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147 Cards in this Set

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What normal structures can be mistaken for lytic (dissolved) areas of the cortex?
Nutrient foramen
What should be done if questions arise from a radiograph of a limb?
Shoot a comparison film of opposite limb
The different views ______ different sides of the bones.
Silhouette / highlight
What does the lateral view silhouettes?
Cranial and caudal or dorsal and palmar/plantar surfaces of bones.
What are radiographic landmarks for the lateral side of the limb?
Spine of scapula, greater tubercle (humerus), distal ulna, accessory carpal bone
What are radiographic landmarks for the medial side of the thoracic limb?
Radial capral bone, dew claw
What are caudal/palmar landmarks for the forelimb?
Head of humerus, olecranon, accessory carpal
What does the craniocaudal or dorsopalmar view silhouette?
Medial and lateral structures of the limb
How many ossification centers does teh dogs ulna have?
Body, head, olecranon tuberosity, in some large dogs: anconeal process and medial coronoid process
How many growth plates do the radius and ulna have between the elbow and carpal joints?
Radius: 2
What disease has periosteal proliferation of long bones associated with a space occupying lesion of the thorax or abdomen?
Hypertrophic osteoathropathy.
Name two normal structures that can be mistaken for fractures in the forearm.
Anconeal process of ulna, sesamoid bones of digits or lateral collateral ligament of elbow; accessory ossicle of caudal scapula
List the bones of the proximal row of carpal bones from medial to lateral.
Radial, ulnar and accessory carpal bones.
On what side of the limb is the accessory carpal bone?
Lateral and palmar
What bone may be mistaken for a chip fracture of the carpus?
Sesamoid in tendon of oblique carpal extensor
What are the two small ones located at the metacarpophalangeal joints of teh four weight bearing digits?
Proximal palmar sesamoid cartilage
Where on the thoracic limb do we start using dorsal and palmar?
Proximal end of the carpus
What makes the space between bones seen in radiograph?
Joint space and articular cartilage
Is cartilage seen radiographically?
No, only inferred
Since cartilage can't be seen radiographically, how is it evaluated?
Check subchondral bone (under cartilage)
Is the joint capsule seen on radiographs?
No, unless calcified
What is an pathological osseous (bony) outgrowth seen radiographically?
Osteophyte or enthesiophyte
Where are osteophytes most commonly seen in degenerative joint disease?
At articular margins
What is immobility of a bone, seen and consolidation of a joint due to disease, injury or surgical procedure?
What is an increase in the density of a bone?
What is destruction of a bone, seen as reduced density (blacker)?
What is a sprain?
Injury to ligaments of a joint
What is a luxation or dislocation?
Complete loss of contact between articular surfaces of a joint
Define a subluxation.
Partial loss of contact between articular surfaces of a joint.
What is a joint fracture?
Break through articular cartilage of a joint.
What is osteochondrosis (OC)?
Defect in endochonral ossification: deep layer of articular cartilage die
Do you look for radiographic changes in the cartilage in OC?
No, can't see; check subchondral bone.
List 2 of 4 common sites of OC?
- Shoulder (#1)
- Medial humeral epicondyle
- Medial and lateral femoral epicondyle
- Proximal medial trochlea
What is a wad of necrotic cartilage with a sclerotic layer around it seen sometimes in OC?
Subchondral cyst
What is the normal appearance of the head of humerus in a film?
Smooth and round, with no flattening
What is the primary site for osteochondrosis in the dog?
Caudal aspect of the head of the humerus
How does the sbchondral bone appear in OC of the shoulder?
Flattening or cratering of caudal head of humerus with subchondral bone sclerosis (thickening)
What is osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD)?
Osteochondrosis + dissected flap of cartilage.
What is a joint mouse?
Calcified dissecting OCD flap - break off and floats in synovium
What can the cat's clavicle be mistaken for in a lateral radiograph?
Bone in the esophagus
What can cause subluxation of the humeral-radial joint?
Premature closure of either proximal or distal radial physis
Where is osteochondrosis of the elbow located?
Medial condyle of the humerus
What is a common sequela to osteochondrosis of the elbow?
Degenerative joint disease
What is ununited anconeal process?
Failure of the anconeal process to unite with ulna
When is the anconeal process considered ununited?
If not united after 5 months
What is the fragmented medial coronoid process?
Improper development and fragmentation of cartilaginous precursor
How are the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus differentiated in a lateral radiograph?
Medial "squared" and extend further caudally than rounded lateral
The position of what process is used to determine if the elbow is subluxated?
Lateral coronoid process
The OFA will now certify elbows. What is sent in to get certified?
A flexed lateral film
What is the most cranial aspect of the upper forelimb?
Point of the shoulder
What makes the point of the shoulder?
Greater tubercle (point of shoulder)
What palpable process separates the lateral surface of the scapula?
Spine of scapula
What is the palpable distal end of the spine of the scapula just proximal to the point of the shoulder?
What is the palpable groove between the two tubercles of the humerus?
Bicipital (intertubercular) groove
What is the palpable tendon in the intertubercular groove?
Tendon of biceps brachii m.
What small lateral process is distal to the greater tubercle?
Deltoid tuberosity
How is the joint distal to the shoulder located?
By flexing and extending it - elbow
What are the lateral and medial most points just proximal to the elbow?
Lateral and medial epicondyles
What is the palpable large process proximal and caudal to the elbow joint?
Olecranon = point of elbow
What is the difficult to palpate distal end of the trochlear notch?
Medial coronoid process
How is the styloid process of the radius palpated?
Flex antebrachiocarpal joint and feel distal end of radius on medial side
What can be felt on the LATERAL side of teh antebrachiocarpal joint?
Styloid process of the ulna
What is the joint distal to the elbow? How is it found?
Carpus, by flexing and extending it
What is the projection on the palmar and lateral side of the carpus?
Accessory carpal bone
What are the palpable bones of the metacarpus?
Metacarpal bones
What are the palpable bones of the digits?
What are the palpable joints of the digits?
Metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints (PIP and DIP)
What is the pad near the carpus?
Carpal pad
What pad is over the metacarpophalangeal joints?
Metacarpal pad
What are the pads over the digital joints?
Digital pads
What can the cat's clavicle be mistaken for in a lateral radiograph?
Bone in the esophagus
What is the location of most fractures of the humerus?
What hinders retraction of the median nerve and brachial artery during surgery in the cat?
They pass throught the supercondylar foramen
What can cause premature closure of a growth plate?
Injury to physis (growth plate)
What happens if there is premature closure of the distal ulnar physis?
Cranial curvature of radius and subluxation of elbow
Can the distal physes of the forearm normally be palpated in young carnivores?
Yes, considerably enlarged, palpate proximal to carpus (flex carpus)
What is the "quick" that bleeds if a horny claw is cut too short?
Artery in the dermis oer ungual process.
How is cuttin gthe quick prevented when trimming pigmented and unpigmented claws?
Unpigmented: Don't cut into visible pink cone.
Pigmented: Shave off layers until white area reached (just distal to quick) then use 1st to judge the rest
What must be removed in a declaw to prevent regrowth?
Ungual crest
What two methods of declawing ensures removal of teh ungual crest?
Remove all to P3, or all (including ungual crest) but base of P3.
What is an onychectomy?
Removal of a claw - declawing
How is a declaw operation performed basically?
Guillotine nail clipper: blade in dorsal digital interphalangeal joint and other distal to digital pad.
Why do some veterinarians leave the base of P3 in declawing?
Preserve insertion of DDF and digital pad.
What is sequestrum?
Piece of dead bone
Why do some surgeons remove all of P3 in declawing?
To prevent sequestrum
When is it best to remove dewclaws in dogs?
In neonate (newborn)
Briefly describe how a dewclaw is removed in neonate?
Prep, cut dewclaw from metatarsal bones, single absorbable suture
Briefly describe a dewclaw removal in older dog.
Prep, anesthetic, elliptical excision, ligate metatarsal and dorsal proper digital aa., disarticulate P1 from Mt1 if attached, if not, just remove, suture.
What is osteochondrosis?
Disturbance of endochondral ossification affecting articular cartilage.
List three sites of osteochondrosis in the dog.
Head of the humerus (#1), trochlea of the humerus, medial coronoid process of the ulna, medial trochlea of talus, lateral condyle of the femur.
What is an unhealed fracture, having all the structures of a synovial joint?
False joint.
What is an articular separation called?
Luxation, subluxation or dislocation
With what does the shoulder joint communicate in the canine?
Intertubercular (bicipital) bursa
Are luxation of the shoulder common in dogs?
What helps prevent luxation of the shoulder?
Thickening of joint capsule (glenohumeral ligaments) and adjacent muscles
What is the most common site of osteonchondrosis?
Shoulder - head of humerus
What helps prevent luxation of the elbow of the dog?
Anconeal process in the olecranon fossa
Why is lateral luxation more likely of the dog's elbow?
Lateral epicondyle of the ulna is smaller than medial
Define ununited anconeal process.
Failure of anconeal process to unite with ulna after 5 months of age.
What can cause degeneration of the elbow joint?
Ununited anconeal process and fragmented medial coronoid process
When does the anconeal process unite in German Shepherds?
By 5 months
What can fragmented medial coronoid process cause?
Degeneration of elbow joint
What is the lateral coronoid process of the ulna used to determine in lateral radiographs?
Subluxation of the elbow
How are ruptures of the collateral ligament of the elbow diagnosed?
By the amount of supination or pronation allowed, compared to the unaffected limb
What muscle is incised o open the elbow joint laterally?
Anconeus m.
Where are subcutaneous injections made?
Through skin into superficial fascia
How can pus move from one area to another?
Along fascial planes
How can a neck infection spread to the thorax?
Migrate down fascial planes to the thorax
How are fascial planes used in surgery?
Used as cleavage planes to reach deep structures relatively free of blood.
How do you determine unilateral atrophy of shoulder muscles?
Compare muscles on both sides by palpation.
At what level is it easier to amputate the forelimb and why?
Scapular removal is faster and easier than shoulder disarticulation
Why is leaving the scapula when amputating the forelimb cosmetically unacceptable in short haired breeds?
Atrophy = unsightly bony prominences
How do dogs do on three limbs?
Most adapt well, larger the animal the harder.
What muscles must be transected to remove the entire forelimb including the scapula?
All the extrinsic muscles of the forelimb.
What is a tenotomy?
Transecting the tendon.
Where and when can the olecranon bursa be palpated?
At the termination of the long head of the triceps when affected
Of what clinical importance are the superficial veins of the shoulder region?
Must be retracted or ligated in surgical approaches to shoulder.
What is the easiest vein for venipuncture?
Cephalic vein
How is the cephalic vein raised for venipuncture?
Finger pressure across lateral, cranial, and medial sides of elbow.
Where is venipuncture usually performed on the cephalic vein?
In the forearm above the carpus; start distally so that if you "flub" you can move up the arm
Why is the external jugular vein, which passes superficially up the neck, hard to perfom venipuncture into?
Moves freely
To puncture the external jugular vein, first go through the _____ parallel to the vein and then angle and insert the needle gently into the vein.
Why can't a tourniquet be effectively used in the middle of the antebrachium?
Caudal interosseous a. is protected from occlusion by deep position between bones.
How is the superficial cervical lymph node palpated in a dog?
Retract arm and palpate linearally deep to brachiocephalicus and cranial to supraspinatus mm., just dorsal to level of acromion
How is the accessory axillary lymph node palpated if it is present?
Lay hand flat on thorax caudal to arm, and stroke caudally.
Why can a broken neck result in respiratory paralysis?
Phrenic nerve to diaphragm arises from cervical and brachial plexuses.
What is the panniculus (cutaneous trunci) response?
Contraction of cutaneous trunci muscle in response to a pin prick of trunk.
What is the reflex arch for the panniculus response?
Sensation from skin of trunk over thoracic and lumbar spinal nn. to spinal cord, up cord to lateral thoracic n., out to cutaneous trunci m.
Clinically what is the panniculus response used to evaluate?
Level of thoracic spinal cord damage.
What spinal nerves are involved in the panniculus response?
Thoracic, lumbar nn. and lateral thoracic n. from brachial plexus
Because spinal nerves pass caudoventrally , skin sensation is associated with what spinal cord segment?
Segment 2 vertebrae cranial to level of skin
Where is the spinal cord damage if the panniculus response disappears at the level of the 12 thoracic vertebrae?
Level of T10
What is a common serious injury of all the nerves of the forelimb?
Complete avulsion (tearing ) of brachial plexus associated with HBC (hit by car).
What are the signs of complete avulsion of the brachial plexus?
Complete paralysis, extended flaccid limb, unable to support weight, and dragging dorsum of paw.
What signs are seen if only caudal roots of brachial plexus (C8 - T2) are avulsed and why?
Limb carried with shoulder and elbow flexed, due to functioning suprascapular, musculocutaneous and axillary n.
Does sensation to the caudolateral aspect of the arm rule out complete brachial plexus avulsion?
No, because it is innervated byt the intercostobrachialis nn. which doesn't arise from the brachial plexus.
What results from damage to the suprascapular nerve?
What is Sweeney?
Atrophy of supraspinatus and infraspinatus mm. = prominent scapular spine (suprascapular n. damage.)
What is the most common and clinically significant nerve problem of the forelimb?
Radial paralysis
What are the two types of radial nerve injury?
High and low radial nerve injury
Where are high and low radial nerve injuries located?
High: before triceps
Low: after triceps
What are signs of high radial nerve paralysis? Signs of low radial nerve damage?
High: inability to bear weight on limb, dropped elbow and knuckling over on digits
Low: knuckling over on digits.
To what common condition is low radial nerve paralysis a sequela?
Loss of skin sensation and loss of motor innervation (loss of function or spongy feel to muscles)
What sensory loss is diagnostic for radial nerve injury?
Loss of sensation on dorsal manus
How is knuckling of radial nerve paralysis compensated?
Flip the limb as it is advanced.
How is loss of motor neurons of the limbs determined?
Observance of gait; depression of tone and reflexes; palpation of muscle atrophy.
How is loss of sensory neurons determined?
Analgesia (loss of sensation)