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12 Cards in this Set

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Define: Histology
Study of cells, tissues, organs at the microscopic level
What are the limitations for the light microscope?
0.25 um to 1 mm
-see big things, aorta vessels
nuclei and nuceloi
What are the limitations for the electron microscope?
We can see 0.2 nm to 0.25 um
-We can see cytoskeletal elements, mitochondria
What are the basic steps towards processing tissue?
1) Fix it
2) Dehydrate tissue
3) Embed tissue
4) Section tissue
5) Stain Tissue
How do we fix the tissue?
We cross link the protein and tissue together, to maintain the tissue architecture and we use aldehydes and formaldehydes to do this
How do we dehydrate the tissue?
We use ethanol
How do we embed the tissue?
We embed into hard material that can be cut into thin slices
-For light micro, we use wax, parafilm
-For electron, we use plastic
How do we section the tissue?
L.M- we cut think sections 5 to 10 um thick
E.M- cut 25 to 100 nm thick
How do we stain the tissue?
L.M- Histochemical, seize reactive groups on molecules such as charge (sugars) and this is not specific
E.M- use immunostaining, for specific antigens, (specific)
-Heavy metals for transmission EM gold and metal coating for scanning
What are tissues
group of similar cells and surrounding extracellular matrix and extraceullar fluid (also known as intercellular)
4 major tissue types
epithelia, connective tissue, muscle, nervous tissue
what are organs,
they are made up of groups of tissues that act together to carry out specific bodily functions