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33 Cards in this Set

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Anterior and lateral boundaries of abdominopelvic cavity.
Abdominal muscles; bony pelvis
In males the _______ penetrates the abdominal muscles inferiorly as it passes through the inguinal canal.
Spermatic cord
The abdominal muscles and bony pelvis form what boundaries of the abdominal cavity?
Anterior and lateral
List the structures of the posterior boundary of the abdominopelvic cavity.
Vertebral column, bony pelvis, iliopsoas muscles, and fascia
Superior boundary of abdonoinopelvic cavity. Inferior boundary?
Diaphragm; pelvic diaphragm
Which muscles form the pelvic diaphragm? The pelvic diaphragm forms what boundary of the abdominopelvic cavity?
LEvator ani, coccygeous muscles; inferior boundary
List which structures make up the boundaries of the abdominopelvic cavity.
Anterior/lateral: Abdominal muscles, bony belvis.
Posterior: vertebral column, bony pelvis, iliopsoas muscle, and fascia
Superior: Diaphragm
Inferior: Pelvic diaphragm (levator ani, coccygeous)
Origin/Insertion: Rectus abdominus
Origin: Pubis; Insertion: Xiphoid process of sternum
O/I: external oblique
O: Borders of ribs 5-12, I: linea alba
O/I: internal oblique
O: lumbodorsal fascia and iliac crest
I: inferior surface of ribs 9-12, linea alba, and pubis
O/I: transverse abdominus
O: cartilage of lower ribs, lumbodorsal fascia, and iliac crest
I: linea alba, pubis
O/I: psoas major:
O: transvers processes of Vertebrae T12-L5
I: lesser trochanter of femur
O/I: ilacus
O; iliac fossa, insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
Why are the iliacus and psoas major muscles often called the ilipopsoas muscles?
Common insertion (lesser trochanter of femur)
What connects the rectus abdominus muscles?
Linea alba (tough band of CT)
The linea alba is a attachment site for what?
Aponeuroses of three abdominal oblique muscles
Together, the muscles of the pelvic floor form what?
Urogenital triangle; anal triangle
Why do pregnant and recently pregnant women do Kegels?
Strengthen pelvic floor muscles
The levatores ani muscles are funnel-shaped, and they taper to surround what structures?
Anal canal, external anal sphincter
the _____ form the pelvic floor and support the pelvic organs
Levatores ani
Which muscles form the levatores ani muscles?
Pubococcygeus; Iliocoxycygenus
O/: Levator ani
O: inner wall of pelvis from pubis to spine of ischium
I: inner wall of coccyx, medial part of opposite levator ani
O/I: Coccygeus
O: ischium; I: sacrum and coccyx
Location of coccygeus muscle
Posterior to levator ani, anterierior to piriformis
Role of cocyggeus
Assisting levator ani in supporting pelvic organs
Actions of bulbospongiosus muscle in males
Maintain errection; aid in ejaculation, ejection of urine from urethra
Location of bulbospongiosus muscle in females?
Deep to labia, covers bulb of vestibule
Erectile tissue that surrounds vaginal and urethral orifices.
Location of bulbospongiosus muscle in males.
Covers bulb (base) of penis
O/I: ischiocavernosus muscle
O: ischial tuberosity
I: close to pubic symphysis along crura (legs) of penis/clitoris
Most superficial of anterolateral muscles
External oblique
Muscle that lies deep to external abdominal oblique.
Intneral oblique
Innermost of abdominal muscles, deep to internal oblique
transverse abdominus