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18 Cards in this Set

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describe the three types of muscle
Skeletal- striated, voluntary, multinucleate, long cylindrical cells, attached to bones
Cardiac- striated, involuntary, rhythmic contractions, uninucleate, branching cells, intercalated discs
Smooth- smooth, involuntary, uninucleate, fusiform, in hollow organs
origin and insertion of gluteus maximus
Orgin- sacrum and iliac Insertion- gluteal tuberosity of femur
oppose or reverse a movement
- has major responsibility for causing a particular movement (prime mover
specialized synergist; stabilizes the origin of a prime mover so tension move the insertion bone
help prime movers by producing the same movement of a limb toward the body midline
moving a limb away from the midline
movement of a limb toward the midline
combination of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction in ball and socket joints
movement in sagittal plane that decreases the angle of the joint and brings the two bones closer together
movement that increases the angle or distance between the bones or parts of the body
titantic contraction
prolonged and continuous contraction
neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle
. How would you describe the relationship of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii?
a) extensor digitorum longus

b) extensor digitorum-
origin on the proximal tibia and fibula, inserts on distal toes

origin on the distal humerus, insertion of distal phalanges of #2-5 fingers, extends the fingers and wrist
events that trigger muscle contraction
. Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft and attaches to receptors on sarcolemma which causes temporary permeability to Na
2. Na rushes into the cell
3. K rushes out
4. Sodium-potassium pump moves the ions to their initial position
5. Acetylcholinesterase breaks down acetylcholine
processes of providing muscle energy
a) direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate
-first step in providing energy to muscle cells; reaction between creatine phosphate and ADP results in transfer of a high energy phosphate group from CP to ADP
b) aerobic respiration
-occurs in mitochondria, uses oxygen; fairly slow but provides 36 ATP from one glucose
c) anaerobic gylcolysis and lactic acid fermentation
-2.5 times faster; uses huge amounts of glucose for a small ATP and accumulates lactic acid; no oxygen; occurs in cytosol
levels of organization of a muscle
a) myofilament-threadlike proteins, myosin and actin
b) sarcomere-tiny contractile units of muscle, extends from one Z disc to the next
c) myofibril- contractile organelles found in the cytoplasm, made of bundles of myofilaments
d) fiber- muscle cell
e) fascicle- bundle of muscle fibers wrapped in perimysium (largest level)