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33 Cards in this Set

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Trocarization (ruminal paracentesis):
central part of the paralumbar fossa
Usually gas in the _______ causes fluid-moving counds in the rumen?
dorsal sac
Omenta-Ruminant: the superficial layer extends caudally from
the greater curvature of the abomasum
to the ventral border of the ______
DD (descending duodenum)
and then proceeds, ventrally to the ____?
It then runs DORSALLY, attaching to the _____ & the ______.
atrium ruminis
the ruminal left longitudinal groove
The superficial leaf is continuous with the deep leaf at the _______ of the rumen?
& caudal groove
The DEEP leaf runs cranially, attaching to the
RRLG (Right Ruminal Longitudinal Groove)
After the Right Ruminal Longitudinal Groove the deep leaf runs up to the right surface of the ______
atrium ruminis
Once the deep leaf moves to the right, upwards to the abdominal roof it then attaches to the ______ & _____?
superficial leaf
ventral surface of the Desc. Duodenum.(up to the caudal duodenal flexure)
Is there any opening into the omental bursa?
Yes: epiploic foramen (found deep to the liver)
If he asks what is enclosed in the omental bursa what are you going to say?
DON'T say anything is enclosed in the omental bursa. got it! ok then
What about the Rumen??? Could it be enclosed in the omental bursa?
DON'T SAY ANYTHING IS ENCLOSED IN THE OMENTAL BURSA (rumen is enclosed in something....I couldnt hear what he said but he said DO NOT put omental bursa!)
What is the space between the superficial & deep layers of the greater omentum?
Omental Bursa
What is the space in the peritoneal cavity dorsal to the deep leaf?
Supraomental recess
The supraomental recess is bordered by the _____ on the left
The supraomental recess is bordered by the ______ & ______ on the right?
descending duodenum
What is the remnant of the lesser omentum?
ventro-naso- gastrum
What structures project into the omental bursa?
ventral sac of the rumen
What structures in the supraomental recess?
-gravid uterus during late (3rd trimester) pregnancy
Do ruminants have a splenic recess?
The lesser omentum in a pig is _______ ?
similar to a dog
Lesser omentum in a ruminant extends from the ________ to the curvature & neck of the omasum
from: lesser curv of abomasum
curvature & neck of omasum

(& then dorsally to the visceral surface of the liver)
Where does the lesser omentum extend to in ruminants....(you just answered in the previous Q..now sum it up)
-from lesser curv of abomasum
-to curv & neck of omasum
-& then dorsally to visc surface of liver
What are the functions of the omentum?
(I think he said there were 4?)
yeah I have to find out..I couldn't hear the answer..I think he said 1 function is to "police infections"
*he said to know...so find out**
honeycomb =
reticulum is ______segment of the fore-stomach.
most cranial segment
The reticulum: tell me its 2 surfaces (which is cranial & which is caudal?)
Diaphrgmatic (cranial) surface
Visceral (caudal) surface
Fundus of the reticulum =
free ventral part
Ostium in the reticulum is called?

(not sure how to ask this..it's just a fact on pg 41...anyway ur smart just memorize it :)
Reticulo-omasal ostium
The reticular groove is part of the _______?
Gastric groove
Musosa thrown into honeycombed ______cells.
reticular cells (cellulae reticuli)
What are these honeycombed reticular cells lined by?
conical reticular papillae (papillae reticuli)