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83 Cards in this Set

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The only intrinsic muscles of the hand located on the dorsal aspect are the...
dorsal interossei muscles
Vessels of the hand: the dorsal arch is formed by what?
dorsal carpal artery of the radial artery
Vessels of the hand: the superficial palmar arch is formed by what?
ulnar artery. it is sometimes completed by the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
(ulnar-superficial: US)
Vessels of the hand: the deep palmar arch is formed by what?
radial artery. (deep-radial: DR)
-completed by deep palmar branch of ulnar artery
Vessels of the hand: the common palmar digital arteries are a continuation of what?
the superficial palmar arch formed by the ulnar artery
What nerve passes deep to the flexor retinaculum?
median nerve
A palmar laceration can affect the ___________, as this branch passes through the thenar compartment.
recurrent branch of the median nerve
The median nerve innervates what parts of the hand?
the lateral (radial) 3 and 1/2 fingers and the lateral 2/3 of the palm
What nerve passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum?
ulnar nerve
The superficial branch of the ulnar nerve innervates what parts of the hand?
the medial (ulnar) 1 and 1/2 fingers and the medial 1/3 of the palm
What nerve passes through Guyon's canal?
the deep branch of the ulnar nerve
A lesion in the ulnar nerve results in what kind of deformity?
The _________________ envelops the flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus in the carpal tunnel
ulnar bursa
The ulnar bursa continues from the carpal tunnel into the _________________. This explains the spread of infections from the ____________________.
-little finger
-palm to the little finger
The radial bursa contains the tendon of the _______________.
flexor pollicis longus
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by...
compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, resulting in numbness/tingling in the lateral (radial side) 3 1/2 fingers and weakness of the thenar muscles (lumbricals 1 & 2)
(varying sensory and motor deficits)
What type of joint is the radiocarpal joint?
synovial condyloid
What joint lies between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones?
midcarpal joint
Which muscles function to flex the wrist (4)?
flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris
flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
Which muscles function to extend the wrist?
extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
extensor digitorum
What fracture of the wrist shows the characteristic dinner fork deformity?
Colles' fracture
A fractured scaphoid affects the __________ artery, causing ___________.
radial artery, causing avascular necrosis
Anterior dislocation of the lunate affects which nerve?
the median nerve
Fracture of the hook of hamate affects which nerve?
ulnar nerve
A fracture of the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint is called
Bennet's fracture
A comminuted intra-articular fracture of the base of the first metacarpal is called
Rolando's fracture
Skier's thumb is due to
chronic rupture of the ULNAR COLLATERAL LIGAMENT of the thumb's MP JOINT (hyperabduction)
What is a boxer's fracture
fracture of the neck of the 5th metacarpal
The carpal tunnel is a confined space with rigid walls, any condition that significantly reduces the volume of the carpal tunnel may compress what nerve?
median nerve
Inflammation of the synovial sheaths due to repetitive motion or infection may lead to what?
carpal tunnel syndrome
(relatively common)
Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by pain and/or paresthesia in what part of the hand?

In severe cases there is loss of strength and atrophy of what muscles, with loss of precise movement of thumb?
palmar surface of the lateral 3 and 1/3 digits, sometimes radiating proximally to the forearm

thenar compartment muscles
What two structured may be used to partially replace the loss of function due to thumb amputation?
great toe may be transplanted or index finger mobilized and repositioned
What nerve may be compressed by any space-occupying lesion (ex ganglion cyst) in guyon's canal?
ulnar nerve
The brachioradialis may perform weak elbow flexion in a patient who has a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve. What would this lesion do to the brachialis and biceps brachii?
it would paralyze the brachialis and biceps brachii
in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), repeated forceful wrist extension causes inflammation of the humeral attachment of what muscle?
extensor carpi radialis brevis
The deep branch of what nerve may become entrapped within the supinator muscle or damaged by fracture of the neck of the radius?
radial nerve
Then tendons of abductor pollicus longus and extensor pollicus brevis share a tendon sheath and compartment deep to the extensor retinaculum. They may become inflammed deep to the retinaculum following repetitive motion, this is known as____________
de Quervain's stenosing tynosynovitis
(de Quervain's syndrome)
What does de Quervain's syndrome cause?

What does the differential diagnosis include?
tenderness and lateral wrist pain that may radiate both proximally and distally

arthritis of the first carpometacarpal joint and scaphoid fracture
what is the most frequently fractured carpal bone?

What are the characteristic symptoms of this fracture?
scaphoid bone

pain w/ hand movement and tenderness on deep palpation in the anatomical snuffbox, following a fall on an outstretched hand
A scaphoid fracture may not be visible on an x-ray until ________ days, until what has occurred at the fracture site?
10-14 days, until bone reabsorption has occurred at the fracture site
A scaphoid fracture may result in interruption of blood supply with what?
with avascular necrosis of the proximal fragment
The radial nerve typically sends branches to innervate the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus before doing what?
before dividing into deep and superficial branches
The deep branch of the radial nerve usually supplies the extensor carpi radialis brevis and supinator before piercing the supinator. What supplies the rest of the forearm extensor muscles?
posterior interosseous nerve
(true/false) Injury to the deep branch of the radial nerve at the supinator muscle spares wrist extension
What is the two point discrimination test?
tests the finger pads as a sensory tool, can distinguish 2 points at least 2mm apart (45mm on calf)
Wrist is made up of __ cuboid bones, __ in proximal row, __ in distal row.
8 cuboid bones
4 proximal
4 distal
What are the proximal cuboid bones (medial-->lateral)?
scaphoid--> lunate --> triquetrum--> pisiform
What are the distal cuboid bones (medial--> lateral)?
trapezium--> trapezoid--> capitate--> hamate
The carpal bones mediolaterally form 2 arches, each with a lateral and medial pillar, what are these 4 pillars?
tubercle of scaphoid
pisiform bone
tubercle of trapezium
hook of hamate
What connects the pillars of the carpal bones converting it into a tunnel for the long tendons and median nerve?
flexor retinaculum
What goes 6 muscles go through the carpal tunnel in addition to the median nerve?
1. flexor carpi radialis
2, palmaris longus
3. flexor carpi ulnaris
4. flexor digitorum superficialis
5. flexor digitorum profundus
6. flexor pollicus longus
What nerve and artery do NOT go through carpal tunnel?
ulnar nerve and ulnar artery
What are the boundaries of guyon's canal?
flexor retinaculum
hook of hamate
pisohamate ligament
volar carpal ligament
What is palmar aponeurosis?
thickened central part of palmar fascia
What is the part of palmar fascia that extends past palms into fingers?
digital sheaths
What are the 5 diff hand compartments?
1. central
2. hypothenar
3. thenar
4. adductor
5. interosseous
What does the central compartment of the hand contain?
long flexor tendons in synovial sheaths
superficial palmar arch
digital vessels and nerves (common palmar)
origin: deep flexor tendons
attachment: lateral side of extensor expansions
innervation: 1 & 2 by ulnar n., 3 & 4 by median n.
What does the thenar compartment of the hand contain?
-abductor pollicus brevis
-flexor pollicus brevis
-opponens pollicus
What innervates the thenar compartment of the hand?
recurrent branch of median nerve
What does the hypothenar compartment of the hand contain?
-abductor digiti minimi
-flexor digiti minimi brevis
-opponens digiti minimi
What innervates the hypothenar compartment?
deep branch of ulnar nerve
What does the adductor compartment contain?
What innervates it?
-transverse head (anterior shaft of metacarpal 3)
-oblique head (capitate & base of metacarpal 2&3)
-deep palmar arch

innervated by deep branch of ulnar nerve
What does the interosseous compartment contain?
-palmar interossei
-dorsal interossei
what innervates the interosseous compartment?
deep branch of ulnar nerve
describe the palmar interossei
-3-4 muscles, first can be small as part of adductor pollicis
-all are unipennate attached from the metacarpals to the base of proximal phalange and extensor expansion
-adduction of all fingers except the 3rd
describe the dorsal interossei
-4 muscles
-all bipennate muscles attached from the metacarpals to the base of the proximal phalange and extensor expansion
-abduction of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th finger
What are the extensor expansions?
extensor digitorum
extensor indicis
extensor digiti minimi
-flattened extensor digitorum tendons from metacarpal area (mainly)
Where do the extensor expansion bands attach?
-hood anchors to palmar ligament in metacarpal area
-central median band attaches to middle phalange
-lateral bands attach to distal phalanges
The superficial palmar arch gives off what arteries?
-palmar digital artery
-3 common palmar digital arteries (joined by palmar metacarpal artery from deep palmar arch)
The deep palmar arch gives off what arteries?
-palmar metacarpal arteries (joins common palmar digital arteries, then proper digital arteries
All muscles in the hand are supplied by the ulnar nerve except _____________ and ______________ which are supplied by what nerve?
thenar muscles and lumbricals 1 & 2 are supplied by median nerve

(motor hand supply = median and ulnar nerve)
nerve injuries lead to what sensory and motor deficits
sensory- total anesthesia, varying amount of sensory deficits or nerve irritation

motor- total paralysis, varying degrees of weakness
Primary sensory neuron is (pseudounipolar/multipolar). Peripheral process ends in transducer. Where is the soma of this neuron found?

psuedounipolar soma is found in the dorsal root ganglion
upper motor neurons travel along pathway from where to where?
from cerebral cortex to ventral horn of spinal cord or motor nucleus of a cranial nerve
lower motor neurons are alpha motor neurons, where do they send their axons?
sends its axon to a motor end plate on a muscle
How does paralysis from an upper motor neuron differ from paralysis from a lower motor neuron
upper motor neuron paralysis can be spastic with hyperflexia, lower motor neuron muscle paralysis is flaccid and antagonist muscle is now unopposed
Ulnar nerve palsy/claw hand is caused by?
and affects what muscles?
injury to ulnar nerve at elbow

affects all intrinsic hand muscles except 1st and 2nd lumbricals and thenar muscles leading to loss of MCP flexion of 4th and 5th finger (palm flat w/ pinky and ring finger flexed toward palm, rest of fingers lay flat)
What muscles are not affected by ulnar nerve palsy?

what muscles are unopposed?
flexor carpi ulnaris and medial flexor digitorum profundus unaffected, allowing flexion of PIP and DIP

long extensors unopposed, leading to extension of MCP
Klumpke's palsy is caused by lesion/injury where?
injury to C8 and/or T1 ventral rami roots
Median nerve palsy is caused by what injury and leads to what?
injury at carpal tunnel or above elbow

leads to sensory deficit in median nerve areas and weakened thumb opposition
(if injury above elbow, leads to no abduction also, benediction hand or ape hand)
radial nerve palsy caused by injury where, leads to what?
injury at wrist

no muscles affected, sensory deficit in radial nerve area
radial nerve palsy can also be caused by injury above the elbow, this leads to what?
affects all forearm extensor muscles and sensory deficit around elbow