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50 Cards in this Set

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Planes of the body

- crsagittal - vertical cut

- coronal/frontal

- transverse - horizontal

Body Cavities

- dorsal - cranial & spinal

- ventral - thoracic (mediastinum (pericardial), plueral) & abdominopelvic (abdonimal and pelvic)

Junctions in epitheleal tissue

- tight junction - form permeability barrier

- gap junctions - allow cells to communicate

- desmosomes - junctions made up of filaments betweens cells

3 types of exocrine glands

- merocrine - cells secrete substances (sweat gland)

- apocrine - parts of cells break off (mammary)

- merocrine - whole cells break off (subaceous)

Types of loose CTP

- loose, areolar - few loosely arranged collagen and elastin fibers, more ground substance. packing between tissues

- loose, adipose - mostly fat cells, insulates, protects, energy storage

- loose, reticular - like areolar but only reticular fibers, lymphatic tissue (filtration)

Types of connective tissue proper

- loose

- dense

Types of dense CTP

- dense regular collagenous (white fibrous) - parallel collagen fibers w/ fibroblasts in between, poor vascularization. tendons and ligaments

- dense irregular collagenous - random collage fiber arrangement - innermost layer of dermis, covering of some organs

- elastic - high portion of elastic fibers - walls of arteries/lung airways

how is cartilage named

- by components of the matrix

types of cartilage

- hyaline - many collagen fibers - ribcage, joints, ends of long bones

- fibrocartilage - more collagen fibers arranged in thick bundles, where lots of pressure located - knee, between vertebrae

- more elastic fibers - rigid but elastic properties - ear lobes epiglottis

2 cells types of nervous tissue

- nuerons - generate and conduct impulses

- nueroglia - supporting cells

Epidermal strata

- stratum basale - deepest, one layer of keratinocytes - high mitotic activity

- stratum spinosum - prekeratin fibers

- stratum granulosum - cells dies, flatten, fill w/ keratin

- stratum lucidum - clear layer only found in palms and soles

- stratum corneum - fully keratinized cells, shed when desmosomes break

Types of skin cancers

- basal cell carcinoma - least malignant, most common, shiny dome shaped growth from stratum basal

- squamous cell carcinoma - keratinocytes in stratum spinosum, scaly red lesion,

- melanoma - melanocyte cancer, ABCDE (asymetry, border, color, diameter, enlarging)

types of burns

- 1st degree - painful, dry

- 2nd degree - painful, wet, dermis affected

- 3rd degree, not painful, dry, subcutaneous tissue

Eccrine vs apocrine glands

- eccrine - open directly out of skin

- apocrine - open into hair follicle

Divisions of the nervous system

Nueroglia of PNS and CNS

- CNS - astrocytes - anchor nuerons and blood vessels, microglia - specializes macrophage, ependymal cells - form choroid plexus, oligodendrocytes

- PNS - schwann cells - wrap around axon, satellite cell - surround nuerons cell body in sensory ganglia

Trigger zone

- where APs generated, axon hillock (hold axon to cell body) & initial segment - begining of axon

Vocab for CNS and PNS

- CNS - Nuclei - cell bodies, nerve tracts - nerve proccess

- PNS - Ganglia - cell bodies, Nerves - nerve proccess

Multiple sclerosis & guillain-barre syndrome

- MS - autoimmune disease of CNS, destroys oligodendrocytes

- Guillain - Barre - autoimmune of the PNS, begins as infection of pathogen that resembles myelin -> body attacks it

Function of types of nuerons

- multipolar - motor and internuerons

- bipolar - sensory organs in face

- psuedo-unipolar - sensory receptors.

What gates are involved in producing an AP

- sodium potatssium pump (ATP) keeps outside positive and inside negative

- voltage gated channels (Na open during AP, K close)

Refractory period

- Absolute - from beginning of the AP to the end of repolarization

- Relative - requires stronger than usual stimulus because membrane is still more K permeable

Continuous vs Saltatory conductions

- continuous - unmyleinated axon, much slower

- saltatory - myelinated, speed increases with increase in myelination and axon diameter

4 major parts of the brain

- brainstem - reflexes, cardiovascular, respiratory, motor

- cerebrum - motor, decision making, some sensory, memory, evaulation of hearing and smell

- cerebellum -controls posture, locomotion, eye movement

- diencephalon - sensory relay, sleep cycle, mood, gland secretion, body temp, the ans, pleasure

Parts and function of the brainstem

- medulla oblongata - swallowing, vomiting, hiccuping, reflexes, cardiovascular & respiratory, pyramids control skeletal muscle

- pons - intiates REM, respiratory

- midbrain - visual reflex, hearing, motor,

Parts of Diencephalon

- Thalamus - sensory relay

- hypothalamus - mood, emotion, pleasure, satiation, body temp, ans, horomone secretion,

- epithalamus - regulate sleep cycle,

3 types of tracks in cerebral medulla

- association fibers - connect areas in the same hemisphere

- commussural fibers - connect one hemisphere to another

- projection fibers - connect cerebrum to other parts of brain and spinal cord

Alzheimers, concussions, contusions, hematona, hydrocephalus

- alzheimers - loss nuerons from cerebral cortex

- concussion - injury- temp loss of brain function - rest

- contusion - bruising after injury - hospitalization

- hemotoma - bleeding in brain - surgery

- hydrocephalus - CFS trappe in ventricles - shunt

CSF flow

- formed by choroid plexus in ventricles

- lateral ventrals -> intraventricular formation -> third ventricle -> cerebral aqueduct -> fourth ventricle -> apertures or central canal

- reobsorbed by arachnoid granulations

Cranial Nerves

I Olfactory Sensory

II Optic Sensory

III Oculomotor Motor

IV Trochlear Motor

V Trigeminal Both

VI Abducens Motor

VII Facial Both

VIII Vestibulocochlear Sensory

IX Glossopharyngeal Both

X Vagus Both

XI Accessory Motor

XII Hypoglossal Motor

Structure of spinal cord

- Cervical & lumbar englargement

- Cauda equina

- conus medullaris

- end at l2


- pia matter

- subarachnoid space

- arachnoid matter

- subdural space

- dura matter

-epidural space

- bone

Connective tissue of spinal nerves

- endoneurium - surrounds individual nerves

- perineurium - surround fasicles

- epineurium - surrounds who nerve

Spinal nerve pairs

- 8 cervical

- 12 thoracic

- 5 lumbar

- 5 sacral

- 1 coccygeal


- map showing skin area supplied by sensory innervation by spinal nerve. neccessary to determine level of spinal nerve damage

spinothalamic tract and dorsal column/medial lemniscal tract

- spinothalamic - convey pain and temperature - immediately decussate to opposite side of spinal cord to thalamus then somatic sensory cortex - contralateral

- dorsal column/medial lemniscal - 2 pt descrimination & proprioception - crosses over in the medulla oblongata - ipsilateral

direct pathway vs indirect pathway

- direct - conscious control of movement - decussate in pyramids,

- indirect - unconscious control of movement, muscle tone

Contrast somatic vs autonomic nervous system

- somatic - one synapse, stimulation only, Ach, receptor molecules: nicotinic

- autonomic - two synapse, stimulation or inhibition, ACh or norepinephrine, receptor varies with synapse and nuerotransmitter

Parasympathetic vs sympathetic

- parasympathetic: pre ganglionic cell bodies in brainstem or lateral horns of SC S2-S4, autonomic ganglia are terminal ganglia

- sympathetic: pre ganglionic cell bodies in lateral horns between T1 and L2, autonomic ganglia are chain ganglia and collateral ganglia

Componenents of extracellular bone matrix

- collagen - organic - allows bendiness

- hydroxyapatite - inorganic - rigidness

Bone cells

- osteoblasts - build bone

- osteocytes - maintain

- osteoclasts - breakdown

lacunae vs canaliculi

- lacunae - space where osteocyte is

- canaliculi - space where osteocyte proccesses are

intramembranous ossification vs endochondral ossficiation

- intramembranous - connective tissue - forms skull and clavicle - osteochondral progenitor cells -> osteoblasts -> spongybone -> spongybone just inside periosteum become compact bone

- endochodral - cartilage - all other bones - blood vessels bring osteoblasts, form bone collar, secondary ossification centers in epiphysis

Abnormal curvatures of spine

- scoliosis - lateral curve + kyphosis

- kyphosis - exaggeration of thoracic curve

- lordosis - lumbar curvature

Cervical vs thoracic vs lumbar vertebrae

- cervical - atlas + axis, bifid proccess, transverse foramina blood vessels, traingular

- thoracic - long, thin proccesses, round shape

- lumbar - large, thick body, thick lamina, rectangular shape

Structure of ribs

- Vertebrosternal (true ribs) - 7 pair - attach to sternal via costal cartilage

- vertebralchondral (false ribs) - 3 pair - attached indirectly to sternum

- vertebral/floating ribs - 2 pair - do not attach to sternum

types of joints

- fibrous - fibrous connective tissue, no cavity, no movement

- cartilaginous - cartilage, no cavity, slight movement

- synovial - joint cavity, move freely

fibrous joint types

- sutures - skull

- syndesmoses - bones joined by ligaments - radioulnar

- gomphoses - peg and socket - teeth

Elbow joint bones, ligaments and functions

- humeroulnar joint, humeroradial, proximal radioulnar

- ulnar collateral ligament - reinforces humeroulnar joint

- radial collateral ligament - reinforces humeroradial joint

- radial annular ligament - reinforces proximal radiounar joint

knee joint ligaments

- Anterior cruciate ligament - prevents anterior displacement

- posterior cruciate ligament - prevents posterior displacement

- fibular and tibial ligaments - stabilize joint