture's
gamekeepers thumb followed by skier's thumb
how many heads do the 4 dorsal interossei have
What movement are the dorsal interossei responsible for
what movements are the palmar interossei responsible for
where is the carpal tunnel
it is the area between the hook of the hammate and pisiform bone medially. and the tubercles of the scapoid and trapezium laterally
what is the function of the lumbrical muscles
flex the MCP joints and extend the IP joints
what are synovial tendon sheaths
tubular bursae which surround the long tendons and prevent friction
what is the function of the fibrous tendon sheaths
hold the tendons down to the bone and act as a pulley for more efficent flexion
what are the deep thenar muscles
adductor pollicis, flexor polics brevis, opponens pollicis
what are the superficial thenar muscles
superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollics brevis
what are the hyperthenar muscles
opponens digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis
what nerve innervates all of the hypothenar muscles
the ulnar nerve
where does the radial nerve give sensory information
lateral aspecto of dorsum of hand including the thumb, index, middle, and half of ring finger
what does the palmar branch of teh median nerve do
gives sensory information to the lateral part of the palm including thumb, index, middle, and half of ring finger. it also supplies the skin over the distal phaalanges on the dorsum of these fingers
what does the median nerve innervate in the hand
thenar muscles (except 1/2 of flexor pollicis brevis and adductor pollicis) and the 1st and 2nd lumbricals.
what does the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve innervate
the skin of the anteriolateral hand
what does the ulnar nerve innervate in the hand
muscles of the hypothenar eminence, all the interossei, the 3rd and 4th lumbricals, 1 and 1/2 of the muscles of the thenar eminence, the adductor pollicis, depp head of flexor pollicis brevis
what is the proper name for a condition which damages the upper trunk of the brachial plexus
erb-duchenne palsy
what is the common name for erb's palsy
waiters tip
what are the nerves affected by waiters tip
suprascapular, n. to subclavian, musculocutaneous, and axillary
what can cause erb's palsy
motorcycle accident
what would happen if a person had erb's palsy and theri suprascapular nerve was damaged
supraspinatus-initiating abduction
infraspinatus-lat. rotation of shoulder
what would happen if a person had waiter's tip and their n. to subclavian was damaged
subclavius-depress clavicle
what would happen if a person had waiter's tip and their axillary nerve was damamged
teres minor-lateral rotation
what would happen if a person had erb's palsy and their musculocutaneous nerve was damaged
coracobrachialis-flexion shoulder
brachialis-flexioin elbow
biceps brachii-supination elbow
what type of sensory loss would a person with waiter's tip have because their musculocutenous nerve is damaged
lateral forearm
what kind of sensory loss would a person with erb's palsy have because their axillary nerve was damaged?
lateral arm over lower deltoid
what is thoracic outlet syndrome
compression of structures exitng the superior aperature.
what structures may be affected by thoracic outlet syndrome
lower roots and trunk of brachial plexus, subclavian artery
what are the symtoms of thoracic outlet syndrome
pain, numbness, tingling, and or weakness in upper limb
what makes the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome worse
the limb being elevated
what causes thoracic outlet syndrome
cervical rib
post-fixed brachial plexus
over development of scalene muscles
severe kyphosis
repetitve stress in the workplace
what is klumpke palsy
lesion of the lower trunk of the brachial plexus
what causes klumpke palsy
stopping a fall by grabbing something
what nerves are affected by klumpke palsy
ulnar and median
what muscles are affected by klumpke palsy
ulnar-small muscles in hand except thenar muscles and lumbricals 1 and 2
median thenar muscles adductor pollicis and hte deep head of flexor pollicis brevis and lumbricals 1 and 2
what motor loss is caused by klumpke palsy affecting ulnar nerve
abduction and adduction in all fingers, loss of flexion in little finger, loss of flexion of mp, ext of ip in little and ring fingers, adduction and some flexion in thumb
what motor loss is caused by klumpke palsy affecting median nerve
all motor loss in thumb except some flexion and adduction,
flexion of mp and exteion of ip in index and middle fingers
what type of sensory loss is caused by klumpke palsy
medial and lateral palm
what is the common name for an axillary nerve injury
saturday night palsy
what is a common cause of saturday night palsy
pressure in axilla ( misuse of crutch)
also dislocation of shoulder joint
what muscles are affected by satuday night palsy
the deltoid and the teres minor
what muscle funciton is lost by sat. night palsy
deltoid-abduction of shoulder
teres minor-lateral rotation
what sensory loss might happen by sat. night palsy
lateral arm over lower deltoid
what is the common name of a long thoracic nerve injury
winged scapula
what is a common cause of winged scapula
penetrating wound of neck and complication of radical masectomy
what muscles are affected by winged scapula
serratus anterior
what type of motor loss is expected with a long thoracic nerve injury
rotation of scapula and the ability to hold the scapula against the body wall
what is the common name for a radial nerve injury in the axilla
wrist drop
what causesa radial nerve injury in the axilla
presssure in axilla ( misuse of crutch) and fracture of surgical neck of humerus
what muscles are affected by a radial nerve injury in the axilla
all extensor muscles
what function is lost with wrist drop
exteion of all joints in the upper limb
what sensory loss is associated with wrist drop
variable loss in posteriar arm and forearm and on dorsal hand
what is also the common name for a radial nerve injury in the spinal groove
wrist drop
what is the common cause of wrist drop of the spinal groove
fracture of the shaft of the humerus, resting the arm on a sharp edge such as the back of a chair
what muscles are affected by a radial nerve injury in the spinal groove
extensors of the wrist and hand
what motor loss is expected with a radial nerve injury in the spinal groove
extenion of joints o f wrist and hand. also weak abduction of thumb
what sensory loss can be expected by a radial nerve injury of the wrist
small loss on back of hand
what causes radial nerve entrapment of the elbow
the deep branch of the radial nerve runs under the superficial head of the supinator muscles and may become compressed against the radius at this point
what is the arcade of froshe
the proximal margin of the supinator forms this fibrous arch which is a place where the radial nerve may become trapped
what motor loss is caused by radial nerve entrapment of the elbow
when wrist extension is attempted, there is radial deviation due to loss of extensor carpi ulnaris. there is also weakness of finger and thumb extension and of thumb abduction. there is no sensory loss
what can cause a median nerve entrapment in the axilla
rare anomaly of a slip of muscle running between the pec major or coracoid process and the lat. dorsi (langer's muscle) can compress the median nerve
what is the common name for a median nerve injury of the elbow
hand of benediction
what causes "hand of benediction"
a supracondylar fracture
what muscles are affected by a median nerve injury at the elbow
long flexors
thenar muscles
1 and 2 lumbricals
wht motor loss is affected by median nerve injury at the elbow
long flexors-most flexion
thenar muscles-flexion, abduction, and opposition
1 and 2 lumbricals-flexion of mcp joints of index and middle fingers
what sensory loss can occur with "hand of benediction"
sensory loss of the lateral palm
what is pronator syndrome
a catch all term for compression of median nerve in hte region of hte elbow
what are the common sites of compression in pronator syndrome
supracondylar process and ligament of struthers
bicipital aponerosis
pronator teres
sublimis bridge
what will a patient experience during pronator syndrome
aching pain in the anterior distal arm and proximal forearm. pain becomes more intense with foreceful pronation or repetitive pronation/supination
what is the ligament of struthers
a common anomaly of humerus is a supracondylar process is attaced to the medial epicondyle by a fibrous link
what muscles can be affected by ligament of struthers
pronator terses
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor digitorum superifcialis
lateral 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus
pronator teres median nerve entrapment
humeral head of pronator teres begins at the common tendon on medial epicondyle and ulnar head from the coronoid process of ulna. the median nerve passes between these two heads and if there is a fibrous band linking hte two heads the nerve can be compressed
what is a common name for a median nerve injury at the wrist
ape hand
what is the common cause of ape hand
penetrating wounds of the wrist
what muscles are affected by ape hand
thenar muscles and 1 and 2 lumbricals
what type of motor loss is associated with ape hand
thenar-flex, abd, and opposition
lumbricals-flex of MCP joint of middle and ring fingers
what type of sensory loss is associated with a median nerve injury at the wrist
lateral palm
what is a common name for a median nerve injury at the carpal tunnel
carpal tunnel syndrome
what causes carpal tunnel
repetitive motion
whta muscles are affected by carpal tunnel
thenar muscles
1 and 2 lumbricals
what motor loss will occur due to carpal tunnel syndrome
thenar-flex, abd, oppositon
lumbricals-flex of MCP joints of middle and index finger
what is the common name of an ulnar nerve injury at the elbow
claw hand
what is a common cause of claw hand
fracture of the medial epicondyle and direct trauma
what muscles are affected by claw hand
flexor capri ulnaris, 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus, all small muscles of hand except thenar muscles and 1 and 2 lumbricals
what type of motor loss is expected with a ulnar injury at the elbow
reduced flexion of terminal phalanges of ring and little fingers
flexion of wrist will result in abduction also
inablity to adduct and abdct fingers, inablility to adduct thumb
what is cubital tunnel syndrome
entrapment of the ulnar nerve as it passes through the tunnel formed by the tendinous arch
what are the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome
the same as that of damage to the nerve in the ulnar groove
what causes an ulnar nerve injury at the wrist
penetrating wounds of the wrist
what muscles are affected by an ulnar nerve injury of the wrist
all small muscles of hand except for some thenar muscles and the 1 and 2 lumbricals
what motor loss is caused by ulnar nerve injury of wrist
inability to abduct and adduct fingers
inability adduct thumb
what type of sensory loss is associated with a ulnar nerve injury at the wrist
medial palm