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147 Cards in this Set

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  1. What lines the inner surface of fibrous pericardium?
parietal layer of serous pericardium
2.       What is a subdivision of the heart that is behind the heart and is surrounded by reflection of serous pericardium and R and L pulmonary v and IVC?
oblique sinus
3.       The apex of the heart is formed by what?
4.       The base “posterior” part of the heart is formed by what?
LA and little RA
5.       What makes the right “acute” border of the heart?
6.       What is a groove on the external RA that cooresponds to the crista terminalis?
Sulcus Terminalis
7.       What is the point where interventricular and interatrial sulci cross the coronary sulcus?
8.       What prevents prolapsed in the heart?
Chordae Tendinae
9.       What are prominent ridges of atrial myocardium?
Pectinate Muscles
10.   what is the upper rounded margin of the Fossa ovalis?
Limbus Fossa
11.   What provides origin of the Pectinate muscles?
Crista Terminalis
12.   What drain to the foramina venarum minimarum cordis?
Venae Cordis Minimae
13.   What is another name for Renal Fascia?
14.   What is the name of the fat that lies external to the Renal Fascia?
15.   Where does the Right Gonadal Artery drain?
16.   Ligamentun Teres Hepaticus is an embryologic remnant of what?
Left Umbilical Vein
17.   What in the embryo shunted blood from the L umibilical vein to the IVC?
Ductus Venosus
18.   What is the area of transition between kidney and ureter?
Renal Pelvis
19.   Median Arcuate Ligament is formed by what?
Iliac Fascia
20.   Lateral Arcuate ligament is formed by what?
Quadratus Lumborum
21.   What is the medial concave margin where Renal Hilum and Renal Pelvis meet?
Renal Sinus
22.   What will be responsible for collateral circulation if the Superior Mesenteric Artery is occluded proximally?
Gastroduodenal Artery
23.   What artery supplies the distal lesser curvature of the stomach?
Right Gastric A
24.   What artery supplies the gallbladder?
R Hepatic A
25.   What supplies blood to the head and uncinate process of the pancreas?
Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal A
26.   What supplies blood supply to the splenic flexure and the descending colon?
L Colic A
27.   What does the Left Gonadal V drain to?
L Renal V
28.   Which adrenal gland is harder to remove?
R Adrenal Gland
29.   What lies between the roof of the Oblique Sinus and the floor of the transverse sinus?
Upper Marginal LA
30.   The arch of the Aorta passes behind what? It’s important for ligature.
Transverse Sinus
31.   What would you do with someone in Cardiac Tamponade?
32.   What is the nodule found on the Lunula?
Nodule of Aratius
33.   What is another name for the Coronary sinus? There are two.
Sigmoid Sinus & Sinus of Valsava
34.   What is the widow maker?
35.   What is another name for the Left Oblique Artery?
36.   Septal branch of Left Anterior Descending artery gives supply to what?
AV Fascicle (Bundle of His)
37.   LAD and artery of Conus of RCA anastomose where?
Circle of Vieussens
38.   What provides 40% blood supply to the SA nodal branch?
39.   The Eustachian Valve and the Thesepian Valve make up what?
Tendon of Todora
40.   What has thicker trabeculae carnae?
41.   What provides communication between the Right Bundle Branch and the ant. Papillary muscles?
Tranbeculum Septum Marginalis
42.   What is another name for septomarginal trabecula?
Moderator Band
43.   What determines R or L dominance?
44.   What is the dermatome for the xiphoid appendix?
45.   What is the dermatome for about 1” above pubic symphysis?
46.   What is the bikini cut women prefer for cesearian?
Phanhensteil (horizontal suprapubic)
47.   What incision would you make with a colicisectomy?
Kocher Incision
48.   What is used to enlarge the surgical field?
Paramedian Laparotomy
49.   Pain at McBurny’s point would signify someone has what?
50.   Where would you palpate for a suspected neoplasm of the head of the pancreas?
Fundus of Gallbladder
51.   What is the point of costal cartilage 9 meeting the midclavicular line?
Murphy's Point
52.   Pain at Murphy's point is an implication of what?
Gallbladder Problem
53.   What is the name of the referred shoulder pain that is found with a positive Murphy’s point?
54.   What is a superficial layer of the abdomen that is strong enough to hold sutures?
55.   Superficial Vessels of Lower Limb anastomose with what?
Lateral Thoracic V
56.   What is a dilation of paraumbilical veins and is common with people suffering from cirrhosis?
Caput Medusa
57.   What is the name for deep muscular fascia?
58.   What is it called to have a bluish left paraumbilical region?
Cullens Sign
59.   The potential space in the retroperitoneum in the flank and inguinal region would give you a bluish flank, known as what?
Gray Turners Sign
60.   What hangs on the decussation of the linear alba?
Lateral Crux
61.   What is fibers of the Transverse Abdominais fibers merging with Inferior Oblique fibers?
Conjoined Tendon
62.   What is another name for the Conjoined Tendon?
Falx Inguinalis
63.   What is a reflection of aponeurosis of the External Oblique muscle?
Inguinal Ligament
64.   What is another name for the Inguinal Ligament?
Poupart's Ligament
65.   What is another name for the Lacuna Ligament?
66.   What dermatome would be affected with an incision for an appendectomy?
Dermatome T12
67.   What provides reflex for the Cremasteric Muscle?
GenitaFemoral N
68.   Meralgia Paraesthetica is damage to what nerve?
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N
69.   What gives you sensation 1” above the penis and the lateral scrotum?
Ilioguinal N
70.   Celiac Trunk emerges from Aortic Hiatus at what thoracic segment?
71.   What does the Superior Epigastric A anatomose with?
Inferior Epigastric A
72.   What lies medial to the Femoral A?
Femoral V
73.   What runs from Subcostal border and out between the transversis abdominus and Inner Oblique?
Intercostal N
74.   What connects the stomach and Transverse Colon?
Gastrocolic Lig
75.   What is found within the curve of the duodenum?
Head of the Pancreas
76.   What holds up the duodenal-jejunal flexure?
Ligament of Treitz (suspesory lig)
77.   Sigmoid Colon merges with rectum where?
78.   Gallbladder drains bile via what?
Cystic Duct
79.   What is another name for the Round Ligament?
Ligamentum Teres
80.   What enters the Porta Hepatis?
Hepatic A and V
81.   What makes up the vertical ligament of the liver?
Ligamentum Teres & Ligamentum Venosum
82.   What lies within the Hepatoduodenal ligament?
Common Bile Duct
83.   Falciform Ligament becomes what on the top of the liver?
Coronary Lig
84.   What runs beneath the Pancreas on the way to the liver?
Portal V
85.   What passes behind the 1st part of the duodenum?
Common Bile Duct
86.   What is found behind ribs 9, 10 and 11?
What is found between the medial and median fold?
Suprapubic Vessels
88.   What runs through the Lateral Fold?
Inferior Epigastric Vessels
89.   What forms the Speigel line?
Median Fold?
90.   What is done to stop bleeding by squeezing the portal triad?
Pringles Maneuver
91.   What is the name of the Hepatodiaphragmatic Pouch?
92.   What are you percussing at the midaxillary line between 9-11th ICspace in the left side?
93.   The Superior Duodenal Fold and the Inferior Duodenal Fold form what?
Paraduodenal Fossa
94.   What is found between the abdominal wall the ascending and descending colon?
Paracolic Gutter
95.   What can happen if you get pus accumulation in paracolic space?
Pelvic Perionitis
96.   What part of the liver can dangerous due to spread of infection?
Bare Area
97.   Bare area of the liver is covered by what?
Capsule of Glisson
98.   What runs through Calot’s Triangle?
Cystic A
99.   What is another name for Calot’s triangle?
Hepatobiliary Triangle and Cystohepatic Triangle
100.                        Why would Calot’s Triangle become enlarged?
Cholecystitis or Cholangitis
101.                        What is another name for Abdominal Nutcracker?
Renal V Entrapment
102.                        What is compressing the Left Renal V with the Abdominal Nutcracker?
SMA and Abdominal Aorta
103.                        What would be a possible reason for this compression?
104.                        The left Gastromental A branches from what?
Splenic A
105.                        The Right Gastromental A branches from what?
Gastroduodenal Artery
106.                        What is a cartilaginous capsule covering the external surface of the liver?
Capsule of Glisson
107.                        What runs the margin of the Large Intestine?
Marginal A of Drummond
108.                        What is known as the Designer Jean Disease?
Meralgia Paraesthetica
109.                        What do you find 3cm lateral and above the Naval?
Renal A
110.                        What supplies the afferent limb of the Cremasteric reflex?
Ilioguinal N
111.                        What provides sensory info to the triangle of Scarpa?
Femoral Br. Of Genitofemoral N
112.                        What is the efferent lim of the Cremasteric reflex?
Genital Br. Of Genitofemoral N
113.                        What is the importance of the Lumbar Triangle of Petite?
Lumbar Hernia
114.                        What is a shock absorber for trauma of the kidney?
Pararenal Fat
115.                        How do Gonadal Vessels run in comparison to the ureters?
116.                        Variocels in young males resulting from Renal V Entrapment will be found where?
L Side
117.                        Where do you find dense fibroelastric CT and Brunner’s Glands?
Duodenum Submucosa
118.                        What forms the Internal Anal Sphincter?
Inner Circular Mus. Externa of Anal Canal
119.                        What is another name for the Valves of Kerkring?
Plicae Circularis or Circular Folds
120.                        What is found at the base of Crypts of Lieberkuhn?
Paneth Cells
121.                        what are absorptive cells found in the epithelium of the Small Intestine?
122.                        What secrete lysozymes in the Epithelium of the SI?
Paneth Cells
123.                        What has villi in a finger like shape?
124.                        What has short villi and big Peyer’s Patches?
125.                        What are branched tubular glands found in the Duodenum?
Brunner's Gland
126.                        Villi have what blind ended lymphatic capillary?
127.                        What secretes IgA?
Plasma Cells
128.                        What secretes tumor necrosis factor, lysozymes, and alpha defensins cryptidins?
Paneth Cells
129.                        What are large aggregates of lymphoid nodules that extend thru MM to SM?
Peyer's Patches
130.                        Inner circular muscularis in the Large Intestine is responsible for what?
131.                        Outer longitudinal musclularis in the LI are responsible for what?
132.                        What has a narrow, stellate irregular shaped lumen that sometimes contains debris?
133.                        What is the External Anal Sphincter made of?
Skeletal M
134.                        what is the liver outflow?
IVC and Hepatic Duct
135.                        What does the Liver do as an exocrine function?
Produces Bile
136.                        What is also known as the Classic Liver Lobule?
Hepatic Lobule
137.                        What is also known as the terminal hepatic venule?
Central V
138.                        What is the Space of Mall?
periportal space
139.                        Sinusoidal Capillaries run between plates of hepatocytes and contain what?
Phagocytic Kupffer Cells
140.                        What is another name for Phagocytic Kupffer Cells?
Stellate Macrophages
141.                        What are expanded intercellular spaces between adjacent hepatocytes?
Bile Canaculi
142.                        What connects with bile ductules in portal space after penetrating the limiting plate?
Periportal Bile Ductule
143.                        What are two other possible names for Periportal Bile Ductule?
C anal of Hering or Cholangoie
144.                        What contains Hepatic Stellate Cells?
Perisinusoidal Space
145.                        What is another name for Perisinusoidal Space?
Space of Disse
146.                        What is responsible for storage of Vitamin A in the liver?
Hepatic Stellate Cells
What is another name for Hepatic Stellate Cells?
Ito Cells