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60 Cards in this Set

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T or F:

Sexual reproduction entails the union of two gonads to form a zygote.


T or F:

The presence of the Y chromosome guarantees the development of male secondary sex organs


T or F:

The mechanism that keeps the testes cooler than the body's core temperature is called descent of the testes


T or F:

The scrotum contains the testes and spermatic chords


T or F:

Sperm travels along the ductus deferens before reaching the spermatic cord.


T or F:

Sustentacular cells secret inhibin, which regulates the rate of sperm production


T or F:

Testosterone stimulates development of the secondary sex characteristics, spermatogenesis and libido.


T or F:

Erectile dysfuntion prevents ejaculation in most cases.


T or F:

At early puberty, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulate enlargement of the testes


T or F:

Spermiogenesis is the last stage of meiosis


T or F:

Sperm make up just 10% of semen volume


T or F:

Only germ cells undergo meiosis, which produces four haploid cells with 23 chromosomes


T or F:

Sympathetic nerve fibers trigger the secretion of nitric oxide, which dilates the deep arteries allowing blood to engorge the penis


T or F:

The first haploid stage of spermatogenesis is prophase II


T or F:

Myotonia of skeletal muscles is characteristic of the excitement phase and refractory period.


The _______ is/are generally accepted as secondary sex characteristic

enlargement of breasts

Which of the following are primary sex organs?
A. Ova

B. Uterine tubes

C. breasts

D. Ovaries

E. Scent Gland

D. Ovaries

Which of the following is a secondary sex organ?
A. testis

B. Ovary

C. Vagina

D. Facial Hair

E. Distribution of body fat

C. Vagina

Gonads begin to develop ____ to _____ weeks after fertilization

5 to 6 weeks

The _____ determine/s whether an organism will be genetically male or female.


The gene that codes for the testis-determining factor (TDF) is found in or on the _____ chromosome

Y chromosome

The penis is homologous to the _____


The _________ is the gonad and the ______ is the gamete.

Testis ; Sperm

_____________ stimulates the descent of the testes.


The ______ is an example of the female external genitalia


From their formation to ejaculation, sperm cells take the following pathway:

Seminiferous tubule > rete testis > epididymis, ductus deferens > ejaculatory duct > urethra

When it is cold, the _______ contracts and draws the testes closer to the body to keep them warm.

Cremaster muscle

The countercurrent heat exchanger that prevents arterial blood from overheating the testes is the ______________

pampiniform plexus of veins

The blood-testis barrier...

prevents antibodies in the blood from getting to the germ cells

By volume, most of the semen is produced in the _________

Seminal vesicles

_________ are not found in or around the seminiferous tubules

Corpus carvenosum cells

Men have only one _______ but have two of all the rest of these.

A. Bulbourethral gland(s)

B. Prostate gland(s)

C. Ejaculatory duct(s)

D. Seminal vesicle(s)

E. Corpus cavernosum

B. Prostate gland(s)

Why would an enlarged prostate gland interfere with urination?

E. it compresses the urethra

The __________ is/are the site(s) or sperm maturation and storage.

Ductus epididymides

All of the following play a role in thermoregulation of the testes EXCEPT:

A. the bulbospongiosus muscle

B. the cremaster muscle

C. the pampiniform plexus of veins

D. the countercurrent heat exchanger

E. the dartos muscle

A. the bulbospongiosus muscle

When do the testes start secreting testosterone?

In the first trimester of fetal development

Which of the following hormones directly stimulates the development of male secondary sex characteristics?

A. estrogen

B. inhibin

C. luteinizing hormone

D. follicle stimulating hormone

E. testosterone

E. Testosterones

Which of the following is an androgen?

A. estrogen

B. progesterone

C. Testosterone

D. luteinizing hormone

E. follicle-stimulating hormone

C. Testosterone

____________ stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to secret __________

luteinizing hormone ; testosterone

Which hormone suppresses the spermatogenesis without affecting testosteron secretion?

A. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

B. testosterone itself

C. inhibin

D. luteinizing hormone

E. follicle-stimulating hormone

C. Inhibin

The _______ cells has/have no androgen receptors and do/does not respond to it.

germ cells

Testosterone inhibits....

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion

Changes called male climacteric are a consequence of ___________

Decreased secretion of testosterone

In the process of spermiogenesis, ________ become __________

Spermatids ; spermatozoa

In meiosis, each parent cell produces

four haploid cells

As a result of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis, the final cells produced are called __________, but they and all of the stages leading up to them can be called ________.

Gametes ; germ cells

At the end of meiosis I there are __________, whereas at the end of meiosis II there is/are ______________

two haploid cells ; four haploid cells

The most important role of meiosis in sexual reproduction is...

That it prevents the chromosome number from doubling in each generation

At what stage does a developing sperm cell begin to grow a tail?


Sperm cells get energy to power their movement from _______ contributed by the __________

Fructose ; Seminal vesicles

Male infertility (sterility) refers to...

The inability to fertilize an egg

The acrosome contains enzymes used to..

penetrate barriers surrounding the ovum

_________ have 46 chromosomes, whereas ______ have 23.

Primary spermatocytes ; spermatids

A sperm count any lower than ____ to ____ million sperm per ml of semen is usually associated with infertility (sterility)

20 to 25

Dilation of the ________ arteries causes the lacunae to fill with blood and the penis to become erect

Deep arteries

The orgasm-emission phase of the male sexual response is stimulated by...

efferent sympathetic signals from the lumbar region of spinal cord

Erection is an _________ reflex mediated predominantly by ____________ nerve fibers.

Autonomic ; parasympathetic

Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate peak during the ________


Sildenafil (Viagra) prolongs erection by inhibiting _______ of ________

degradation of cGMP