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35 Cards in this Set

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Cutaneous Innervation

CN V trigeminal 3 branches

Ophthalmic- around eyes

Maxillary- around cheek

Mandibular- mandible

TMJ joint

articular tubercle- bump on zygomatic arch

mandibular fossa- anterior to ext audit canal

mandibular condyle

articular disc- articular tubercle and mandibular fossa

TMJ movements

protrusion, retraction, elevation, depression
TMJ ligs

lateral lig, stylomandibular lig, sphenomandibular
Masseter origin

zygomatic arch

Masseter insertion
ramus of mandible

Massester action

elevates mandible, retraction

Masseter innervation

CN V trigeminal
Temporalis origin

temporal fossa

Temporalis insertion

coronoid process of mandible

Temporalis action
elevates, retraction
Medial Pterygoid origin

lateral pterygoid plate, maxilla

Medial Pterygoid insertion

medial surface of mandible

Medial Pterygoid action

bilateral- elevates, protrusion,

unilateral- lateral deviation

Lateral Pterygoid origin

lateral Pterygoid plate

Lateral Pterygoid insertion

capsule of TMJ, neck of mandible

LAteral Pterygoid action

bilateral- protrusion

unilateral- lateral deviation

Levator Palpebrae superioris orgin

posterior portion of orbit

Levator Palpebrae sup insertion

upper eye lid

Lev Palp Sup action

elevates upper eye lid

Lev Palp Sup innervation

CN III oculomotor nerve
Rectus Muscles origin

posterior orbit

Rectus Muscles insertion

superior, inferior, lateral, medial surface of eye
Superior oblique

post orbit to trochlea to top of eye

Inferior oblique

medial orbit to lateral eye inferiorly

Inferior oblique acton

elevate eye

Superior Rectud

elevate eye
lateral Rectus

abduction of eye

Medial Rectus

adduction of eye

Superior obliue

depression of eye

Inferior rectus

depression of eye

Superior eye innervation

trochlear nerve

LAteral rectus innervation

abducent nerve

Levator palpebrae sup, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique innervation

Oculomotor nerve CN III

Facial Muscles innervation

facial nerve CN VII