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54 Cards in this Set

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decreases joint angle


straightens a joint angle


body part away from the midline


movement towards the midline


raise body part vertically


lowers body part vertically


movement forward in horizontal plane


movement backwards in horizontal plane


movement of an appendage in a cone shape


bone turns around a fixed axis


seen to move foot or arm over to move palm "up"


move palm facing backwards or downward

ball and socket joint

shoulder and hip

condylar joint

oval surface fits into depression. moves in two planes. wrist

saddle joint

saddle like appearance. biaxial movement. thumb

plane (gliding) joint

flat surfaces. limited movements. joints b/w carpal bones

hinge joints

joint "hinges" into another. movement in one direction. elbow

pivot joints

spins on longitudinal axis. move in one direction. radioulnar joint


a broad, flat, sheet of tendon

lumbosacral fascia

large triangular sheet of tendon on dorsal trunk

illiotibila tract

a band of tendon on the lateral thigh area from the iliac crest to the lateral tibial condyle

linea alba

a narrow band of tendon that extends from the xiphoid process to the symphsis pubix

inguinial ligament

a tendenous band extending from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic bone


O: distal, anterior humerus

I: coronoid process of the ulna

A: flex the forearm

Triceps brachii

O: distal 2/3 of dorsal humerus and intermuscular septa

I: heavy flat tendon of cranial edge of olecranon process of ulna

A: extend the forearm

Biceps brachii

O: supraglenoid tubercle and coracoid process

I: radial tuberosity

A: flex and supinate forearm

flexor carpii radialis

O: medial epicondyle of humerus

I: 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

A: flex wrist and abduct the hand

extensor carpi ulnaris

O: medial epicondyle of the humerus

I: 5th metacarpal

A: extend and adduct the wrist

rectus abdominus

O: external surfaces of cartilages 5-7, xiphoid process

I: pubic symphysis and crest

A: flex lumbar vertebrae, compress abs in forced expiration

external obliques

O: outer surface of ribs 5-12, interdigitating with serrtia anterior, linea alba

I: iliac crest, inguinal ligament

A: compresses abdomen, opposite rotator of thoraic vertebrae

pectoralis major

O: clavical, sternum and cartilage of first 6 ribs

I: greater tubercle

A: flex, adduct, and rotate arm


O: occipital bone and spines of c7 through all thoraic vertebrae

I: clavicle, and acromion spind of scapula

A: extend head and shrug shoulders

latissumus dorsi

O: spines of T^-L%, iliac and sacral crests

I: intertubercular groove

A: extend, adduct, and rotate arm


O: clavicle, and acromion and spine of scapula

I: deltoid tuberosity

A: abduct the arm


O: inferior ramus and body of pubic bone

I: medial condyle of tibia

A: adduct thigh and flex leg

vastus intermedius

O: dorsolateral surface of femur near lateral linea aspera (middle of proximal femur)

I: mid-tibial tuberosity

A: extends the knee

vastus medialis

O: medial surface of femur next to vastus intermedius

I: medial patella, medial tibial tuberosity, next to vastus intermedius

A: extends knee, displaces patella medially, rotates femus laterally on tibia

vastus lateralis

O: next to vastus intermedius on lateral surface of femur

I: lateral patella, lateral tibial tuberosity

A: extends knee, displaces patella laterally, rotates femur medially

rectus femoris

O: anterior inferior iliac spine, cranial lip of acetabulum

I: joins tendon of vastus intermedius

A: extends knee, flexes hip


O: anterior superior iliac spine

I: medial proximal tibia

A: flex leg and flex and rotate thigh (cross legs)

tibialis anterior

O: lateral condyle and body of tibia

I: 1st metacarpal and tarsal bones

A: dorsiflex and invert foot


O: lateral and medial condyles of femur

I: calcaneous

A: plantar flex foot and flex leg


O: head of fibula and medial proximal tibia

I: calcaneous

A: plantarflex foot

gluteus maximus

O: sacrum and ilium

I: proximal femur

A: extends hip during forceful exertion


O: galea aponeurosis

I: skin above supraorbital margin

A: raise eyebrows


O: occipital bone and mastoid process

I: galea aponeurosis

A: pull scalp posteriorly


O: temporal bone

I: coronoid process of mandible

A: elevate (closes) jaw

orbicularis oris

O: fascia associated with maxillae, mandible, and lips

I: muscles and skin at angle of mouth

A: purses and puckers lips


O: alverolar process of posterior mandible and maxilla

I: orbicularis oris muscle

A: compresses cheek when blowing or sucking

Zygomatic Minor

O: ventral surface of zygomatic bone

I: skin of nasolabial groove and upper lip

A: elevate upper lip laterally

Zygomatic Major

O: ventral part of zygomatic arch

I: modiolus at corner of the mouth

A: pull upward and laterally on modiolus at mouth corners

orbicularis oculi

O: medial wall of the orbit

I: tissue of eyelid

A: closes the eye


O: zygomatic arch

I: angle and ramus of mandible

A: closes the jaw (chewing)


O: mid-clavic and manubrium of sternum

I: mastoid process of temporal bone

A: flexes and rotates head