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71 Cards in this Set

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What spinal levels are involved in the femoral nerve?
L2 - L4
What spinal levels are involved in the obturator nerve?
L2 - L4
What spinal levels contribute to the sciatic nerve?
L4 - S3
What compartment houses the hip extensors? Flexors?
Extensors: posterior compartment
Flexors: anterior compartment
What are the anterior division nerves?
What area is innervated by the tibial nerve?
What area is innervated by the obturator nerve?
What are the posterior division nerves?
Describe the rotation of the lower limb in development.
180 degree medial rotation that will place original posterior compartment in the anterior.
In the adult, what compartment is innervated by the femoral nerve?
Anterior compartment
Generally, which muscle classes are in the anterior compartment of the adult lower limb?
Hip flexors
Knee Extensors
Ankle dorsiflexors
Generally, which muscle classes are in the posterior compartment of the adult lower limb?
Hip extensors
Knee flexors
Ankle plantarflexors
Plantar muscles
What spinal levels innervate the hip flexors?
L2 - L3
What spinal levels innervate the knee extensors?
L3 - L4
What spinal levels innervate the ankle dorsiflexors and hip extensors?
L4 - L5
What spinal levels innervate the planter foot muscles?
S2 - S3
What dermatome is the big toe in?
Split L4/L5
What dermatomes cover the foot?
L4/L5 big toe
S1 lateral foot (little toe)
Why must lower limb joint sacrifice mobility to strength?
They must support body weight for locomotion.
What bones form the pelvic girdle?
What the origin and attachment of the sacrotuberous ligament?
Sacrum to the ischial tuberosity
What is the origin and attachment of the sacrospinous ligament?
Sacrum to the ischial spine
What foramen are formed by the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments?
Greater and lesser sciatic notches
Is the greater trochanter medial or lateral to the shaft of the femur?
Why can a femoral neck fracture be especially serious for children?
Interruption of blood supply leading to Leg calf perthes disease
Where does a intertrochanteric fracture occur?
lateral to the neck of the femur
The ligaments of the joint capsule tighten when the hip is ...
in extension
What ligaments form the anterior hip joint capsule?
Iliofemoral ligament (IF)
Pubofemoral ligament (PF)
What ligaments form the posterior hip joint capsule?
Iliofemoral ligament (IF)
Ischiofemoral ligament (IsF)
How many ligaments form the hip joint capsule?
How many ligaments maintain the head of the femur in the acetabulum?
Ligament of the head of femur
Where are the two major lymph nodes that drain the lower limbs?
inguinal nodes
popliteal nodes
What causes varicose veins in the lower limb?
incompetent valves between deep and superficial veins
What is the main blood supply to the lower limb?
External iliac (above the inguinal ligament)
What arteries supply the head of the femur?
Medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries
Where do the femoral circumflex arteries branch?
profunda femoris
What are the branches of the popliteal artery inferior to the knee?
Posterior and anterior tibial
What arteries supply collateral circulation around the hip joint?
Medial and lateral circumflex
Perforating branch of the profunda
Inferior gluteal
What structure separates the thigh into three compartments?
Fascia Lata
What structures pass through the saphenous opening?
Great saphenous vein
What structure covers the femoral artery and vein?
Femoral sheath
What ligament traverses the saphenous opening?
inguinal ligament
What structures form the femoral sheath?
Transversalis and the fascia lata
Describe the position of the femoral nerve and the femoral sheath and structures.
From lateral to medial:
Femoral nerve
Femoral sheath: AVL
What are the boundaries of the femoral canal?
Inguinal ligament
Lacunar ligament
Pectineal ligament
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Inguinal ligament
Adductor longus
What muscles form the iliopsoas?
Psoas and Iliacus
What nerve innervates the medial thigh?
What muscle of the anterior compartment can be innervated by the obturator?
What is the origin and insertion of the pectineus?
Superior pubic ramus to the lesser trochanter and linea aspera
What is the tailor's muscle?
What are the (3) anterior thigh muscles?
Quadriceps Femoris
What are the heads of the quadriceps?
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus intermedius
Vastus medialis
What is the origin and insertion of the rectus femoris?
Anterior inferior iliac crest and the iliac portion of the acetabulum to the patellar tendon
What is the origin and insertion of the vastus lateralis?
Greater trochanter to the patellar tendon
What is the origin and insertion of the vastus intermedius?
Anterolateral femur to the patellar tendon
What is the origin and insertion of the Vastus medialis?
femur to the patellar tendon
What are the (5) flexors of the hip joint?
Tensor fascia lata
Rectus femoris
Which hip flexor is not innervated by the femoral nerve?
Tensor fascia lata is innervated by the superior gluteal nerve
Where is the insertion of the iliopsoas muscle?
Lesser trochanter
What branch of the femoral nerve travels with the femoral artery/vein through the adductor canal?
Saphenous nerve
The adductor hiatus is in the tendon of what muscle?
adductor magnus
What nerve innervates the iliopsoas muscle?
What nerves supply cutaneous innervation to the thigh?
Lateral cutaneous nerve (lateral thigh)
Anterior cutaneous branch of femoral (medial thigh)
What nerve supplies cutaneous innervation to the medial leg?
Saphenous nerve (branch of femoral)
What are the medial compartment muscles (5)?
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Obturator externus
Of the medial compartment muscles, which in not a medial rotator?
Obturator externus is a lateral rotator
Three adductor muscles insert into the linea aspera. What are they?
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
What is the innervation of the medial compartment?
(Sciatic nerve innervates the hamsting portion of adductor magnus)
The obturator nerve exits the pelvis through ...
the obturator foramen
What muscles splits the obturator nerve?
Obturator externus
Adductor brevis