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40 Cards in this Set

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Function of Medulla Oblongata:
reflexive, involuntary control of heart, breathing, and blood vessels
Function of Pons:
timing of subconscious breathing
What does the Cerebellum include?
1. arbor vitae
2. vermis
3. left and right cerebellar hemispheres
Function of Cerebellum:
subconscious control and coordination of voluntary muscle
What does the Midbrain include?
1. Corpora quadrigemina
2. Superior
3. Colliculi
4. Inferior Colliculi
Function of Midbrain:
1. Filter and relay visual (super colliculi) and auditory (inferior colliculi)
2. Reflexive control of eye
3. Movement, focusing lens and pupil diameter
What does the Hypothalamus include?
Mamillary bodies
Function of Hypothalamus:
Control of ANS and pituitary gland and, thereby, regulates involuntary body functions, homeostasis
What does the Thalamus include?
Interthalamic adhesion = intermediate mass
Function of Thalamus:
Crude perception of sensations and emotions and relaying afferent/efferent impulses to/from the cerebrum
Function of Pineal Gland:
Endocrine Gland

Secretes ONE hormone
Function of Pituitary Gland:
Endocrine Gland

Secretes MANY hormones

(includes infundibulum)
Function of Infundibulum:
Transport of hormones and conduction of impulses from hypothalamus to pituitary gland
What does the Cerebrum include?
1. Cerebral Cortex
2. Cerebral tracts/white matter
3. Fornix
4. Longitudinal Fissure
5. Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres
6. Frontal Lobe
7. Parietal Lobe
8. Temporal Lobe
9. Occipital Lobe
10. Corpus Callosum and Anterior Commissure
11. Gyri and Sulci
Function of Cerebrum:
Will (choice)
Intelligence, memory, awareness, and personality
Function of Longitudinal Fissure:
Divides cerebrum into cerebral hemispheres
Function of Left Cerebral Hemisphere:
Dominates in speech sounds and in understanding sequential, rational, and analytical concepts
Function of Right Cerebral Hemisphere:
Dominates in non-speech sounds (melodies, laughing, etc.), in spatial perception and in holistic, artistic and emotional concepts
Function of Frontal Lobe:
Voluntary control over muscles, learning, planning, higher psychological functions
Function of Parietal Lobe:
Perception of sensations of touch, temperature, taste, and body position (kinesthetic sensation)
Function of Temporal Lobe:
Perception of auditory sensations and related speech centers
Function of Occipital Lobe:
Perception of visual sensations
Function of Corpus Callosum and Anterior Commissure:
Communication between the two cerebral hemispheres
Function of Gyri and Sulci:
Increase surface area of cerebrum for exchange of nutrients/wastes to/from blood vessels in the pia mater
List the 12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves:
I. Olfactory Nerve
II. Optic
III. Occulomotor
IV. Trochlear
V. Trigeminal
VI. Abducens
VII. Facial
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
IX. Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Spinal Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal
I. Olfactory

Area of Body: Nasal Mucosa

Function: Carries impulses associated with
II. Optic

Area of Body: Eye

Function: Carries impulses associated with
III. Occulomotor

Area of Body: Most Extrinsic Eye Muscles

Function: Inferior oblique, Superior/Inferior and
medial rectus muscles of eye moving eye in
socket also movement of eyelid, and shape of lens
IV: Trochlear

Area of Body: One Extrinsic Eye Muscle

Function: Innervates superior oblique eye muscle
moving eye in eye socket
V. Trigeminal
Both (Mixed)

Area of Body: Face and Mouth

Function: Major sensory nerve of face/muscles of
VI. Abducens

Area of Body: One extrinsic eye muscle

Function: Innervates lateral rectus eye muscle moving
eye in eye socket
VII. Facial
Both (Mixed)

Area of Body: Face and anterior tongue

Function: Facial expression muscles/tear glands,
salivary glands; taste at anterior portion of
VIII. Vestibulocochlear

Area of Body: Inner ear (vestibule, cochlea and
semicircular canals)

Function: Sensations of balance/equilibrium, motion
and hearing
IX. Glossopharyngeal
Both (Mixed)

Area of Body: Larynx, pharynx, largest salivary gland
and posterior tongue

Function: Muscles of larynx, pharynx, general throat
sensations and Swallowing/Taste (posterior
Pressure receptors from carotid artery
control of blood pressure
X. Vagus
Both (Mixed)

Area of Body: Many viscera of the thoracic and
abdominopelvic cavities

Function: Sensory and motor fibers to pharynx/layrnx,
Sensory impulses from viscera,
Parasympathetic fibers control heart rate
and abdominal visceral organs
XI. Spinal Accessory

Area of Body: Neck Muscles and many thoracic and
abdominopelvic viscera

Function: Voice production, neck movement, motor
control of innervated viscera/movement of
XII. Hypoglossal

Area of Body: Tongue

Function: Movement of tongue
3 Sensory Cranial Nerves:
I. Olfactory
II. Optic
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
5 Motor Cranial Nerves:
III. Occulomotor
IV. Trochlear
VI. Abducens
XI. Spinal Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal
4 Mixed Cranial Nerves
V. Trigeminal
VII. Facial
IX. Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus