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23 Cards in this Set

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made of
1. Dura Mater
2. Arachnoid Mater
3. Pia Mater
Dura Mater
Cranial Region
Dural folds
Cranial region
external layer
internal layer
venous sinuses
external layer
serves as internal periosteum of skull bones surrounding brain
internal layer
meningeal layer, continous with spinal dura mater through foramen magnum
venous sinuses
above layers are fused except separations filled with venous blood, between 2 dura layers
Dural folds
falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Falx Cerebelli
Diaphragma Sellae
Falx cerebri
attached to crista galli and frontal crest
blends w/ tentorium posteriorly
Tentorium Cerebelli
-attaches along grooves for transverse sinuses posteriorly
-attaches to superior part of temporal bone laterally
-anterior and medial portion make up tentorial notch
Falx Cerebelli
-attaches to internal occipital crest posteriorly
-attaches to tentorium cerebelli superiorly
anterior edge is free
Diaphragma sellae
covers sella turcica
contains a hole for infundibulum to go through to attach to the hypothalamus
Arachnoid Mater
Cranial Region
Spinal Region
Subarachnoid space
Subarachnoid cisternae
Arachnoid granulations
Cranial region
applied to inner surface of dura and attaches to underlying pia mater
Spinal region
continuous with cranial
Subarachnoid space
CSF between arachnoid and pia mater
subarachnoid cisternae
expanded regions of subarachnoid space
Arachnoid granulations
tufts of arachnoid lining of arachnoid contacts the endothelium of the sinus and CSF is returned to the blood plasma across these linings
Pia mater
thin, delicate vascular layer which adheres to brain surface dipping into fissures and sulci

Cranial Region
Spinal Region
Cranial region
some blood vessels supplying nervous tissue are located in pia
spinal region
thicker and less vascular
Meningeal Spaces
epidural space-between skull and dura
subdural-between dura arachnoid
subarachnoid-CSF ONLY
Ventricular System
Lateral ventricles
Interventricular foramen of Monroe
3rd Ventricle
Aqueduct of Sylvius
4th Ventricle
Choroid Plexus
Dural Venous Sinuses
Superior and Inferior Sagittal
Great vein of Galen
Superior petrosal