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60 Cards in this Set

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What nerve divides into a dorsal branch and a palmar branch?
ulnar nerve
Blood supply to the palmar aspect of the manus is derived from:
- median artery and its branches
In the cow the major artery that supplies blood to the uterus is _____. Uterus also receives blood from uterine branched of _____ and _______.
Uterine artery
uterine branch of ovarian artery
uterine branch of vaginal artery
Trochanteric bursa is interposed between?
medial & superficial gluteals & greater trochanter
What is the ligament stabilizing the calcaneus bone?
long plantar ligament
Which muscle is the prime protractor of the forelimb? Which muscle is an antagonist of the prior one?
Brachiocephalicus is the prime mover
and Latissimus dorsi is the prime retractor
WHat is zebu cattle hump in brief, include its location and
(BOS INDICUS) is a dome-shaped mass consisting of the cervico-thoracic portion of the dorsal back located between T1 and T5 from the angle of the blade of one scapula to the other.
What are the muscles involved in its formation of the Zebu hump?
What is lacertus fibrosus?
is a broad aponeurosis of the biceps brachii passing from its origin of the biceps brachii to the deep fascia of the extensor carpii radialis muscle.
What is the importance of the lactertus fibrosus?
helps keep the shoulder and carpal joints in extension with minimal muscle effort when the limb bears weight
Which muscle of the brachium, is a flexor of the cubital joint as well as an extensor of the shoulder joint?
The supraspinatus is an extensor of the shoulder, while the infraspinatus, subscapular, and teres major are all flexors.
What bursa is related to the supraspinatus muscle and shoulder joint? Differentiate its (bursa) structure in sheep and ox.
The intertubercular bursa passes thru the intertubercular groove and is an extension of the shoulder joint in sheep/dog, but separate in ox/horse.
Name any two muscles, which function as extensors of the elbow joint.
Triceps brachii
Tensor fascia antibrachii
Which groups of the muscles encircle the radio-ulnar segment / antebrachium of the forelimb? Functionally, which muscle stands out from the others?
The Extensors and flexors
What are the innervations of the muscles of the radio-ulnar segment / antebrachium of the forelimb?
extensors arise from lateral humeral epicondyle- radial nerve
flexors arise from medial humeral epicondyle- median nerve
Which muscles that encircle the radio-ulnar segment / antebrachium of the forelimb stand out functionally from the others?
They work together, as antanogists to one another. They have a weight supporting function. EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS b/c it IS REALLY A FLEXOR.
What is extensor retinaculum?
It is a highly thickened fascia reinforcing the fibrous capsule at the carpal joint and holding tendons down in their grooves.
What is the flexor retinaculum?
It is a thickened transverse fiber/s attached to the accessory, radial carpal bones, and metacarpals to form a tunnel with the palmar carpal canal.
What are the actions of the muscles of the antebrachium on the carpus joint and digits?
To support the joint when bearing body weight to minimize OVER extension.
What is the importance of the interdigital ligaments?
The distal interdigital ligament is found between the digits at the level of P2 to prevent the toes from splitting.
Describe the distal interdigital ligament in brief.
It extends from the abaxial eminence on the proximal end of P2 and runs over the deep digital flexor tendon before attaching to the distal sesamoid bone of the adjacent digit.
Classify the Shoulder joint
ball-socket synovial joint
loose joint capsule w/ no true collateral ligaments
Classify the cubital joint
elbow joint
hinge type synovial joint
medial & lateral collateral ligaments
Classify the carpus joint
stifle joint
hinge type synovial joint
allows flexion & extension
WHat are the joints that make up the carpal joint?
antebrachial carpal
middle carpal
What is the carpal canal?
The carpal canal is part of the flexor retinaculum forming a short tunnel with the palmar carpal ligament transmitting the tendons of the digital flexors and flexor carpi radialis muscles.
Which muscles or their tendons prevent sinking of the fetlock joint?
The interosseus muscle fused together at the axial borders proximal to the fetlock joint to support the joint when bearing body weight to minimize OVER extension. The common digital extensor tendon prevents OVER-extension of the fetlock joint. The superficial and deep digital flexor tendons also contribute to weight bearing.
Discuss interosseus muscle and extensor slips?
It functions as a ligament as part of the proximal sesmoidean ligament of the fetlock joint..
Extensor slips go to the common digital extensor (digit III) and lateral
digital extensor (digit IV)
Name the three sets of the sessamoidean ligaments that are associated with fetlock joint.
middle, and
distal groups.
Which nerves form the brachial plexus?
Formed from spinal nerves T1-T2
Name the two branches of the Ulnar nerve.
the DORSAL and the PALMAR branches
Which branch of the ulnar nerve continues on palmer side of the digit?
The palmar branch passes thru the carpal canal to the deep digital flexor tendon to divide further.
Which branch of the ulnar nerve supplies the interosseus muscle?
palmar branch divides into the deep (ramus profundus to the interosseus muscle)
What is different about the nerves of the brachial plexus in ruminants compared to dogs?
In the ruminants the MUSCULOCUTANEOUS and MEDIAN nerve join together and form ANSA AXILLARIS distal to the axillary artery.
Discuss the innervation of the distal forelimb/ palmer aspect of the digits and manus
The medial median nerve forms the abaxial (medial branch) and axial (lateral branch) palmar to digit 3.

The lateral median nerve supplies the axial palmar digit 4 and abaxial palmar digit 4.
Discuss the innervations of the distal forelimb/ Dorsal aspect of the digits and manus.
The ulnar palmar superficial branch supplies the abaxial palmar digit 4 and the ulnar dorsal supplies the abaxial dorsal digit 4.
Which main nerves contribute, and which one has major contribution to innervating the digits & manus?
The radial nerve supplies the axial dorsal digits 3 and 4, and the abaxial dorsal digit 3 with the DEEP BRANCH SUPLYING THE EXTENSORS OF THE CARPUS.
WHat nerves innervate the distal forelimb?
The distal forelimb is supplied by the ulnar, median, and radial nerves.
Discuss/list the main branches of the axillary,artery.
gives off an external thoracic, lateral thoracic (in pig by mammae)
Discuss/list the main branches of the subscapular artery.
the subscapular artery, and it continues on as the brachial artery.
Discuss/list the main branches of the brachial artery.
deep brachial (to triceps),
collateral ulnar (abaxial dorsal digit 4), bicipital, transverse cubital, and common interosseus. It continues on as the median artery to the antibrachium. The median becomes the deep antebrachial, radial, and caudomedial.
Describe in brief, the cranial superficial antebrachial artery.
It is a branch from the collateral radial artery of the subscapular artery.
What region of the distal forelimb receives blood from cranial superficial antebrachial artery?
It continues ventrally to the triceps and distally it divides to form the abaxial dorsal digital artery of digit 3 and the axial dorsal digital arteries 3 and 4.
Which is the last branch of brachial artery?
Name the important branch of the median artery at the mid radio-ulnar (antebrachium) segment?
radial artery
Which artery supplies blood to the palmer aspect of the forelimb?
The radial (abaxial) and median (axial) arteries both supply the digits.
What are the terminal branches of the median artery?
axial palmar digital
aa. of digits III and IV.
Why the croup / rump region in ruminant is flat or concave as compared to the horse?
The gluteal muscle group is fused in the ruminant(gluteobiceps) rather than the separate superficial gluteal and the bicep femoris muscles that is found in equine.
Describe the location of the trochanteric bursa and bursa of the biceps femoris tendon?
The trochanteric bursa is interposed between the gluteobiceps and the trochanter major
Describe the location of the bursa of the biceps femoris tendon?
The bursa of the biceps femoris tendon lies between the tendon and the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
What muscles are involved in extension of the stifle joint?
quadricep femoris m
bicep femoris m.
Which muscles flex the stifle joint?
Popliteus m.
What is the primary and secondary function of the rectus femoris muscle?
Extends the stifle joint
helps flex the coxal joint
Which muscles are true adductors of the hindlimb?
external obturator muscles.
If considered the flexor muscles and extensor muscles of the digits in the hindlimb; what is their action on digits and hock joint?
The SDF and DDF flex the digits and extend the hock joints.
gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus all extend the hock joints when the limb bears weight.
Write a short note on common calcaneal tendon. (Include formation, function)
Formed by gastrocnemius,
superficial digital flexor,
soleus, semitendinosus, biceps
femoris, (Gluteobiceps m.)
What is the calcaneal bursa?
an extensive bursa lying between the superfical digital flexor tendon & calcanean tuberosity
What gives rise to the extensor retinaculum in the hindlimb?
Fascia cruris:
What gives rise to Flexor retinaculum in the hindlimb?
Plantar fascia:
What ligament completes the rim of acetabulum, and what deepens the cavity of acetabulum?
NO COLLATERAL ligaments associated with the hip, it is stabilized by the muscles and the joint capsule.
The ligament of the head of the femur connects into the acetabulum.