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381 Cards in this Set

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Os Coxae


Iliac crest

Anterior superior iliac spine

Anterior inferior iliac spine

Posterior superior iliac spine

Posterior inferior iliac spine

Iliac fossa

Auricular surface

Inferior gluteal line

Anterior gluteal line

Posterior gluteal line


Greater sciatic notch

Greater sciatic foramen

Lesser sciatic notch

Lesser sciatic foramen

Ischial spine

Ischial tuberosity


Pubic tubercle

Pecten pubis

Pubic symphysis


Lunate surface

Obturator foramen

Arcuate line

Pelvic brim

False pelvis

True pelvis

Sacroiliac joint

Superior ramus of pubis

Ischiopubic ramus

Subpubic angle

Anterior sacroiliac ligament

Posterior sacroiliac ligament

Sacrospinous ligament

Sacrotuberous ligament

Inguinal ligament


Head - Femur

Neck - Femur

Shaft - Femur

Greater trochanter - Femur

Lesser trochanter - Femur

Intertrochanteric crest - Femur

Intertrochanteric line - Femur

Gluteal tuberosity - Femur

Linea aspera

Medial supracondylar ridge - Femur

Lateral supracondylar ridge - Femur

Popliteal surface - Femur

Lateral condyle - Femur

Medial condyle - Femur

Patellar surface - Femur

Lateral epicondyle - Femur

Medial epicondyle - Femur

Pectineal line - Femur

Adductor tubercle - Femur

Trochanteric fossa - Femur

Fovea capitis - Femur

Ligamentum teres



Soleal line - Tibia

Tibial plateau

Medial condyle - Tibia

Lateral condyle - Tibia

Intercondylar eminence - Tibia

Tibial tuberosity

Superior articular facet - Tibia

Shaft - Tibia

Fibular notch - Tibia

Inferior articular surface - Tibia

Medial malleolus - Tibia

Interosseus membrane - Tibia and Fibula

Head - Fibula

Neck - Fibula

Superior fibular articular facet

Inferior articular surface - Fibula

Lateral malleolus - Fibula

Foot Tarsals


Talocrural joint


Calcaneal tuberosity

Subtalar joint

Sustentaculum tali



Medial cuneiform

Intermediate cuneiform

Lateral cuneiform

Foot Metatarsals

Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal

What is the difference between phalanx and digit?

Phalax make up a digit


Proximal phalanx - Foot

Distal phalanx - Foot

Longitudinal arch*

Plantar aponeurosis

Lunate surface - Hip joint

Transverse acetabular ligament

Acetabular labrum

Synovial membrane

Iliofemoral ligament

Ischiofemoral ligament

Pubofemoral ligament

Congenital hip dysplasia

The ball will slip out of the socket with movement. The joint may sometimes completely dislocate

Sex difference in pelvic girdle

Female - Wider pelvis, rounder pubic arch

Male - Longer and straighter sacrum


A complex form of arthritis. Severe attacks of pain, redness and tenderness in joints, often the joint at the base of the big toe

Plantar fasciosis

Heel pain involving pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia, that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes

Total hip replacement (hip arthroplasty)

Damaged ball and socket is removed and replaced with prosthetic components (metal)

Articular cartilage - Knee joint

Lateral meniscus - Knee joint

Medial meniscus - Knee joint

Fibrous joint capsule

Anterior cruciate ligament

Posterior cruciate ligament

Medial collateral ligament

Lateral collateral ligament

Patellar ligament

Tendon of rectus femoris

Deltoid ligament

Transverse tarsal joint

Obturator nerve


Femoral nerve

Anterior hip thru posterior thigh
Anterior hip thru posterior thigh

Saphenous nerve

Medial knee
Medial knee

Sciatic nerve

Posterior thigh
Posterior thigh

Tibial nerve

Posterior knee/leg

Posterior knee/leg

Medial plantar nerve
Plantar foot
Plantar foot

Lateral plantar nerve

Plantar foot

Plantar foot

Common fibular nerve
Posterior Knee
Posterior Knee

Superficial fibular nerve

Posterior Knee

Posterior Knee

Superior gluteal nerve

Posterior hip
Posterior hip

Inferior gluteal nerve

Posterior hip
Posterior hip

Sural nerve

Anterior leg
Anterior leg

Psoas Major ID

Anterior torso
Anterior torso

Psoas Major "O"

Lumbar vertebrae (T12-L5)

Psoas Major "I"

Lesser trochanter of femur

Psoas Major "N"

Flexes hip joint

Psoas Major "FXN"

Femoral nerve

Iliacus ID
Anterior torso
Anterior torso

Iliacus "O"

Iliac fossa

Iliacus "I"

Lesser trochanter of femur

Iliacus "N"

Flexes hip joint

Iliacus "FXN"

Femoral nerve

Iliopsoas ID
Anterior torso
Anterior torso

Iliopsoas "O"

Lumbar vertebrae (L5-T17) & Iliac fossa

Iliopsoas "I"
Lesser trochanter of femur

Iliopsoas "N"

Femoral nerve
Iliopsoas "FXN"

Flexes hip joint

Sartorius ID
Anterior thigh
Anterior thigh

Sartoirus "O"

Anterior superior iliac spine

Sartorius "I"
Upper medial tibia
Sartorius "N"
Femoral nerve
Sartorius "FXN"
Medially rotate leg & flex hip joint
Rectus Femoris ID
Anterior thigh
Anterior thigh
Rectus Femoris "O"
Anterior inferior iliac spine
Rectus Femoris "I"
Proximal patella
Rectus Femoris "N"
Femoral Nerve
Rectus Femoris "FXN"
Flex thigh & extend leg/knee
Vastus Lateralis ID
Anterior thigh
Anterior thigh
Vastus Lateralis "O"
Frontal side of greater trochanter from femoral shaft & medial margin of linea aspera
Vastus Lateralis "I"
Patella & lateral condyle of tibia
Vastus Lateralis "N"
Femoral nerve
Vastus Lateralis "FXN"
Flex thigh & extend leg/knee
Vastus Medialis ID
Anterior thigh
Anterior thigh
Vastus Medialis "O"
Intertrochanteric line & femoral shaft
Vastus Medialis "I"
Patella & medial condyle of tibia
Vastus Medialis "N"
Femoral nerve

Vastus Medialis "FXN"
Flex thigh & extend leg/knee

Vastus Intermedius ID

Under Rectus Femoris 
Anterior thigh

Under Rectus Femoris

Anterior thigh

Vastus Intermedius "O"

Upper 3/4 femoral shaft

Vastus Intermedius "I"

Vastus Intermedius "N"
Femoral nerve

Fibularis Longus ID
Next to lateral malleolus

Next to lateral malleolus

Fibularis Longus "O"

Lateral surface of proximal 2/3 fibula

Fibularis Longus "I"
Base of 1st metatarsal

Fibularis Longus "N"
Superficial nerve

Fibularis Longus "FXN"

Evert & plantarflex

Fibularis Brevis ID
Next to lateral malleolus

Next to lateral malleolus

Fibularis Brevis "O"
Distal 2/3 of fibula

Fibularis Brevis "I"
Base of 5th metatarsal

Fibularis Brevis "N"

Superficial femoral nerve

Fibularis Brevis "FXN"

Evert & plantarflex foot

Extensor Digitorum Brevis ID
Dorsal foot

Dorsal foot

Extensor Digitorum Brevis "FXN"

Extends toes 1-4

Extensor Digitorum Brevis "N"
Deep fibular nerve

Extensor Hallucis Brevis ID
Anterior leg
Anterior leg
Extensor Hallucis Brevis "FXN"
Extend first toe

Extensor Hallucis Brevis "N"
Deep fibular nerve

Flexor Digitorum Brevis ID
Plantar foot

Plantar foot

Flexor Digitorum Brevis "FXN"

Flexes toes 2-5

Flexor Digitorum Brevis "N"

Medial plantar nerve

Abductor Hallucis ID
(2) Plantar foot

(2) Plantar foot

Abductor Hallucis "FXN"
Abduct first toe

Abductor HalluCIS "N"
Medial plantar nerve

Flexor Hallucis Brevis ID
Plantar foot

Plantar foot

Flexor Hallucis Brevis "FXN"
Flexes first toe

Flexor Hallucis Brevis "N"

Medial plantar nerve

Quadratus Plantae ID
Plantar foot

Plantar foot

Quadratus Plantae "FXN"

Flexes toes

Quadratus Plantae "N"
Lateral plantar nerve

Lumbricals ID
Plantar foot

Plantar foot

Lumbricals "FXN"
Flex joints at base of toes

Lumbricals "N"
Medial & lateral plantar nerve

Plantar interossei ID
Plantar foot

Plantar foot

Plantar interossei "FXN"

Adducts small toes

Plantar interossei "N"
Lateral plantar nerve

Dorsal interossei ID
Dorsal foot

Dorsal foot

Dorsal interossei "FXN"
Abducts small toes

Dorsal interossei "N"
Lateral plantar nerve

Abdominal aorta


Common iliac artery


External iliac artery


Superior gluteal artery


Gracilis ID
Anterior thigh

Anterior thigh

Gracilis "O"

Inferior pubis

Gracilis "I"
Upper medial tibia

Gracilis "N"
Obturator nerve

Gracilis "FXN"
Medially rotate thigh & flex knee

Obturator Externus ID
Posterior hip

Posterior hip

Obturator Externus "O"
Outer margin of obturator foramen

Obturator Externus "I"
Medial trochanteric fosssa

Obturator Externus "N"
Nerve to lateral rotator

Obturator Externus "FXN"
Laterally rotate thigh

Pectineus ID
Anterior thigh, lateral to adductors

Anterior thigh, lateral to adductors

Pectineus "O"
Anterior superior pubic ramus

Pectineus "I"
Pectineal line

Pectineus "N"
Femoral nerve

Pectineus "FXN"

Adducts, flexes, & medially rotates thigh

Adductor Longus ID
Anterior thigh, medial

Anterior thigh, medial

Adductor Longus "O"
Front of pubis

Adductor Longus "I"
Distal 2/3 of linea aspera of femur

Adductor Longus "N"
Obturator nerve

Aductor Longus "FXN"

Adducts, flexes, & medially rotates thigh

Adductor Brevis ID
Underneath Adductor Longus

Underneath Adductor Longus

Adductor Brevis "O"

External pubis

Adductor Brevis "I"

Upper linea aspera

Adductor Brevis "N"
Obturator Nerve

Adductor Brevis "FXN"

Adduts, flexes, & medially rotates thigh

Adductor Magnus - Adductor Component ID
Anterior thigh, medial

Anterior thigh, medial

Adductor Magnus - Adductor Component "O"

External ischiopubic ramus

Adductor Magnus - Adductor Component "I"
Gulteal tuberosity & line aspera

Adductor Magnus - Adductor Component "N"
Obturator nerve

Adductor Magnus - Adductor Component "FXN"
Adducts & flexes thigh
Adductor Magnus - Hamstring component ID
Anterior thigh, medial
Anterior thigh, medial

Adductor Magnus - Hamstring component "O"

Ischial tuberosity

Adductor Magnus - Hamstring component "I"

Upper linea aspera

Adductor Magnus - Hamstring component "N"
Tibial nerve

Adductor Magnus - Hamstring component "FXN"
Adducts and extends thigh

Gluteus Maximus ID
Posterior hip

Posterior hip

Gluteus Maximus "O"
Posterior iliac crest & lateral edge of sacrum

Gluteus Maximus "I"

Gluteal tuberosity of femur

Gluteus Maximus "FXN"

Abducts & laterally rotate thigh, extend thigh

Gluteus Maximus "N"
Inferior gluteal nerve

Gluteus Medius ID
Posterior hip

Posterior hip

Gluteus Medius "O"
Posterior iliac blade

Gluteus Medius "I"

Lateral part of greater trochanter of femur

Gluteus Medius "FXN"

Abducts & medially rotates thigh

Gluteus Medius "N"
Superior gluteal nerve

Gluteus Minimus ID

Posterior hip

Posterior hip

Gluteus Minimus "O"
Posterior Iliac blade

Gluteus Minimus "I"
Lateral part of greater trochanter of femur

Gluteus Minimus "FXN"
Abducts & medially rotates thigh

Gluteus Minimus "N"
Superior gluteal nerve

Tensor Fascia Latae ID
Anterior lateral hip

Anterior lateral hip

Tensor Fascia Latae "O"

Anterior iliac crest

Tensor Fascia Latae "I"
Lateral condyle of tibia

Tensor Fascia Latae "FXN"
Flexes, medially rotates, abducts thigh

Tensor Fascia Latae "N"
Superior gluteal nerve

Piriformis ID

Posterior hip

Posterior hip

Piriformis "O"
Lateral & anterior sacrum

Piriformis "I"
Greater trochanter of femur

Piriformis "FXN"
Laterally rotate thigh

Piriformis "N"
Nerve to lateral rotators

Obturator Internus ID
Posterior hip, partially covered by sciatic nerve
Posterior hip, partially covered by sciatic nerve
Obturator Internus "O"
Internal margin of obturator foramen

Obturator Internus "I"
Greater trochanter of femur

Obturator Internus "FXN"
Laterally rotate thigh

Obturator Internus "N"

Nerve to lateral rotators

Gemellus Superior ID
Posterior hip, partially covered by sciatic nerve

Posterior hip, partially covered by sciatic nerve

Gemellus Superior "O"

Ischial spine

Gemellus Superior "I"
Greater trochanter of femur

Gemellus Superior "FXN"

Laterally rotate thigh

Gemellus Superior "N"
Nerve to lateral rotators

Gemellus Inferior ID
Posterior hip, partially covered by sciatic nerve
Posterior hip, partially covered by sciatic nerve

Gemellus Inferior "O"

Upper ischial tuberosity

Gemellus Inferior "I"

Greater trochanter of femur

Gemellus Inferior "FXN"
Laterally rotate thigh

Gemellus inferior "N"
Nerve to lateral rotators

Quadratus femoris ID
Posterior hip (red)

Posterior hip (red)

Quadratus femoris "I"

Intertrochanteric crest

Quadratus Femoris "FXN"
Laterally rotate thigh

Quadratus Femoris "O"

Lateral ischial tuberosity

Quadratus Femoris "N"
Nerve to lateral rotators

Semitendinosus ID

Semitendinosus "O"

Ischial tuberosity

Semitendinosus "I"
Proximal medial tibia

Semitendinosus "FXN"
Medially rotate leg & extend thigh

Semitendinosus "N"
Tibial nerve

Semimembranosus ID
Posterior thigh

Posterior thigh

Semimembranosus "O"
Ischial tuberosity

Semimembranosus "I"
Medial & posterior surface of tibia

Semimembranosus "FXN"
Medially rotate leg & extend thigh

Semimembranosus "N"
Tibial nerve
Biceps Femoris - Long Head ID
Posterior thigh, medial

Posterior thigh, medial

Biceps Femoris - Long Head "O"
Medial ischial tuberosity

Biceps Femoris - Long Head "I"
Head of fibula

Biceps Femoris - Long Head "FXN"
Laterally rotate leg & extend thigh

Biceps Femoris - Long Head "N"
Tibial nerve

Biceps Femoris - Short Head ID
Posterior thigh, lateral

Posterior thigh, lateral

Biceps Femoris - Short Head "O"
Inferior 2/3 of linea aspera & lateral supracondylar ridge of femur

Biceps Femoris - Short Head "I"

Head of fibula

Biceps Femoris - Short Head "FXN"

Laterally rotate leg & extend thigh

Biceps Femoris - Short Head "N"

Common fibular nerve


Pain from sciatic nerve

Diabetic Neuropathy

Nerve damage from high blood pressure

Lateral Gastrocnemius ID

Lateral Gastrocnemius "O"

Lateral epicondyle of femur

Lateral Gastrocnemius "I"

Calcaneal tuberosity

Lateral Gastrocnemius "FXN"
Plantar flex foot & flex leg

Lateral Gastrocnemius "N"
Tibial nerve

Media Gastrocnemius ID

Medial Gastrocnemius "O"
Medial epicondyle of femur

Medial Gastrocnemius "I"
Calcaneal tuberosity

Medial Gastrocnemius "FXN"

Plantar flex foot & flex leg

Medial Gastrocnemius "N"

Tibial nerve

Plantaris ID

Plantaris "O"

Posterior surface of femur above lateral condyle

Plantaris "I"
Calcaneal tuberosity
Plantaris "FXN"

Plantaris "N"

Tibial nerve

Soleus ID

Soleus "O"
Soleal line

Soleus "I"
Calcaneal tuberosity

Soleus "FXN"

Soleus "N"

Tibial nerve

Popliteus ID

Popliteus "O"

Lateral epicondyle of femur

Popliteus "I"
Posterior tibia near soleal line

Popliteus "FXN"

Invert & plantarflex foot

Popliteus "N"
Tibial nerve

Tibialis Posterior (Tom) ID

Tibialis Posterior "O" (Tom)
Upper back later 1/2 of tibia

Tibialis Posterior "I" (Tom)

Base of middle metatarsals

Tibialis Posterior "FXN" (Tom)
Invert & plantarflex foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus (Dick) ID
Medial ankle
Medial ankle
Flexor Digitorum Longus (Dick) "O"
Medial back of tibial shaft
Flexor Digitorum Longus "I"
Distal phalanx of teres 2-5
Flexor Digitorum Longus "FXN"
Flex digit 2-5 & invert foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus "N"
Tibial nerve
Posterior Tibial Artery and Vein (And) ID
Medial ankle
Medial ankle
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Harry) ID
Medial ankle
Medial ankle
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Harry) "O"
Lower 2/3 back of fibula
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Harry) "I"
Distal phalanx of big toe
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Harry) "FXN"
Flexes big toe
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Harry) "N"
Tibial nerve
Tibialis Anterior ID
Medial ankle
Medial ankle
Tibialis Anterior "O"
Proximal later 1/2 of tibial shaft
Tibialsi Anterior "I"
Base of 1st metatarsal
Tibialis Anterior "FXN"
Dorsiflex & invert foot
Tibialis Anterior "N"
Deep fibular nerve
Extensor Digitorum Longus ID

Extensor Digitorum Longus "O"
Lateral condyle of tibia & proximal 3/4 of fibula
Extensor Digitorum Longus "I"
Middle & distal phalanges of toes 2-5
Extensor Digitorum Longus "FXN"
Extend digits 2-5
Extensor Digitorum Longus "N"
Deep fibular nerve
Extensor Hallucis Longus ID

Extensor Hallucis Longus "O"
Middle anterior edge of fibula
Extensor Hallucis Longus "I"
Distal phalanx of big toe
Extensor Hallucis Longus "FXN"
Extend big toe & inverts foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus "N"
Deep fibular nerve
Fibularis Tertius ID

Fibularis Tertius "O"
Anterior inferior quarter of fibula
Fibularis Tertius "I"
Base of 5th metacarpal
Fibularis Tertius "FXN"
Everts & dorsiflex foot
Fibularis Tertius "N"
Deep fibular nerve