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60 Cards in this Set

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Posterior Association
Complex sensory memory patters strored here
Affective Areas
Areas in cerebral hemisphere opposite Broca's Area and Wernicke's Area
Medulla Oblongata
Reflex centere for regulatition of respiratory rythm in conjuction with lower brain stem centers
Responsible for regulation of posture and coordination of skeletal muscle movements
Medulla Oblongata
Control Centers for blood pressure, respiratory rhythm, coughing and sneezing
Pineal Gland
influences body rythm and biological clock
Basal Nuclei
Caudate Nucleus , (putamen, globus pallidus are lentiform nucleus) lense shaped pod and pale globe flanks internal capsule laterally
lentiform and claudate are corpus striatum
Basal Nuclei function
to start, stop and monitor intense motor movements
Stereo typed movements
substantia nigra
dopamine releasing nueron found in midbrain cerebral peduncle
parkinson's disease

red nucleus
in cebral peduncle (parkinsons disease)
cochlear nuclei function to
auditory relays
nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus (in medulla)
somatosensory information acsends spinal cord
associated with medial lemniscus tract
cochlear nuclei
relay auditory (medulla)
medulla oblongata
cadriovascular, respiratory, and other centers (coughing, vomiting)
cerebellar hemispheres
smooth coordinated movements
folia, (anterior, posterior, flocculunodular lobes)
purkinje cells
supererior cerebellar peduncles
connect cerebellum and midbrain on instruction on how to perform movements(blueprints)
middle cerebellar peduncles
pons one way to cerebellum on voluntary movements by primary motor cortex
inferior cerebellar peduncles
medulla and cerebellum on muscle positions currently
Functional Brains in the limbic system
Limbic and reticular formation
limbic system
emotional response
reticular formation
maintains cerebral cortex alertness and filters out repetitive stimuli
almond nuclei on tail of claudate nuclei
Recognizes angry and fearful facial expressions, asseses danger, and elicits fear response
cingulate gyrus
Plays role in expressing our emotions through gestures and resolving mental conflicts
and amygdala play role in memory
more rythmic but not as regular
high amp, when ras is damped,
sleep cycle
4 stages NREM and REM
stage 1 and stage 2
30 to 45 minutes of sleep
stage 3 and 4 sleep
up to 90 minutes
end of stage 4
Heartbeat backtracks to alpha waves, heart and rate quicken, blood pressure and stomach movement slows
suprachiasmatic nucleus
our biological clock and regulates
preoptic nucleus (our sleep center)
hypothalamic nuerons release peptides our wake up chemicals
pontine nuclei
pons and cerebellum communicate messages motor cortex and cerebellum
short term memory
7 to 8 chunks
long-term memory

LTM 4 ways
Repition, Emotion, Linking, Automatic Memory
LTM 2 categories
Declarative and Non Declarative
Non Declarative
Procedure or Motor and Emotional (place)
NonDeclaritive Memory Stored
Premotor cortex
Declarative Memory Stored
prefrontal cortex
long term potential (LTP
Increase in synaptic strength for increasing memory chances
dura mater
periostal and meringeal
falx cerebri
in longitudinal fissures of cerebral hemispheres
arachnoid matter
subarchnoid space and above is subdural space
subdural space
between arachnoid and subarachnoid space
cns way to map its neurons
alteration in brain function temporary
bruising of brain and nerve damage and coma
white matter 3 pathway explanations
Decussation Relay Somatotopy
Dorsal Column-medail pathways
sensory receptors
fasciculus cuneatus
medial leminscus
discriminate touch
anterolateral pathways
lateral and ventral spinothalamic tracts
pain temperature and coarse touch
spinocerebrellar tracts
ventral, dorsal,
muscle or tendon stretch to cerebellum
direct (pyramidal) system
precentral gyri motor down coricospinal tracts
synpase ventral horn nuerons
Indirect (extrapyramidal) system
brain stem and other motor pathways except direct.
regulate muscles for balance and posture, coarse movements, moving head, neck following eye movement
reticulospinal and vestibulospinal
tone of postural muscles.
poliovirus destruction of ventral horn
postpolio syndrome
burning and weakness of muscles
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
lou gherigs disease
diagnosis of CnNS dysfunction
Knee tap, CT and MRI scan