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116 Cards in this Set

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Recurrent laryngeal n. Innervates All intrinsic mm. to Larynx EXCEPT:
What innervates this structure?
Cricothyroideus m.
Cranial Laryngeal n.
Besides Supplying a muscular br. to the ____, the Cranial laryngeal n. is also sensory to what:
Mucous Membranes of Larynx
What forms Viborg’s Triangle?
Linguofacial v., Ramus of Mandible, Tendon of Sternocephalicus
In the thoracic limb what are attachment of the Flexor retinaculum?
-What do it be binding down?
-Accessory carpal bone – Radial Carpal Bone – C2
-Flexor Tendons as they pass thru carpal canal (formd in conjunction with the palmar carpal lig)
What comprises the suspensory apparatus?
Interosseus and seasmoidean ligaments (straight, oblique, cruciate) support the normally overextend fetlock jt and create a continuous smooth surface for the DDFT
What artery might be punctured crossing the cranial border of the 1st rib?
What vessel accompanies the Cephalic v. in the medial forearm?
Cutaneous br. of Musculocutaneous
The Median Cubital v. connect which 2 veins?
-This occurs deep to:
Cephalic, Brachial
-Pectoralis Transversus
a. Inability to protrude penis?
b. Inability to withdraw penis into sheath?
c. Persistent erection w/o sexual excitement?
a. Phimosis
b. Paraphimosis
c. Priapism
-Venous drainage of penis:
-Lymphatic drainage:
-accessory external pudendal v. and external pudendal v.
-subcutaneous drainage (superficial epigastrics) develops during 1st pregnancy
-Lymph: Superficial Inguinal LNN
What tissue continues to free part of penis on ventral aspect?
-Whats its job?
-Bulbospongiosus m.
-Compress corpus spongiosum to expel urine/semen
Passive Stay apparatus in PL
-Stifle wants to:
-Tarsus wants to:
-Fetlock wants to:
-Proximal Interphalangeal Jt wants to:
-Distal Interphalangeal Jt. wants to:
-Stifle wants to FLEX
-patellar locking mech
-Tarsus wants to FLEX
-recriprocal apparatus (PT, SDF)
-Fetlock wants to HYPEREXTEND
-same as thoracic limb except accessory ligs are absent or poorly developed
-replaced by distal portion of SDF
-Proximal Interphalangeal Jt. wants to HYPEREXTEND OR FLEX
-(due to pull from DDFT)
-same as TL
-Distal Interphalangeal Jt wants to FLEX
-same as TL
6 Components of the Equine Hock?
1. Tarsocrural Jt.
2. Talocalcaneal Jt.
3. Talocalcaneocentral jt.
4. Calcaneoquartal jt.
5. Centrodistal Jt.
6. Tarsometatarsal jt.
Prepuce: Sheath
4 terms we needa know:
-prepuce proper
-preputial fold
1. Preputial orifice
2. preputeal ring
3. fossa glandis
4. urethral sinus
Retractor Penis m.
-What kind of muscle?
-Smooth m.
-Origin from cd vert decussates w/ rectum
-Which tissue surrounds urethra and forms glans penis?
-Urethral process protrudes into?
-What is the urethral sinus?
Corpus spongiosum
-Fossa Glandis
-Cd part of fossa glandis
Udder – Duct System:
-each halve has how many separate duct systems which drain into:
2 (occasionally 3) separate duct systems which drian into separate Lactiferous Sinuses
What artery supplies Cr. Part of uterine horns?
Uterine branch of ovarian a. (from aorta)
Principal blood supply to Uterus?
Uterine a (From Ext iliac)
Several muscles and fascia of the perineum that converge and interlace in a node btw the anus and vulva and vestibule?
Perineal Body
Udder – Lactiferous Sinus
Conists of:
-Gland Sinus
-Teat Sinus
Udder one big organ or divided?
Divided by medial elastic lig
What artery supplies vagina, cervix, & cd part of uterine body?
Vaginal a. (from Internal pudendal)
-Homolgous to:
-Glans Clitoridis is homologous to:
-Vestibular Bulb homologous to:
-Clit → Corpus cavernosum penis
-glans clitoridis → Glans penis
-Vestibular bulb → corpus spongiosum
Body wall that closes pelvic cavity caudally?
Imaginary Vertical line drawn btw the pectin and the roof of the pelvic cavity?
Vertical Diameter
Imaginary line connecting promontory w/ pectin of pubis?
Boundaries of
-Dorsal: Cd. Vertebrae
-Lat: free edges of sacrosciatic lig
-Ventral: Ischial tuber, arch
Imaginary line drawn btw the coxal and Ischial tubers?
Slope of Pelvis
Imaginary line drawn from promontory to Ischial arch?
Diagonal Conjugata
Boundaries of
-Dorsal: Sacrum & Cd1-3
-Lat: Ilium. Ischial spine & Tuber; Sacrosciatic lig
-Ventral: Pubis & Ischium
Uterus Location (nongravid):
Nongravid: Horns in abdom cav, body w/in both abdom & pelvic cavities
-Gravid: horn on Ventral body wall pulls Body & cervix into abdominal cavity
Imaginary line drawn thru centers of pelvic inlet, cavity, and outlet?
Axis of the pelvic canal
Boundaries of
-Dorsal: Base of sacrum; sacral promontory
-Lat: Arcuate line of Ilium
-Ventral: Pectin of pubis
Kidney Location
-Left: Vent to Dorsal aspect of last rib and Transverse processes of L1-2
-Right: Ventral to the Dorsal aspect of last 2 or 3 ribs and Transverse process of L1
Transverse Colon Location:
-Passes from ___Side to ___Side:
-Relation to Root of Mesentery, at which Rib
-Continues as___ ___ near the ___ ___
-R → L
-Cr. To Root of Mesentery, T17/18
-Continues as Descending Colon near the Left Kidney
Deep Inguinal Ring Boundaries:
-Cd: Inguinal Lig
-Cr: Cd border of int abdominal oblique m.
-Lat: origin of internal abdominal oblique m. from ext abdominal oblique m.
-Med: Prepubic tendon (Linea Alba + Rectus abdominis)
Ascending Colon Location
-LVC: Runs Cd on L toward pelvis on floor……part of Pelvic Flexure (near pelvic inlet)
-LDC: runs Cr, dorsal to LVC, Ventral to Jejunum; at Diaphragm, LDC deflected across midline as dorsal diaphragmatic flex; the most cr part of the flex is 6th ICS
Ovary Location:
Midway btw the last rib & coxal tuber, a few cm lat to the median plane
Small (Descending) Colon Location
-Relation to Jejunum:
-Dorsal, Cd, L Part of Abdominal cavity
-coils of desc colon in dorsal, L flank sitting mainly Dorsal to Jejunal Coils
Ascending Colon Location
-Relative to abdominal wall
-Relative to other parts of Ascending colon:
-RDC: From Dors Diaphrag flex, it ascends vent and medial to liver, running Cd toward base of cecum where its deflected Mediall to continue as Transverse colon
- Becomes adherent to abdominal roof
-Shortest and largest diameter portion of ascending colon
Ascending Colon Location
-RVC: Begins at lesser curv at base of cecum approx opposite vent part of last rib; runs Cr/Vent on R Floor
-At Diaphragm, RVC deflected across midline as Vent Diaphragmatic flex; the most cr part of the flexure is Vent 8th rib
Small Intestine Location:
-Duo: Descending on R, ventral to liver, bends medially at Cd pole of R. Kidney, crosses midline cd to root of mesentery at L3/L4
-Jejunum: Mobile, primarily in L Dorsal Abdomen
-Ileum: arises from Jejunal Coils in L Flank, crosses to right dorsally at L3/4 to enter lesser curvature of base of cecum
Spleen Location
-Assoc w/:
-on dorsal, L side of abdomen
-base is dorsal under last 3-4 ribs
-Apex is at level of Ventral 1/3rd of 9th-12th ICS
-Assoc w/ Greater Curvature of Stomach
Cecum Location
Base: Tuber Coxae to 14/15th ; against R Flank (paralumbar fossa); contacts abdom roof and sublumbar organs
-Body: runs Vent then Cr; at 1st it lies against R flank but then lies btw ventral parts of colons
-apex: xiphoid cartilage
Stomach Location:
- Mainly L half under ribcage
-Fundus: Upper 15th
-Body: Lowest part is ventral region of ribs 9&10
-Cardia: upper 11th
Pancreas Location
-Fitted into:
-Relationship to Guts?
-Most R of median plane/ pressed against abdominal roof
-cranial duodenal flexure (duodenal sigmoid flex) at about T17-18
- Vent surface directly bound to RDC and base of Cecum
What does the Right Colic a. supply?
-Colic Br. of Ileocolic?
-Middle colic a.?
-Right colic – DORSAL colons
-Colic Br. of Ileocolic – VENTRAL colons
-Middle colic – Transverse
Does Transverse colon cross cranial or caudal to root of mesentery?
Cranial….cant palpate
Ascending Colon – Dorsal Colons
-1-3 bands +/- Saccules.less elastic CT in bands, so saccules less distinct
Liver Location
-Most Cr. & vent part:
-Mod Cd. & Dorsal part:
-on R Side, Extends from:
-On L Side:
-Entirely under ribs to R of mid
-Cr-Vent: against vertex of diaphragm
-Cd-Do: Ventral to ribs 16 and 17 on right
-on R: from 7th rib Cd to R Kidney
-On L: 7th-10th Ribs cd to iaphragm
Descending colon
-2 Bands
Small and elongated
Ascending Colon – Flexures
. Ventral Diaphragmatic
(RVC to LVC)
2. Pelvic Flexure
(LVC to LDC)
3. Dorsal Diaphragmatic
Ascending Colon-Ventral Colons
-4 Bands “4 on the floor”
-Distinct Saccules
-Normal Position:
-R. High Flank to vent midline at xiphoid
-4 Bands
-no saccules
Carpal Jt. Compartments:
1. Antebrachiocarpal (radiocarpal) jt
2. Middle Carpal jt
3. Carpometacarpal jt.
Passive Stay Apparatus
-Shoulder Jt. Prevented from flexion by:
-Carpal Jt. prevents overextension by:
-Fetlock prevents overextension by:
-Pastern prevents overextension by:
-internal biceps tendon (supraglenoid tubercle to radius)
-Lacertus fibrosus and ECR keep carpus from bucking over, close packing of carpal bones and thick palmar carpal ligs prevent overextension
-Suspensory apparatus (Interosseous, prox sesamoid bones and distal sesamoidean ligs) tenses over load and reinforced by tension of the check ligs and DDFT
-Axial/Abaxial palmar and straight sesamoidean ligs + DDFT
Passive Stay Apparatus
-Shoulder jt-
-Elbow jt-
-Carpal jt-
-Shoulder Jt.- Flex
-Elbow Jt. – Flex
-Carpal Jt. – Hyperextend
-Fetlock – Overextend
-Pastern - Overextend
What does the Ventral branch of C1 pass thru after it emerges from the lateral vertebral foramen of the ATLAS?
Alar Foramen
What accounts for the Reciprocal mechanism? Attachments of these guys and fxn?
1. Peroneus tertius m.
-Extensor fossa for femur runs down cranial aspect of tibia to insert on T3 & Mt3
2. SDF
-Cd aspect of tibia, Supracondylar fossa of femur to Calcaneus of hock.
-Resists Flexion Tendency by attachments and links actions of stifle and hock
Where does the Entire C1 spinal nerve emerge from?
Lateral vertebral foramen of the ATLAS, not the Alar Foramen
Anatomically affected component in “Fistulous withers”?
Supraspinous Bursa
Pastern and coffin joint capsules are largely innervated by?
-Also by?
-1st: Plantar Digital nn.
2nd. Medial and Lateral Doral Metatarsal nn. also supply dorsal parts of the capsule
What attaches on the Medial Patellar Lig?
Sartorius and Gracillis
What attaches on the Lateral Patellar lig?
-Biceps femoris and TFL
Anatomically affected component in “poll evil”?
Cranial Nuchal bursa
Laminar Portion of Nuchal lig
-Fibers run:
-Attach (2)
Cranioventrally from the funicular part and spines of T2 and T3
-Attach C2-C7
In the synovial compartments of the stifle, which ones communicate and which don’t?
-Usually no comm.. btw Medial and lateral femorotibial compartments
-Femoropatellar and medial femorotibial generally do
-Femoropatellar and lateral femorotibial occasionally do
What is a thick cord extending btw the highest spines of the withers and the external occipital protuberance of the skull?
Cd to the withers it becomes the?
Funicular portion of Nuchal lig.
-Supraspinous lig
A loop is formed around the tubercle of the Medial Trochlear Ridge by: Medial to Lateral(4)
-Medial Patellar Lig
-Patellar Fibrocartilage
-Intermediate Patellar lig
Infection of Which lnn. is related to Strangles? What is at a risk of also happening? Eventually, where will this infection end up (which lnn)
Lateral Retropharyngeal lnn.
-Guttural pouch infxn
-end up in Cd. deep cervical lnn.
Which lnn are arranged in clumps on the pharyngeal wall? What is the lateral group related to (of relevance) and what anatomical space is this lnn. located in?
Medial and Lateral Retropharyngeal lnn.
-Guttural Pouch (lies cd to it within….)
-Atlantal fossa
Cranial Tibial m.
-Dorsal Branch inserts on:
-Medial Branch is known as what? And where that mofo insert?
-Whats deep to it?
-T3 and Tuberosity at prox end of Mt3
-Cunean Tendon, curves medially and inserts on T1&2
-Cunean Bursa
What are the 3 Pouches associated w/ the hock jt?
1. Dorsal Pouch of the Tarsocrural jt
2. Medioplantar pouch of the Tarsocrural Jt
3. Lateroplantar Pouch of the Tarsocrural jt
Which lnn are arranged in a spindle within the Intermandibular space?
Mandibular lnn
What are the 4 component joints that make up the composite hock joint?
1. Tarsocrural
2. Proximal Intertarsal
3. Distal Intertarsal
4. Tarsometatarsal
Which lnn are distributed around the thoracic inlet on the ventral surf of the trachea?
-What do they drain?
-Send efferents to?
Caudal Deep Cervical lnn.
-Hd. Thorax and forelimb thru the cranial and middle deep cervical, superficial cervical, cranial mediastinal, and axillary lnn
-Efferents jouin the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts which carry lymph to the veins in the thoracic inlet
What is normally accessed clinically btw the medial patellar and MCL close to the medial condyle of the tibia?
Medial femorotibial jt capsule
What Lnn. Drain the middle neck region; receive afferents from the Cranial deep cervical lnn. and send efferents to the caudal deep cervical lnn?
Middle Deep cervical lnn.
Long Plantar Ligament
-plantar surface of Calcaneus to plantar surface of T4 and mt4
-Steadies Calcaneus against pull of common calcanean tendon
What lnn. are around the thyroid gland and carotid a?
-What do they receive afferent from and drain?
-Send efferents to:
Cranial Deep Cervical lnn
-Mandibular and retropharyngeal lnn, deeper areas of head, pharynx, guttural pouch,&larynx
-efferents to Middle and caudal Deep Cervical lnn
What are the 5 Retinacula of the Hock?
1. Crural extensor retinaculum
2. Tarsal extensor retinaculum
3. Metatarsal extensor retinaculum
4. Lateral Extensor Retinaculum
5. Flexor Retinaculum
Which Lnn. lie between the Cleidomastoideus and Omotransversarius laterally and the omohyoideus medially on the cranial border of Subclavius?
-What do they Drain?
-Where do they send efferents?
Superficial Cervical lnn.
-Receive lymph from neck, throax, shoulder, and arm
-Send efferents to the Caudal deep cervical lnn
What bridges the acetabular notch on the medial surface of the hip joint?
Transverse acetabular lig
Where does the Distal Check Ligament arise from and insert in the metacarpus?
(Accessor lig. of DDFT)
-Arises from palmar carpal lig
-Joins DDFT
-Passive Stay
Name the insertion tendon of the rectus abdominis that enters the acetabulum at the acetabular notch and its fxn:
Accessory Lig.
Limits pronation of the limb and helps prevent hip joint dislocation
What is a purely tendinous structure that arises from the radius and inserts on the SDF tendon just proximal to the carpus?
-Whats its job?
Proximal Check Lig (accessory lig of SDF)
-Passive Stay
What n. leaves the Sciatic n. runs btw the 2 heads of gastroc?
-What are its branches?
-What is it motor to?
Tibial n.
-Medial and Lateral Plantar nn. → Medial and lateral plantar metatarsal n. (branches only from Lateral Plantar)
-Caudal mm of the crus (extensors of tarsus and flexors of digits)
-Plantar pes
What is the tendon within the muscle belly of the biceps brachii m?
-Where does it insert?
-What is its job?
Lacertus Fibrosus
-Prevents carpal Jt. from buckling forward (passive stay app)
What are the branches of Deep Peroneal n.?
-What do the innervate?
Medial and Lateral Dorsal Metatarsal n.
-Dorsal aspect of Fetlock, pastern jots, and s laminar corium
Which lnn are situatued under the rostral part of the Parotid Gland?
-Usually palpable?
Parotid lnn.
What n. leaves from Cr. Border of Sciatic n., runs laterally btw biceps femoris and lat head of Gastrocnemius mm.?
-What it be motor to?
Common Peroneal n.
-Craniolateral mm. of crus (Flexors of tarsal jt, ext of digital jts via deep Peroneal br.)
-craniolateral surface of crus and dorsal pes (superficial Peroneal br.)
Where can esophagus be palpated?
On the Left in the Cd 15 Cm of the Left Jugular Groove
What passes thru the Superficial Inguinal Ring?
-External pudendal a.
-Genitofemoral n.
What is the Inguinal Lig?
Cd. edge of Aponeurosis of Ext abdominal oblique mm.
Where does Sciatic n. emerge from upon leaving L6-S2 Cord?
Greater Ischiatic Foramen
What n. has AZ on Craniomedial surface of Thigh?
Lateral Cutaneous Femoral n.
Deep Inguinal Ln
-Drainage area:
-Efferents to:
-in femoral triangle
-drain entire pelvic limb
-efferents to medial iliac ln
Femoral n. motor to?
-Quadriceps femoris (ext. mm of stifle) + Sartorius
-Sensory to Medial pelvic limb surface
What n. accompanies the radial n. for a short distance and then inclines obliquely to the caudal border of the brachial v?
-Motor to?
Ulnar n.
-Flexor mm. of forearm, follows ulnar hd of DDF , Sensory to Cd 4arm and metacarpus to fetlock (via Caudal cutaneous antebrachial n.) and gives of dorsal and palmar branches
What is the largest branch of the brachial plexus?
-What is it joined by?
-What is it motor to?
-What are its branches?
Median n.
-Flexor Carpi Radialis and SDF/DDF (Caudomedial flexors of forearm)
Medial and lateral palmar nn → palmar common digital n. 2 (med) & palmar common digital n. 3 (lat)
What n. slips btw Medial and long heads of the triceps to reach the lateral side of the arm?
-What is it motor to?
-What is itz AZ?
Radial n.
-Extensor mm. of carpus and digit
-Tiny cutaneous area over lateral 4arm to carpus (lateral cutaneous antebrachial n.)
What do the Anorectal lnn. drain?
Anal Canal, Perenium, Tail
What do the Superficial Inguinal lnn. drain?
Mammary gland & Supf. Region
What do the Lateral Iliac Lymphnodes drain?
Flank, Lateral Surface of Thigh,
Subiliac Lymphnodes
What do the Medial Iliac lnn drain?
Pelvis, Pelvic Viscera, testes, lateral iliac & deep inguinal nodes
What do the Lumbar Lymph nodes drain?
Abdominal wall, nearby viscera, Iliac ln
What does Axillary n. motor innervate?
Whats its AZ?
-Principal Flexors of Shoulder (teres major, minor, Deltoideus, Coracobrachialis)
-Cranial arm and 4arm to carpus Cr. Cutaneous antebrachial n.)
AZ Musculocutaneous n.:
-Cranial and md aspects of forearm and carpus
What runs along the medial border of the ECR and then dorsum of the carpus?
Accessory Cephalic v. + cutaneous br. of Musculocutaneous n.
Surgical Boudaries of the Maxillary Sinuses:
Cd- Rostral border of the orbit
Rost- Line from Rostral end of the facial crest to Infraorbital foramen
Ventral- Facial crest
Dorsal – Line from Infraorbital foramen parallel to facial crest, nasolacrimal duct Dors to this line
Surgical Boundaries of the Conchofrontal sinus?
Cd- transverse plan thru zygomatic process of frontal bone
Rost- transverse plane midway btw rostral margin of orbit and Infraorbital foramen
Med- Line 2cm lateral & parallel to dorsal midline
Lat- Line connecting Supraorbital foramen w/ rostral end of Medial Limit
Medial and Lateral Palmar Digital nn. blocked at the level of the colateral cartilages of the hoof would anesthetize:
Digital Cushion
Medial and Lateral Palmar Digital nn. blocked at the level of the distal border of the proximal seasmoid bones would anesthetize:
Distal part of the Straight Seasmoidean Ligament & Laminar corium of the toe
Medial and Lateral Palmar Digital nn. & Medial and Lateral Palmar Metacarpal nn. Blocked at the level of the distal end of the 2nd & 4th metacarpal bones (low 4pt block) would anesthetize:
Branch of the Interosseous m. that inserts on the medial proximal seasmoid bone
Medial and Lateral Palmar Digital nn. & Medial and Lateral Palmar Metacarpal nn. Blocked at the level of the proximal metacarpus (high 4pt block) or Lateral Palmar n. at the level of the Accessory carpal bone plus the Medial palmar n. at the same level would anesthetize:
The origin of the Interosseous muscle (suspensory lig)