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85 Cards in this Set

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Location of Unicellular Glands
scattered within epithelial cells
glycoprotein that dissolves in water to become slimy
Multicellular vs. Unicellular Glands
multicellular glands usually have ducts
Components of multicellular gland
secetory unit
epithelium-walled duct
what binds epithelial cells to one another?
adhesion proteins in plasma membrane
wavy contours of membranes of adjacent cells
special cell junctions
all found on lateral surface of cells
tight junctional complex
tight junctions and adherens junctions
tight junction purpose
closes off extracellular space
adherins junction purpose
anchoring junction below tight junction
main anchoring protein
desmosome description
two disc-like plaques connected across intrcellular space by cadherins
intermediate filaments insert into plaques from cytoplasmic side
purpose of intermediate filaments in desmosomes
allow for distribution of tension forces
gap junction function
allow for easy, fast communication between adjacent cells
unique charactersitics of epithelia
special contacts
supported by connective tissue
avascular but enervated
high regenerative capacity
simple squamous epithelium function
passage of materials by passive diffusion
secretes lubricating substances in serosae
simple squamous epithelium
slick lining of hollow organs
simple squamous epithelium
lines peritoneal, pleural, pericardial cavities and covers their visceral organs
location of simple squamous eithelium
alveoli of lungs
lining of heart
blood and lymph vesels
lining of ventral body cavity
shape of nuceli of various epithelia
simple squamous- disc
simple cuboidal- spherical
simple columnar- oval
function of simple cuboidal epithelium
secretion, absorption
location of simple cuboial
kidney tubules
secretory portions of small glands
ovary surface
function of simple columnar epithelium
secretion of mucus
ion transport
connective tissue functions
bind together
classes of connective tissue
connective tissue proper
bone tissue
shared characteristics of connective tissue
originate from mesenchyme
highly vascularized
composed of various cell types
extracellular matrix
strong connective tissue vs. weak connective tissue
strong- less cells, more matrix
weak- more cells, less matrix
ECM composed of two structural components
ground substance
ground substance
medium which nutrients and other dissolved substances can diffuse between blood capillaries and cells
hold interstitial fluid
provide support
made from fibroblast
synovial cavity
joint cavities
parietal serosa
part of membrane lining cavity walls
visceral serosa
part of membrane covering external surface of organs within cavity
serosa lining abdominal cavity and covering its organs
Cell Theory
all organisms composed of cells and cell products
intergral membrane protein vs. peripheral membrane protein
integral- transmembrane
peripheral- do not span entire membrane
hypotonic vs. hypertonic
hypotonic- solution with less water than normal, more solutes
hypertonic- solution with more water than normal, less solutes
forms of endocytosis
receptor-mediated endocytosis
process of exocytosis
vesicle migrates to plasma membrane
proteins from vesicles (v-SNAREs) bind with proteins from membrane layer (t-snares)
lipid layers from both fuse
vesicle releases contents
eukaryotic ribosomal subunits
60S and 40S
free vs. attached ribosomes
free- float in cytosol, make soluble proteins (function in cytosol)
attached- attached to rough ER, make membrane/exported proteins
centrosome vs. centriole
centrosome- spherical structure composed of centrosome matrix and centrioles

centrioles- paired cylindrical bodies of 9 triplets of microtubules, organize mitoic spindle during mitosis
complete set of organism's genes
located on chromosomes in cell's nucleus
combination of DNA and protein molecules
sister chromatids
before cell divides, duplicates all of its chromosomes, resulting in two copies called sister chromatids
division of chromosomes
in prophase, ________ condense into ______
in prophase, chromatin condense into chromosomes
metaphase plate
arrangement of chromosomes alongp plane midway between poles
characteristics of cancer
uncontrolled growth
invasion (and destruction of adjacent tissues)
metastasis (spread to other locations in body)
cancer treatments
radiation therapy- disrupt cell division
chemotherapy- drugs that disrupt cell division
cells that connect body parts or cover organs
epithelial cells
theories of aging
free radical theory
mitochondrial theory
genetic theory
free radical theory
damage from byproducts of cellular metabolism
radicals build up and damage essential molecules of cells
mitochondrial theory
decrease in product of energy by mitochondria weakens, ages our cells
genetic theory
proposes aging programmed by genes
telomeres- "end caps" on chromosomes that limit max number of times cell can divide
telomerase- prevent telomeres from degrading
ground substance
part of extracellular matrix that holds tissue fluid
consists of large sugar (glycoaminoglycogens) and sugar-protein molecules (proteoglycans) that soak up fluid like a spong
function of ground substance
medium through which nutrients, wastes, and other dissolved substances can diffuse between blood capillaries and cells
defense cells of areolar connective tissue
plasma cells
mast cells
neuphils, lymphocytes, eosinophils
location of adipose connective tissue
examples of dense regular connective tissue
tendons and ligaments
characteristics of regular connective tissue
collagen fibers run in same direction
fibroblasts in fibers
poorly vascularized
no fat or defense cells
firm connective tissue that resist compression and tension
matrix of cartilage
thin collagen, ground substances, lots of tissue fluid (cartilage is 80% water)
characteristics of cartilage
no blood vessels or nerve
chondrocyte inside a lacuna
types of cartilage
hyaline cartilage
elastic cartliage
hyaline cartilage function
supports and reinforces
cushioning properties
resists stress
location of hyaline cartilage
costal cartilage of ribs
caritlage of nose, trachea, larynx
fibrocartilage function
tensile strength
can absorb shock
location of fibrocartilage
invertebral disks
pubic symphisis
discs of knee join
elastic cartilage function
flexible, but maintain shape
location of of elastic cartilage
ear, epiglottis
location of stratified squamous
stratified cuboidal location
ducts of sweat glands, mammary glands, salivary glands
goblet cell function
produce mucin, a protein that protects and lubricates many internal body surfaces
protein that connects cells in gap junctions
function of basal lamina
selective filter
scaffolding along which regenerating epithelial cells can migrate
basal lamina
border between epithelia and underlying connective tissues
why is blood an atypical connective tissue?
does not bind or give mechanical support
why is blood a connective tissue?
develops from mesenchyme
consists of blood cells surrounded by nonliving matrix (plasma)
3 types of covering and lining membranes
cutaneous membrane
mucous membrane
serous membrane
mucous membrane location
lines insides of hollow internal organs that opens outside body (i.e. respiratory, digestive, reproductive, urinary systems)
composition of mucous membranae
epithelial sheet above loose connective tissue, lamina propia
cutaneous membrane description
skin covering outer surface of body
cutaneous membrane composition
thick epidermis
connective tissue proper--dense dermis
serous membranes locations
line closed pleural, pericardial, peritoneal cavities
function of serous membrane
produce slippery serous fluid
composition of serous membrane
simple squamous epithelium over thin layer of areolar connective tissue