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53 Cards in this Set

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What is the picture taken by a radiographic machine called?
Radiograph or film, not an X-ray.
Why isn't X-ray an appropriate term for a radiograph?
Can't see X-rays
What is evaluated in a radiograph?
Shape and density.
What are the five B's to remember density differences?
Bullet, bone, blood, blubber, bubbles
What is required to see structures in a radiograph that touch each other?
Differences in densities between them
What 2 variables can be manipulated when taking radiographs?
KVP (kilovolt peak) and MAS (miliamps/second)
What is KVP?
Intensity of X-rays
Is an underexposed or an overexposed film better? Why?:
Overexposed, if not in film no way to get it in, but if in may see with spot light
In endochondral ossification, long bones are formed by first forming _____ model which is then replaced by _____.
cartilaginous; bone
What are the two cartilaginous discs of growing long bone?
Epiphyseal, metaphyseal or growth plates; or physes
Where are the epiphyseal plates or physes located?
Between the diaphysis and 2 epiphyses
During growth how does the physis appear radiographically?
As a radiolucent line (dark line)
What else appears as radiolucent lines in young animals?
Space by accessory ossification centers
What should not be mistaken for fractures radiographically?
Physeal lines or sesamoid bones
When are the majority of the limbs closed? What are the exception?
By 1 year except iliac crest (1-2.5 yr) and pelvic symphysis (5-6 years_ and possibly head of humerus (13 months)
What are the last physes of the shoulder and stifle to close?
Head of humerus (13 months) and tibial tuberosity
When does the physis of the anconeal process close?
4-6 months (considered unuited if open at 6 months)
What is a pathological process on a bone due to the pull of a tendon or joint capsule? Whati is its commone name?
Enthesiophyte or "bone spur"
How are physeal fractures classified? Why?
Salter or Salter-Harris fractures; prognosis
How many Salter Harris fracture types are there? List them and what they involve.
- SH type 1: involves just physis
- SH type 2: physis & through metaphysis
- SH type 3: physis & epiphysis (articular)
- SH type 4: through joint & across physis
- SH type 5 : compression fracture of physis
What is the most common type of physeal fracture?
SH type 2
What physeal fractures have a good prognosis?
Type 1 and 2
Why do type 3 and 4 physeal fractures have poorer prognosis then 1 and 2?
Articular surfaces involved, must align anatomically or DJD (degenerative joint disease)
What are the basic principles for treating traction and compression physes fractures?
Compression: immoblize
Traction: counteract the muscle pull and immoblize the fracture.
What is a possible sequela to Salter type 5 fracture?
Angular limb deformity
What are two types of angular limb deformities?
VaLgus and varus
What are valgus and varus? How do you remember which is which?
VaLgus: lateral deviation of bones past the joint
Varus: medial deviation of bones past the joint
Name three of four common sources to harvest cancellous bone.
Wing ileum, tibial tuberosity, greater tubercle the humerus, greater trochanter of the femur
What is a landmark for the caudal cervical region in lateral radiographs?
"Sleds" (transverse processes) of sixth cervical vertebrae
What origin of the biceps brachii m. on the scapula can be fractured?
Supraglenoid tubercle
What is in danger of damage when the cat humerus is fractured and why?
Median n. and brachial vessels in the supracondylar foramen.
What is the olecranon, point of the elbow used to locate in the standing animal and why?
Fifth intercostal space to help locate the heart valves during auscultation.
What should not be mistaken for a chip fracture when seen in radiographs of the carpus? Which side?
Sesamoid bone of the oblique carpal extensor (abductor pollicus longus) tendon; medial side
What is failure of the anconeal process the fuse with the ulna by sixe monthes of age?
Ununited anconeal process
What other process besides the anconeal process imporoper development leads to arthritis of the elbow?
Fragmented medial coronoid process
What fracture is pushed inward?
Depressed fracture
What fracture is a separation of a small fragment of bone where a ligament of tendon attaches?
Avulsion fracture
What is a small piece of bone chipped off a bone?
Chip fracture
Name a fracture where the bone is splintered into many fragments.
Comminuted fracture
What is a flat piece of separated bone, common in horse carpal bones?
Slab fractures
In what fracture are the broken ends driven into each other?
Healing of a fracture begins with the formation of a _____/
What is infection of bone called?
How soon can fractures completely heal in young animals? Older animal?
Young: 4-6 weeks
Older: 8 weeks
What is an unhealed fracture, having all the structures of a synovial joint?
False joint
What is the most common site of osteochondrosis in dog?
Shoulder - head of humerus
List the joints affected by osteochondrosis in the dog?
Shoulder (caudal head), Elbow (medial condyle of humerus), stifle (medial or lateral femroal condyle), tarsus (medial trochlea or talus)
What is arthritis?
Inflammation of a joint
What is an osseous (bony) outgrowth seen radiographically?
What is the term for an increase in the density of a bone?
What is immobility and consolidation of a joint due to disease, injury or surgical procedure?
What is destruction of a bone, seen as reduced density (blacker)?
What is bulging of a tendon sheath due to a pathological increase in synovial fluid?
Hygroma of tendon sheath