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81 Cards in this Set

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Are the internal genitalia of females normally seen on survey films?
When can the uterus be seen on survey films?
When gravid (pregnant)
When do the fetal skeletons start to ossify?
Dog: 41-45 days
Cat: 35-39 days
What is the easiest part of the penis to see radiographically?
Os penis
Can the internal male genitalia be seen easily with radiography?
What male genitalia can be seen between the hind limb on a VD view?
Scrotum containing testicles
What is the normal location of the prostate gland?
In pelvic cavity
What three organs in the body can enlarge in normal day to day activity or with normal developmental activity?
Stomach, uterus, and urinary bladder
How common are pelvic fractures?
Very common - 1/4 to 1/5 of all fractures
With what other injuries are pelvic fractures associated?
Orthopedic and other body systems (liver, spleen, urninary bladder, urethra)
List two sequelae to pelvic fractures.
- DJD in acetabular fractures
- Dystocia: narrow pelvic canal
- Difficult urination or defecation.
- Sciatic nerve entrapment
What is looked for if one pelvic fracture is seen radiographically?
2 more, come in 3's, 1 may be luxation of sacroiliac joint.
What is the removal of the ovary and the uterus?
Ovariohysterectomy or spay
What must be ligated when doing a ovariohysterectomy?
Ovarian and uterine arteries
What is inflammation of the uterine tube?
What is a cesarean section?
Removal of fetus through abdominal wall.
What is an indication to do a cesarean section?
What is dystocia?
Difficult birth
What is the turning inside out of the uterus and vagina and their projection through the vulva?
Uterine prolapse
What is inflammation of the endometrium?
What is inflammation of all layers of the uterus?
What is accumulation of pus in the uterus?
What inflammation of the vagina?
What are used in carnivore to evaluate the stage of estrous?
Vaginal smears
What cells predominate in a vaginal smear during heat / estrus?
Cornified cells
How is the ovary moved into the abdominal incisiton during a spay?
Strum suspensory ligament until it breaks
Is there any problem with breakage of the ovarian arteries while strumming the suspensory ligament of the ovaries?
No, suspensory cranial to ovary, vessels medial
Where is a castration incision in relationship to the dog's scrotum?
Cranial to scrotum, not in scrotum.
How many castration incision are usually made in the dog?
Why isn't the scrotum incised when doing a dog castration?
To minimize irritation and swelling
.What clinical conditions of the scrotum are seen?
Frostbite, photosensitization, ectoparasites, insect bites
How may a dog with a Sertoli cell tumor present and why?
Feminized, because tumore produces estrogen.
What are three types of testicular tumors?
Sertoli cell, seminoma, intertstitial cell (Leydig cell).
In which testicle is more likely to have a tumore in the dog?
Undescended > scrotal testicle
What is inflammation of the testicle?
What is a cesarean section?
Removal of fetus through abdominal wall.
What is an indication to do a cesarean section?
What is dystocia?
Difficult birth
What is the turning inside out of the uterus and vagina and their projection through the vulva?
Uterine prolapse
What is inflammation of the endometrium?
What is inflammation of all layers of the uterus?
What is accumulation of pus in the uterus?
What inflammation of the vagina?
What are used in carnivore to evaluate the stage of estrous?
Vaginal smears
What cells predominate in a vaginal smear during heat / estrus?
Cornified cells
What are indirect inguinal hernias in male dogs called?
Scrotal hernia (pass down inguinal canal)
What is a direct and indirect inguinal hernia?
Direct: explodes directly out abdominal wall
Indirect: passes down inguinal canal
What is the clinical significance of the vaginal ring?
If large, predisposes to indirect inguinal hernias.
What is failure to the testicle to enter the scrotum?
When do the testicles descend in the carnivores?
Shortly after birth.
Why should a cryptorchid be found and removed?
More likely to become neoplastic.
What does "open" and "closed" refer to as applied to castration?
Whether vaginal cavity is (opened) or isn't (closed) exposed by the procedure.
Are most castrations in most species opened or closed?
Define a close castration.
Spermatic cord ligated before parietal vaginal tunic cut.
Define an opened castration.
Parietal vaginal tunic cut before spermatic cord ligated.
Why does cutting the parietal vaginal tunic before ligating the cord result in an open castration?
Opens vaginal cavity which is continuous with peritoneal cavity.
How do "open" and "closed" castration relate to the vaginal cavity?
Open: vaginal cavity opened before spermatic cord ligated,
Closed: spermatic cord ligate, closing vaginal cavity 1st.
What type of castration would you perform, open or closed, if the environment wasn't sterile? Why?
Open, so infection gets in it can drain out; if closed, infecvtion will remain in abdomen (always possibility of infection)
How many scrotal incisions are used in the cat castration? A dog?
Cat - 2
Dog - 0 (1 cranial to scrotum)
How are dog castrations performed?
Single prescroal incision, whole spermatic cord and its tunics ligated (closed), or parietal vaginal tunic cut and spermatic cord componenets ligated (opened)
What is inflammation of the prostate in the dog?
What are common clinical problems of the dog's prostate?
Hyperplasia or inflammation
List some signs of prostatitis?
Constipation, preputial disharge, pain on rectal palpation, ribbon feces.
What causes the accessory sex gland to not develop fully?
Early castration
What is inflammation of the prepuce?
What is tightening of the preputial orifice?
Phimosis: can't protrude penis
What is paraphimosis?
Protrusion of penis through a stenotic preputial orifice, then can't retract penis
What may make circumcision necessary?
Prolapse of prepuce
What is a penile amputation?
What can obstruct the urethra in several species?
Urethral calculi
Where do calculi usually lodge in the dog?
Proximal to os penis
How are urethral calculi treated?
Back flushing or a number of surgical urethrostomy procedures
What is catheterization of the urinary bladder?
Threading a tube through urethra to bladder.
Why is semen collected from animals?
For evaluation or artificial insemination
How is semen collection performed in the dog?
Manually or electrically.
Where would you look for an enlarged ovary in a radiograph?
Caudal to kidneys or ventral abdomen if big enough
What conditions are routinely radiographed in the female?
Uterus of pregnant dogs to count feti.
How is the number of feti radiographically determined?
Count craniums or backbones
What modality is best to determine the number of feti?
What can indicate prostatic enlargement?
Dorsal displacement of rectum.
Are cryptorchids routinely located with radiographs?
No, small and not radiographically visible.