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25 Cards in this Set

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Sartorius origin and insertion
origin: Anterior superior iliac spine; insertion: Winds around medial aspect of knee and inserts into medial aspect of proximal tibia
Gluteus Maximus action
Major extensor of thigh; complex, powerful, and most effective when thigh is flexed and force is necessary, as in rising from a forward flexed position and in thrusting the thigh posteriorly in climbing stairs and running generally inactive during walking; laterally rotates thigh; antagonist of iliopsoas muscle
Gluteus Maximus innervation
Inferior gluteal nerve
Psoas Major origin and insertion
origin: By fleshy slips from transverse processes, bodies, and discs of lumbar vertebrae and T12; insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur via iliopsoas tendon
Sartorius action
Flexes and laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee (weak); known as “tailor’s muscle” because it helps effect cross-legged position in which tailors are often depicted
Sartorius innervation
Femoral nerve
Iliacus origin and insertion
origin: Iliac Fossa; insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur via iliopsoas tendon
Psoas Major action
As above; also affects lateral flexion of vertebral column; important postural muscles
Psoas Major innervation
Ventral rami (L1-L3)
Transversus Abdominis origin and insertion
origin: Inguinal ligament, lumbodorsal fascia, cartilages of last six ribs; iliac crest; insertion: Linea alba, pubic crest
Iliacus action
Iliopsoas is the prime mover of hip flexion; flexes thigh on trunk when pelvis is fixed
Iliacus innervation
Femoral nerve
Internal Oblique origin and insertion
origin: Lumbodorsal fascia, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament; insertion: Linea alba, pubic crest, last three ribs
Transversus Abdominis action
Compresses abdominal contents
Transversus Abdominis innervation
Intercostal nerves (T7-T12) and L1
External Oblique origin and insertion
origin: By fleshy strips from outer surfaces of lower eight ribs; insertion: Most fibers into linea alba; some into pubic crest and tubercle and iliac crest; majority of fibers insert anteriorly via a broad aponeurosis
Internal Oblique action
As for external oblique
Internal Oblique innervation
Intercostal nerves (T7-T12) and L1
Rectus Abdominus origin and insertion
origin: Pubic crest and symphysis; insertion: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
External Oblique action
When pair contracts simultaneously, aid rectus abdominis muscles in flexing vertebral column and in compressing abdominal wall and increasing intra-abdominal pressure; acting individually, aid muscles of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion
External Oblique innervation
Intercostal nerves (T7-T12)
Rhomboids origin and insertion
origin: Spinous processes of C7 and T1 (minor); Spinous processes of T2-T5 (major); insertion: Medial border of scapula
Rectus Abdominus action
Flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column; fix and depress ribs, stabilize pelvis during walking, increase intra-abdominal pressure
Rectus Abdominus innervation
Intercostal nerves (T6 or T7-T12)
Levator Scapulae origin and insertion
origin: Transverse processes of C1-C4; insertion: Superior vertebral glenoid cavity downward; when scapula is fixed, flexes neck to same side