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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of immunity
Innate and Adaptive
Describe Innate immunity
Defenses are present from birth, and all innate threats are reacted to in the same way
Describe Adaptive immunity
Involves specific recognition of a microbe, and adjustment is slow.
Involves T & B cells
What are the 4 elements of the lymphatic system
1) Fluid: Lymph
2) Lymphatic vessels
3) Structures and organs that contain lymphocytes
4) Red bone marrow: Site of lymphocytes
Define lymph
Interstitial fluid that has entered and flows through lymphatic vessels
What are the 3 functions of the lymphatic system
1) Drains excess interstitial fluid away from cells
2) Transports dietary lipids from small intestine and deposits them all over the body
3) Carries out immune response against microbes and abnormal cells
What is the difference between lymphatic vessels and blood vessels structurally
Lymphatic vessels resemble veins but have thinner walls and more one-way valves
Where are the lymph nodes located and what are they
They are located along the lymphatic vessels and contain B & T cells
What 6 tissues do not have lymphatic tissue
1) Cartilage
2) Epidermis
3) Cornea of eye
4) CNS
5) Spleen
6) Red bone marrow
What do lacteals do
Carry dietary lipids into the lymphatic vessels and then into the blood vessels
What is chyle and where does it occur
it is when there are lipids present in the lymph causing it to be milky white. It occurs when lymph drains from the small intestine.
What are the 5 major lymphatic trunks
1) Lumbar
2) Intestinal
3) Bronchomediastinal
4) Subclavian
5) Jugular trunks
What are the 2 lymphatic ducts of the body
Right and thoracic
What parts of the body do the two lymphatic ducts receive lymph from
Right duct receives from upper right quadrant of the body
Thoracic duct receives from left side of the head, neck, chest, left upper limb, and everything below the ribs
How does lymph flow through the body
Large # of valves
Respiratory pump causes a pressure gradient in the thorax, causing fluid to flow to areas of low pressure
What are the 2 groups of lymphatic organs
- Where stem cells divide and become immunocompetent, including red bone marrow and thymus (where B & T cells are kept)
- Lymph nodes, spleen
Where is the thymus located
In the mediastinum between the sternum and aorta
Describe the structure of the thymus
It has inward trabeculae which create lobules where Immature T cells come from Red bone marrow to mature and proliferate
How does the structure of the lobule cortex help the T-cells mature
The epithelial cells in the cortex have long processes that surround and serve as a frame for the T-cells
They have thymic macrophages to keep the environment optimal for survival of T-cells
Where do surviving T-cells go
The medulla of the thymus
Name the types of cells in the central thymic medulla
Mature T-cells
and Thymic corpuscles
Describe lymph nodes
Located along the lymphatic vessels
600 in the body
Had trabeculae which divides the node into compartments
What is the functional tissue of the lymph node
How does lymph enter and exit lymph nodes
Afferent vessels - Efferent vessels
Where are T and B cells located in the lymph nodes
T cells are in the inner cortex and B cells are in the medulla
State the path of lymph through the 5 parts of the node
Afferent vessels, subscapular sinus, trabecular sinus, medullary sinus, efferent vessels
What 3 processes happen in the lymph
1) Foreign substances are trapped by reticular fibers
2) Macrophages destroy foreign substances via phagocytosis
3) Lymphocytes destroy other foreign substances with immune system
What is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body
Where is the spleen located
Left hypochondriac region between the stomach and diaphragm
What are the two types of parenchyma in the spleen
1) White pulp - Lymphatic tissue containing macrophages and lymphocytes around central arteries
2) Red pulp - Venous sinuses filled with blood and cords of splenic tissue
What are lymphatic nodules
Nodes without the capsule
What are the 5 tonsils of the oral cavity
Pharyngeal, 2 palatine and 2 lingual