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26 Cards in this Set

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What nerve innervates the hip adductor muscles?
What are the bones of the foot?
Tall Californian Navy Medcial Interns Lay Chicks: Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, Medial cuneiform, Intermediate cuneiform, Lateral cuneiform, Cuboid
What are the three muscles on the anterior compartment of the leg?
Tibialis anterior, Extensor Digitorum Longus, Extensor Hallucis Longus (all by Deep Fibular n.)
How many "layers" are there on the anterior leg?
How many "layers" are there on the posterior leg?
What are the lateral muscles of the leg?
Fibularis longus (recall tendon extends all the way to under foot to first metatarsal [eversion]) and Fibularis brevis (superficial fibular n.)
What are the anterior muscles of the leg?
Tibialis anterior, Extensor Digitorum longus, Extensor hallucis longus (deep fibular n.)
What are the posterior muscles of the leg (superficial layer)?
gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris (tibial n.)
What are the posterior muscles of the leg (deep layer)?
Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Hallucis Longus, Flexor Digitorum Longus, [& Popliteus] (tibial n.) --> tendons on medial ankle are Tom Dick and a Very Nervous Harry
What muscles are in the first layer of the foot?
ABductor hallucis, Abductor digiti minimi, Flexor digitorum brevis (medial plantar n., lateral plantar n. for minimi (pinky))
What are the muscles in the second layer of the foot?
quadratus plantae, Lumbricals (4) (lateral plantar n., except 1st lumbrical is medial plantar n.)
What are the muscles in the third layer of the foot?
Adductor Hallucis (oblique and transverse heads), flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digiti minimi brevis,
What are the muscles in the fourth layer of the foot?
plantar interosseus (3) --> adductors; DORSAL interosseus (4) --> abductors (lateral plantar n.)
What is the deepest ligament in the fourth plantar level?
Long plantar ligament
What are the four "components" of the inside of the knee?
lateral and medial meniscus; anterior and posterior cruciate ligament
what ligament is on the anterior side of the hip joint?
illeofemoral ligament
what ligament is on the posterior side of the hip joint?
ischeofemoral ligament
what ligament is on the inferior side of the hip joint?
pubofemoral ligament
What nerve gives cutaneous innervation to the anterior thigh and down to anterior/medial portion of the leg?
anterior cutaneous branches of femoral in thigh... saphenous nerve (branches from femoral)
what nerve gives cutaneous innervation to the lateral thigh?
lateral femoral cutaneous
does the obturator provide any cutaneous innervation?
yes, patch on the medial thigh
what nerve gives cutaneous innervation to the posterior lateral leg?
sural nerve
what innervates the heel (cutaneous)?
medial calcaneal branches from tibial
what nerve innervates the majority of the plantar surface (digits 1-4)?
medial plantar n.
what nerve innervates the strip of the plantar surface leading up to digit 5)?
lateral plantar n.
* what nerve innervates (cutaneous) the antero/lateral portion of the leg and dorsal foot?
superficial fibular n.