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54 Cards in this Set

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Ligaments of the Acromioclavicular Joint
*Gliding Joint*

1) Acromioclavicular Ligament (forms joint capsule)

2) Conoid Ligament
3) Trapezoid Ligament
--> 2&3 connect to Coracoid Process
Shoulder Separation
aka Acromioclavicular Dislocation

Result of a severe lateral blow to the shoulder complex
Ligaments of the Shoulder Joint
*Ball & Socket Joint*

1) Glenohumeral Ligament
--> Forms joint capsule, weakest portion is anterior, inferior capsule
2) Acromioclavicular Ligament
---> Forms "roof" above joint
3) Coracohumeral Ligament
---> Helps strengthen superior capsule
Shoulder Dislocation
Occurs from landing on a hyperextended, laterally rotated arm

--> Causes head of humerus to rip through anterior capsule
What helps increase the joint stability of the scapula joint?
Glenoid Labrum

(rim of fibrocartilage around the glenoid fossa)
Ligaments of Elbow Joint
*True hinge - trochlea articulates w/ trochlear notch in ulna*

1) Humeroulnar
2) Humeroradial
---> 1&2 form joint capsule

3) Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligaments
Elbow Capsule
aka Proximal Radio-Ulnar Joint

Pivot (head of radius w/ capitulum)

Annular Ligament
--> Wraps around head of radius (stabilizes joint)
Middle Radio-Ulnar Joint

-->Collagen fibers run from radius down to ulna
-->Go into tension w/ force from Radius
Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint
Pivot Joint
--> Formed by head of ulna against ulnar notch of radius
Wrist Joint
Condyloid Joint

Ulnar Deviation/Radial Deviation
Joints of the Hand
1) Intercarpal = Gliding
2) 1st Carpometacarpal = Saddle
3) Carpometacarpal = Gliding
4) Metacarpophalangeal = Condyloid
5) Interphalangeal = Hinge
Connective Tissues of Skeletal Muscle (superficial to deep)
1) Epimysium (surrounds skeletal muscle)

2) Perimysium (surrounds fascicles)

3) Endomysium (surrounds muscle fibers)
Main components of a Myofibril
- Z-line
- M-line
- Actin Filament
- Myosin Filament
- Myosin Head
- Titin
- Sarcomere
Energy Equation
ATP <--(Myosin ATPase)--> ADP + P + energy
Actin Filament
1) G-Actin molecule
2) Tropomyosin Strand (spans 7 G-Actins)
3) Troponin molecule
3 Subunits of Troponin
1) Troponin-C (binds to Ca2+)

2) Troponin-T (binds to Tropomyosin)

3) Troponin-I (binds to Actin)
Neuron vs. Nerve
NEURON = Nerve cell

NERVE = collection of axons
3 Types of Neurons
1) Unipolar
2) Bipolar
3) Multipolar
Steps to Control a Muscle
1) Electrical signal arrives @ terminal ending, Ca2+ channels open
2) Ca2+ enters pre-synaptic membrane, helps bind vesicle to channels
3) ACh crosses synaptic cleft, binds to ACh receptors
4) ACh opens Na+ channels, Na+ flows into muscle cell
5) Action Potential passes through T-tubules
6) Signals releases Ca2+ from terminal cistern of sarcoplasmic reticulum
7) Ca2+ binds to Troponin-C, shifts tropomyosin strand
8) Myosin heads bind to G-Actin to produce force
Muscle Hypertrophy vs. Hyperplasia
Hypertrophy = increase in myofibril size

Hyperplasia = increase in cell size
What is the stimulus needed for Overload?
1) Lift greater than or equal to 60-65% 1-RM (~20-25 reps)

2) Power training (focus on speed of movement)
What is the physiological action for muscle hypertrophy?
With training, it adds actin and myosin underneath the sarcoplasmic reticulum of a myofibril
What contraction creates the greatest stimulus for growth?
ECCENTRIC contractions
Muscle Fiber Types
1) Slow Twitch = Type I = SO
2) Fast Twitch:
- Type IIa = FOG
- Type IIb = FG
Components of a Motor Unit
1) Lower motor neuron + all muscle fibers it innervates

2) SO, FOG, FG motor units
Plantarflexion of Ankle
1) Gastronemius
2) Soleus
3) Plantaris
4) Flexor Digitorum Longus
5) Flexor Hallucis Longus
6) Tibialis Posterior
7) Peroneus Longus
8) Peroneus Brevis
Dorsiflexion of Ankle
1) Peroneus Tertius
2) Extensor Digitorum Longus
3) Extensor Hallucis Longus
4) Tibialis Anterior
Supination of Subtalar (Inversion)
1) Gastronemius
2) Soleus
3) Flexor Digitorum Longus
4) Flexor Hallucis Longus
5) Tibialis Posterior
6) Tibialis Anterior
Pronation of Subtalar (Eversion)
1) Peroneus Longus
2) Peroneus Brevis
3) Peroneus Tertius
4) Extensor Digitorum Longus
Extension of Knee
1) Vastus Medialis
2) Vastus Intermedius
3) Vastus Lateralis
4) Rectus Femoris
What muscles flex and extend the big toe
Flex = Flexor Hallucis Longus

Extend = Extensor Hallucis Longus
What muscles flex and extend toes 2-5?
Flex = Flexor Digitorum Longus

Extend = Extensor Digitorum Longus
Contractile protein that forms actin filament

Actin filament has 2 alpha-helical strands of G-actin molecules

G-actin has binding site for myosin heads to bind during contraction
Contractile protein that forms myosin filament that hold myosin heads that help with muscle contraction
2 strands per actin filament

The strands cover the myosin-head binding sites on the actin filament during relaxation
Protein that binds to actin, tropomyosin, and calcium for muscle contraction
Stabilizes alignment of myosin filaments by connecting it to both Z-ilne and M-line

Helps sarcomere return to resting length after muscle contraction

Contributes to myofibril's elasticity/extensibility (recoil for stretch-shorten cycle)
Protein extending length of actin filament

-Anchors actin filament to Z-line
-Regulates length of actin filament
-Lines up z-lines
-Stabilizes adjacent sarcomeres/myofibrils
Forms M-line
Helps anchor myosin filaments and titin strands
Protein within Z-line
Attaches to both actin filaments and titin strands
Protein that:
- Stabilizes cytoskeleton and sarcolemma of each muscle fiber
-Helps transmit force generated by sarcomeres to tendons
Rotary effect of a force, the tendency for rotation

*Type of torque matches type of contraction
*Type of torque matches muscle's actions
State in which a muscle exerts a force

3 Types:
1) Concentric
2) Eccentric
3) Isometric
Concentric (Shortening) Contraction
Torque produced by the muscle > external torque, so muscle able to shorten while overcoming external load (weight) against gravity
Isometric Contraction
Torque produced by muscle = External torque

No limb movement
Eccentric (Lengthening) Contraction
Torque produced by muscle < External torque

Causes slower joint movement than external torque would make the limb move

*Greatest stimulus for growth
*Can handle larger load than concentric contractions
Constant angular velocity about a joint
Constant tension
Muscles for Squat
Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Intermedius
Vastus Medialis
Rectus Femoris

Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Maximus
Muscles for Leg Extension
Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Imtermedius
Vastus Medialis
Rectus Femoris
Muscles for Seated Leg Curl
Biceps Femoris, Short Head
Biceps Femoris, Long Head
Muscles for Standing Calf Raises
Muscles for Lunge
Rectus Femoris
Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Medialis
Vastus Intermedius
Gluteus Maximus