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53 Cards in this Set

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Gallstone ileus
Large stone passes through a fistula between gallbladder and small bowel which allows air to enter biliary tree and obstructs ileocecal valve
Prepatellar bursitis
Due to prolonged kneeling. Knee pain, erythema, swelling
Acromioclavicular ligament
Between acromion and clavicle in the distal end
Coracoclavicular ligament
At the proximal clavicle
Median nerve trajectory at the wrist
Between flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus then carpal tunel
Supraspinatous tendon
Between acromion and the head of the humerus; most affected by rotator cuff injury
Loud noises
Deafness due to injury of hair cells of the organ of corti; high frequency sounds first
Posterior duodenal ulcer affects which structure?
Gastroduodenal artery; results in hemorrhage
Catheter access to aorta from femoral vein
Has to puncture fossa ovalis and pass mitral valve
Superior mesenteric artery relationships
Forms a 45 degree angle with aorta which overrides horizontal portion of the duodenum (posterior to SMA)
Bones that articulate with the radius at the wrist
Scaphoid (lateral and lunate (medial)
Ulnar nerve injury
Results in claw hand; injury usually at the medial epicondyle or hook of the hamate and pisiform in the wrist
Site for intramuscular injections
Superomedial quadrant of the buttocks
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Originates in medial clavicle and manubrium and inserts in the mastoid process; rotates head to opposite side innervationby the IX nerve
Winged scapula
Injury of long thoracic nerve which supplies serratus anterior and abducts the shoulder to horizontal position; can be caused by trauma or mastectomy
Associations of the duodenum
First portion is not retroperitoneal; second portion with the head of the pancreas and ampulla of Vater; third (horizontal) portion with the superior mesenteric artery (anteriorly) and aorta (posteriorly)
Middle meningeal artery
Branch of maxillary artery; fracture of the pterion results in damage and epidural hematoma
Fronto-parieto-temporal junction at the sphenoid bone; fracture results in middle meningeal artery damage
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Motor innervation of all laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid; sensory innvervation below vocal cords
Superior laryngeal nerve
Motor innervation of cricothyroid muscle and sensory innervation above vocal cords
Tibial nerve
Motor innervation of flexors of the leg and toes and sensory innervation of sole of the foot
Retroperitoneal hematoma
Trauma to tail of the pancreas
Knee joint structures
Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments; lateral and medial meniscus; medial (tibial) and lateral (fibular) collateral ligaments; injured in contact sports
Trendelenburg sign
Hip moves downward when ipsilateral leg is lifted off ground --> injury to superior gluteal nerve injury
Superior orbital fissure
CN III and CN V1 passage; injury results in external strabismus and loss of corneal reflex
Sound perception
Low frequency sounds --> apex of the cochlea/helicotrema; high frequency sounds --> base of cochlea
Avascular necrosis of the femoral neck
Damage to medial femoral circumflex artery
Midshaft fracture of the humerus
Damages radial nerve and deep brachial artery
Supracondylar fracture of the humerus
Damage to brachial artery
Popliteal fossa structures
Popliteal artery, vein and tibial nerve (flexion of the foot)
Trauma to the head of the fibula
Damage to common perineal nerve which divides into superficial (lateral compartment of the leg) and deep (anterior compartment and dorsiflexion of leg) peroneal nerves; results in foot drop injury
Divisions of sciatic nerve
Common peroneal and tibial nerves; just proximal to the popliteal fossa
Diaphragmatic surface of the heart
inferior wall of the left ventricle
Pudendal block
Intravaginally near the tip of the ischial spine
Origin of musculocutaneous nerve
Ventral rami of C5-C7 trunk
Abduction of the thigh
Superior gluteal and femoral nerves
Adduction of the thigh
Obturator nerve
Flexion of the thigh
Psoas and iliacus muscles innervated by lumbar plexus and femoral nerves
Irrigation of lesser curvature
left gastric artery
Relationships of the ureters
Cross over external iliac and pass lateral to the internal iliac and medial to gonadal arteries
Suspensory ligaments of the ovary
Deliver nerves and vessels to the ovary
Lower border of parietal pleura is 7th rib/MCL or upper border of 10th rib/MAL; lower border of lung is 2 intercostal spaces above pleural border; therfore insert needle at 7th rib/MCL or 9th rib/MAL
Important nuclei of the thalamus
spinothalamic/medial lemniscus --> VPL; trigeminal --> VPM; auditory --> MGB; visual --> LGB
Sensory innervation of the tongue
General sensation of anterior 2/3 --> trigeminal; gustatory sensation anterior 2/3 --> facial (chorda tympani); posterior 2/3 --> CN IX
Phrenic nerve
C3-C5 --> motor innervation of diaphragm and sensory innervation of mediastinal pleura; irritation results in pleuritic chest pain irradiated to shoulder and neck
Branches of radial nerve
Deep (motor), superficial (sensory); branch at lateral epicondyle of humerus where it meets radial head --> injury results in motor deficit without sensory loss
Stapedius muscle
Innervated by branch of CN VII --> paralysis --> hyperacusis
Superior limits of the lungs
Above the clavicle; puncture wound to neck can cause pneumothorax
Drainning of testicles
Right to IVC; left to left renal vein
Horseshoe kidney
Ascension is prevented by angle between aorta and inferior mesenteric artery
Fluid acumulation within tunica vaginalis
Thoracic duct
Enters thorax through aortic hiatus; empties into left subclavian
Inferior vena cava
Formed by union of common iliac veins at L4; renal veins join IVC at L1/L2