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80 Cards in this Set

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Name the two layers that make up skin.

Epidermis (Outer) and Dermis (Deepest Layer)

What is the epidermis composed of? What is the function?

Keritanized Stratified Squamous Epithelium- Keratin isa hydrophobic protein that helps to waterproof the skin

Name the layers of the Epidermis

Can Lucy Go Swim Backwards






Stratum Corneum

The most superficial layer of the epidermis composed of dead keratin cells that waterproof the skin

Stratum granulosum

The very thin layer of cells in which the cells have lost their nucleus, below the most superficial layer of the skin

Function:Exocytosis of lipids for waterproofing

Stratum Spinosum

The fourth deepest layer of the epidermis that have spiny like appearing cells, and keratinization occurs in this layer.

Stratum Basale

The deepest regenerative layer of the epidermis, consisting of a single layer of cells that are attached to the dermis by the basement membrane and alive and dividing.

How often does the skin replenish itself?

Every 6 to 8 weeks

Which layer of the epidermis contains melanocytes? what are they?

They are in the basal layer and are Specialized cells that produce a brown colored pigment known as melanin to protect from UV radiation

Name the 2 layers of the dermis.

Papillary layer and reticular layer

Papillary Layer

The most superficial layer of the dermis in which the dermal papillae which are upward projections of the dermis that fit with the downward projections of the epidermis

What does the dermis contain?

Blood vessels, nerves, sensory receptors, hair follicles, and glands.

Stratum Lucidum


The light colored layer of the epidermis that is a layer of dead cells that contain a precursor protein to keratin.

What are the two structures responsible for light touch? where are they located?

Meissners corpsucle (Superficial Dermis) and Merkel Discs (Superficial and deep dermis as well as hair follicles)

What is the structure responsible for deep touch? Where are they located?

Pacinian Corpuscles, located Deep in the dermis


Also known as the subcutaneous layer, it is found deep to the dermis and contains a vast vascular supply

What is the hypodermis composed of?

Dense irregular connective tissue

Sudoriferous Glands

Sweat Glands

What are sweat glands composed of?

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Name the two types of Sudoriferous glands.

Eccrine (Merocrine) glands and Apocrine Glands

What do Apocrine glands do?

Secrete water, lipids and proteins that are broken down by bacteria and cause body odor

Eccrine Glands

Temperature sensitive glands that produce sweat in order to cool the body using evaporative heat loss

Sebaceous Gland

Oil glands that are often associated with hair follicles and are much larger than sweat glands, they release sebum, which helps to lubricate the hair and provide a waterproofing function

Name the parts of hair

Shaft, root, hair bulb,

What are hair follicles?

projections of the epidermal layers into the dermis

Hair Shaft

The part that comes out of the skin surface

Hair root

The deep component of the hair that is enclosed by the follicle

Hair bulb

Actively growing part of the hair

What is determinant hair?

Hair that grows to a specific length then stops

How does hair stand up?

With the contraction of the piliorector muscles next to the hair follicle, which are smooth muscle and involuntary

What are nails?

An extension of the stratum corner of the epidermis that occur on the distal end of fingers and toes

Nail Root

The area of the nail that grows and is found underneath the cuticle

Nail Bed

Underneath the nail body


Small white crescent looking structure that is found at the base of the nail


Portion under the free edge of nail

Name the two main divisions of the skeletal system.

The axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton

What does the axial skeleton contain?

Skull, hyoid, veterbral column, ribs, and the sternum ( notice these are found along the central axis of the body.

What does the appendicular skeleton contain?

The pectoral Girdle (Upper extremities) and the pelvic girdle (Lower Extremities)

How many bones does a young adult have?

Approximately 206

Why are less bones found as humans age?

Because some bones fuse

what are chondyles and heads?

Locations where bone articulates with another bone

Name the projections in which muscle can attach to bone (3)

Tubercles, spines, trochanters

What are depressions in bones for?

For blood vessels and nerves to pass through

Name the parts of the skull

Frontal Bone- Forehead

Maxilla- upper jaw

Mandible- lower jaw

Parental Bone- Top back of skull

Occipital Bone-very back of skull

Name the parts of the pectoral girdle

Clavicle- collar bone

Scapula- Shoulder blade

Name the parts of the thoracic cage

Sternum- center of chest


Costal Cartilages- floating ribs

What are the bones of the arm?

Upper arm- humerus

Forearm- Ulna & Radius

What are the spine bones called?

Vertebral column

Name the parts of the pelvis

Hip Bones


Coccyx- tail bone

Knee bone


Name the bones of the femoral and crural regions

Femur- Thigh

Fibula(Calf) &Tibia(Shin)

What is bone composed of?

Organic and inorganic material

Organic- collagen fibers and cells

inorganic- Calcium phosphate salt

Name the parts of long bones.

Distal end- Epiphyses

Middle Shaft- diaphysis

Articular cartilage- End of bone to reduce friction

What is an epiphyseal plate?

A growth plate made of hyaline cartilage

Medullary cavity

Internal hollowed out structure in bones where bone marrow is housed

Compact bone

Bone found on the outside of bone

Spongy Bone

Found on the inner portion os bones with trabecular that are oriented in the direction of stress on the bone

Nutrient Foramina

Small holes in the Diaphysis (shaft) of long bones that allow the passage of blood vessels into and out of the bone


Dense connective tissue sheath on the outside surface of bone where blood vessels and nerves are found.

Function: Serves as attachment for tendons and ligaments

What do tendons do? What do ligaments do?

Tendons- attach muscles to bones

Ligaments-Serve to attach one bone to another bone


Liner of the inner surface of bone

What are the five main shapes of bones?

Long, short, flat, sesamoid(Kneecap), irregular


Modular units that bones are organized into

What are the parts of osteons?

Central canal, lamellae, and lacunae.

What are the three main bone cells?

Osteo blasts:Cells from stem cells "Bone builders"

Osteocytes: Mature cells that send signals of stress to the bone

Osteoclasts: Fusion of stem cells and bone to for cells that breakdown bone (Multinucleated)

Name the parts of the scapula

Three borders- Superior border, medial border, and a lateral border

Superior border includes:Scapular notch (Indentation)

Sub scapular Fossa

Supraspinous fossa

Infraspinous fossa

Acromion process

Coracoid process

Inferior angle

Superior angle

Glenoid Fossa

Infraglenoid tubercle

What does the scapular notch do?

Allows for nerve innervation

Name the different projections from the bone surface

Process, Tubercle, tuberosity,spine,condyle,epicondyle,head, neck, crest, line , facet, trochanter, ramus

Name the depressions or holes in the bone surface.

Foramen, Sinus, Meatus of canal,Fossa, Notch, Groove or sulcus, Fissure

Name the bones of the clavicle

Conoid tubercle

Acromial End (Articulates with shoulder)

Sternal End (Articulates with sternum)

Name the parts of the humerus


Epiphyseal line/plate

Greater and lesser tubercles

Intertubercular sulcus

Surgical Neck

Deltoid tuberosity

Coronoid foss




Lateral epicondyle

Which bone of the forearm is medial?

The ulna

Name the parts of the radius

Proximal head

Radial Tuberosity

Styloid Process

Ulnar Notch

Where does the radius and ulna join?

The ulnar notch

Name the parts of the ulna

Trochlear Notch

Olecranon Process(Elbow )

Coronoid Process

Styloid ProcessRadial Notch

Name the three groups of bones in each hand

Carpals, Metacarpals, and the phalanges

Name the bones of the Carpal

He Pulls His Tongue Left To Take Capsules Smoothly

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Name the bones of the pelvic girdle

Iliac crest


Anterior and Posterior iliac spine

Anterior inferior Iliac spine

Greater and lesser Sciatic Notch


Spine of Ischium

Ischial Tuberosity

Obturator Foramen

Ramus of Ischium

Superior and inferior ramus of pubis

Name the parts of the femur


Fovea capitis

Greater and lesser Trochanters

Intertrochanter crest

Anterior intertrochanteric line

Patellar surface

Linea aspera Gluteal tuberosity

Medial and Lateral Condyles

Adductor tubercle

What is the name of the patella? Name the parts

The sesamoid bone