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36 Cards in this Set

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When does tooth development begin? end?

1st thing formed?
-5th week
-25yrs (roots of 3rd molars)

-dental lamina
Embryonic origin:
-neural crest mesenchyme
- " "
What tooth tissues(/structures) are mainly of neural crest-derived mesenchymal origin? (5)
-periodontal lig
-alveolar bone proper (dental follicle)
List the 6 stages of tooth devpt
-bud (initiation)
-cap (proliferation)
Bud stage (4)
-1st stage
-early 6th week
-ectoderm invaginates into mesenchyme
-progresses bilaterally from midlines
Cap stage (3)
-2nd stage
-histodifferentiation begins
-enamel organ, dental papilla, and dental follicle appear
Layers of enamel organ (3)
-inner enamel epithelia
-outer enamel epithelia
-stellate reticulum
bell stage (4)
-3rd stage
-histodifferentiation ends
-stratum intermedium is added to enamel organ
-morphodifferentiation occurs
Crown stage (2)
-4th stage
-enamel and dentin matrices laid down
root stage (2)
-5th stage
-begins after crown is complete
Eruption (2)
-6th stage
-movement of tooth into functional position
devpt of each tooth is characterized by a series of _________________ interactions, which lead to (3)

-initiation of toothbud
-proliferation and morphodifferentiation
Jaw mesenchyme induces
-formation of dental lamina (initiation)
dental lamina signals the __________ to become __________
-jaw mesenchyme
-dental mesenchyme
dental mesenchyme signals cells of the dental lamina to _____, differentiate into ______, and begin to form ________
-invaginate (bud stage)
-enamel organ (cap stage)
-the shape of the crown (bell stage)
enamel knot
-signaling center
-determins cusp shape and location
-important during bell stage?
cells of dental papilla signal cells of _______________ to become
-inner enamel epithelium
-preameloblasts (late bell stage)
preameloblasts induce formation of ________, which differentiate and begin to secrete _______
-dentin matrix
What happens with the mineralization of the first layer of dentin?
-ameloblast differentiation is complete
-enamel matrix is formed
molecular mech of tooth devpt
-appears that ECM components (fibronectin, laminin 5, tenascin) and diffusable growth factors (FGF, etc), and homeotic gene products (Msx1, etc) are involved
tooth determination
-perhaps overlapping functional domains of "pattern formation" genes (Msx, etc) define the dental morphogenic fields
-results in functionally specific cell types
what differs in the devpt stages of each teeth
-nothing except timing (which is based on position)
primary epithelial band
-presumptive dental epithelium
-formed by proliferation of ectoderm
What is the inducing relationship of oral ectoderm and presumptive dental mesenchyme
-oral ectoderm induces formation of presumptive dental mesenchyme
-dental mesenchyme induces oral ectoderm to form dental lamina
primary epithelial band becomes
-dental lamina
-vestibular lamina
vestibular lamina:
-formed by primary epithelial band
-will degenerate and form vestibule
dental lamina --> teeth
-downgrowth in 10 specific sites result in teeth (bud stage)
which are the 1st to appear
all deciduous have begun forming
permanent molars
-mand incisors
-8th week
-20th week, 10th month after birth
-20th week prenatal, 5th year postnatal
what establishes tooth form and bilateral symmetry
-originally dental epithelium
-after formation of enamel organ and dental papilla, then mesenchyme takes over
-transforming epithelial cells into morphologically and functionally distinct components
-individual tooth buds attain recognizable shapes (incisor vs molar)
what does the inner dental epithelium differentiate into (2)
-stratum intermedium (outer layer)
-preameloblasts (columnar cells, inner layer)
how do the inner dental epithelium cells change when they become preameloblasts?
-cell appears to elongate
-nucleus, RER, Golgi, etc, move away from basal surface of cell
-:.secretory end of cell sits next to basement membrane
when do true ameloblasts differentiate and what do they begin to synthesize
-with the initial formation of dentin matrix
-enamel matrix (appositional or crown stage)
How do messages pass btw epith and mesenchyme?
-unknown. 3 hypotheses:
-paracrine stim by a hormone-like messenger
-cell-to-cell contact (minor role)
-specialized components in ECM btw epith and mesenchyme (eg. BM)