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63 Cards in this Set

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What is the upper limb innervated by?
ventral primary rami
When are limb buds present?
by the 5th week of gestation
In what position do the limbs develop
in a ventro-lateral position
Where does the upper limb develop opposite of?
Where does the lower limb develop opposite of?
How can the upper limb rotate?
laterally, extend, and adduct
How can the lower limb rotate?
rotate medially, extend, adduct
The pectoral girdle and shoulder consists of
clavacle to scapula
The arm consists of __
shoulder to elbow
The forearm consists of
elbow to wrist
What does the hand consist of?
wrist to fingertip (distal to wrist)
What is the purpose of the axialla?
for the stabilization of the upper limb with the axial skeleton
What is the purpose of the lower limb?
What is the purpose of the upper limb?
Mobility and to place the hand in a position of function
What is the sternoclavicular joint? what is it supported by? what type of joint?
connects the sternum to the clavicle articulation with upper limb with axial. it is a synovial joint supported by strong sternoclavicular ligaments
What is the purpose of the clavicle
It acts as a strut and holds the upper limb out from the body.
What are the ligaments of the pectoral girdle?
acromioclavicular ligament, coracoclavicular ligament, coracoacromial ligament
What is the only joint in the pectoral girdle?
the sternoclavicular joint
What makes up the pectoral girdle?
the clavicle and scapula
What does the acromioclavicular ligament connect?
the acromium to the clavicle
the coracoclavicular ligament connects
clavical to the scapula
the coracoacromial ligament connects what?
acromion to the coracoid process
Where is the coracoid process and the acrominum?
in the scapula
What is the purpose of the coracoacromial ligament?
to make a roof for the shoulder joint. no movement because connects the same bone
What is the joint in the shoulder joint?
the glenohumeral joint
What is the glenohumeral joint connect?
gleno fossa of scapula to top of humerus
What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
a synovial ball and socket
What helps strengthen the shoulder joint?
the glenoid labrum and coracchumeral ligament (connects the coracoid process to the humerus)
What is the purpose of the glenoid labrum?
to deepen the joint by surrounding the glenoid fossa -- makes it harder for the ball to come out of the socket
What are the rotator cuff muscles?
Teresa minor
What is the primary and secondary support of the shoulder?
primary - ligaments
secondary - muscles
Whats the purpose of the rotator cuff muscles?
the stability of the shoulder joint and contributes to movement
What type of joint in the elbow joint?
a true hinge joint
What do all hinge joints have?
collateral ligaments and only 1 axis of movement
What does the medial collateral ligament connect?
the ulna to the humerus
What does the lateral collateral ligament connect?
the radius to the humerus
what does the annular ligament allow and what does it connect?
allows supination and pronation
and it surround the radius and connects to the ulna
What bones mainly participate in the elbow joint?
the ulna and humerus
How can the elbow joint move?
can only flex and extend
Name the 3 sections of the wrist and hands?
carpals, metacarpals and flangees
What 4 bones form the radio carpal joints?
the radius, scaphoid, lunat, triquetrum
Where are the distal interphalangeal joints?
between the medial and distal phalanges
Where are the proximal interphalangeal joints?
between the medial and proximal phalanges
Where are the carpometacarpal joints?
connects the carpals to the metacarpals
What muscles make up the anterior compartment of the arm?
biceps brachii
What muscle is the primary flexor of the elbow?
the brachialis
What muscles are in the posterior compartment of the arm?
the triceps brachii -- 3
What does the coracobrachialis connect?
Coraco process to the humerus
What does the brachialis connect?
humerus to ulna
What does the biceps connect?
Scapula to radius
What is the action of the biceps and triceps?
What muscles are in the anterior compartment of the forearm?
pronators of the forearm, wrist flexors, flexors of the digits
What are the 3 heads of the triceps?
long, lateral, medial
What are the muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm?
supinators, wrist extensors, extensor of the digits
Where do all intrinsic muscles of the hand arise?
on the palmar surface
What surface of the hand has long extendors but no muscles?
the dorsal surface
Name the 7 movements of the shoulder
1. flexion
2. extension
3. abduction
4. adduction
5. medical rotation
6. lateral rotation
7. circumduction
What muscles do flexion of the shoulder
pectoralis major, Deltiod, long head of biceps brachii
What muscles do shoulder abduction
Deltoid and supraspinatus
What muscles do shoulder adduction?
pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi
What muscles do lateral rotation of the upper limb?
infraspinatus, Teres minor, posterior deltoid
What muscles do medial rotation of the upper limb?
latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis, anterior deltoid