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104 Cards in this Set

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Abduction (upward rotation scapula)

*Trap ascending and descending, *serratus anterior, middle deltoid, supraspinatus
Adduction (downward rotation scapula)

*Lats, levator scapulae, pec minor, pec major, teres major, rhomboids

Elevates scapula

*Trap descending, levator scapulae, rhomboids
Depresses scapula
Traps ascending, Lats, serratus anterior, pec minor, *gravity

Protracts scapula

Pec minor, pec major, *serratus anterior

Retracts scapula

*Trap middle, rhomboid, lat

Flexes humerus

Pec major (CH), anterior deltoid
Extends humerus
Lat, posterior deltoid, pec major (SCH)
Medial rotation

Pec major, lat, anterior deltoid, teres major, subscapularis

Lateral rotation

Posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor

lateral pectoral nerve

Pec Major (C5, *C6)

Medial Pectoral Nerve

Pec Major ( *C7, *C8, T1)

Pec Minor (C8, T1)

Nerve to Subclavius

Subclavius (*C5, C6)

Long Thoracic Nerve

Serratus Anterior (C5, *C6, *C7)

Spinal Accessory Nerve

Trapezius (also cervical C3, C4)

Thoracodorsal Nerve

Latissimus Dorsi (*C6, *C7, C8)

Dorsal Scapular Nerve

Levator Scapulae (C4, C5 also cervical nerves C3, C4)

Rhomboids (C4, *C5)

Axillary Neve

Deltoid (*C5, C6)

Teres Minor (*C5, C6)

Suprascapular Nerve

Supraspinatus (C4, *C5, C6)

Infraspinatus (*C5, C6)

Lower Subscapular Nerve

Teres Major (C5, *C6)

Subscapularis (C5, *C6, C7) (and upper subscapular nerve!)


slices of skin that are innervated by a certain nerve root


movement derived from mostly one single nerve,

ex: elbow extension primarily C&

posterior triangle of neck

trap, clavicle, and sternocleidomastiod, communicates with axillary triangle, where brachial plexus nerve roots come out between scalene muscles

sternoclavicular joint

very mobile, shallow socket and rounded head, fibrocatilage disk for shock absorption, do not typically dislocate

acromioclavicular joint

commonly injured (separated shoulder), synovial joint, many ligaments needed to hold together because it is very shallow, coracoclavicular ligament most important in stabilization

Slap lesion

glenoid labrum gets pulled off glenoid cavity by bicep

bankhart lesion

inferior anterior labral tear, can be due to humeral dislocation

hill-sacks lesion

depression in posterolateral head due to dislocation

triangle of ausculation

near rib 6 and 7, formed by teres major, infraspinatus, lat and inferior trap, medial border of scapula

Borders of the Axilla

anterior wall: calvicle subclavius, pec minor and pec major

posterior wall: scapula, subscapularis

posterior fold: lat and teres major

medial: ribcage, intercostal muscles, serratus anterior

medial brachial cutaneous nerve

innervates skin on upper arm, no muscles

medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

innervates skin on forearm, no muscles

musculocutanteous nerve

innervates coracobrachialis, bicep and brachialis also becomes cutaneous nerve of lateral forearm

Herb's Palsy

superior brachial plexus lesion (C5, C6), SAM the waiter wants a tip, caused by head flexion

S: suprascapular nerve

A: axillary

M: musculocutaneous

arm will be adduced and palm facing posterior (medially rotated and pronated), weak elbow flexion

unopposed action

limbs will bend toward muscle with most tone, think WEAK muscles

ex: weak tricep will cause unopposed bicep flexion

backpackers palsy

damage to superior trunk, similiar to herb's palsy

lateral cord lesion

ex: carry golf bag led to impingement of lateral pec nerve and atrophied muscle

posterior cord lesion

impingement at back of armpit, usually radial nerve damage (Crutch Palsy), loss of wrist and elbow extension, sometimes axillary nerve damage aka Saturday Night Palsy

Lower Root Injuries

typically C8 and T1 sometimes C7, opposite of Herb's palsy in mechanism (caused by head stretch), primarily ulnar nerve damage, lose movement of hand (adduction/abduction), chronic leads to claw hand, extensors atrophy

Horner's Syndrome

sometimes correlated with Brachial Plexus Lesions, some sympathetic nerves from spinal nerves travel to neck and can simultaneously be impinged, ptosis (droopy eye), miosis (tiny pupil), usually unilateral, anhydrosis (one side will not sweat)

superficial muscles affected by whip lash

collectively suprahyoid and infrahyoid ("strap muscles": omohyoid, sternohyoid, stylohyoid, thyrohyoid, sterothyroid

Subclavian Artery Off-shoots

thyrocervical trunk, supra scapular artery, transverse cervical, dorsal scapular

Part 1 of Axillary Artery

superior thoracic artery

Part 2 of Axillary Artery

Thoracoacromical artery (clavicular, acromion, deltoid, pectoral braches), lateral thoracic artery

Part 3 of Axillary Artery

subscapular artery (branches to thoracodorsal and cirumflex scapular artery), anterior circumflex humeral artery, posterior circumflex humeral artery

Brachial Artery

splits into radial and ulnar arteries, profunda brachii: goes round back of humerus and splits into ulnar and radial collateral arteries

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

compression of neurovascular bundle in axilla, typically ulnar nerve, can be caused by working overhead


- Scalene 1st rib syndrome

- Costocalvicular Syndrome
- Pec Minor Syndrome (head forward posture, pec minor shortens, scapular protracted)

Symptoms: tingling in fingers weaknesses, sometimes painful

C4 Myotome

shoulder shrug

C5 Myotome


C6 myotome

elbow flexion

C7 myotome

elbow extension

C8 myotome

thumb extension

T1 myotome

finger abduction

C4 dermatome

top of shoulder

C5 dermatome

Upper arm thumb side

C6 dermatome

thumb side of upperarm to thumb

C7 dermtome

middle finger

C8 dermatome

pink side of hand to pinky

T1 dermatome

pinky side of forearm

T2 dermatome

pinky side of upper arm

T3 dermatome


cause of winged scapula

injured serratus anterior or long thoracic nerve

omohyoid origin

inferior belly: superior border of scapula near scapular notch and suprascapular ligaments

superior belly: from tendon of inferior belly near sternocleidomastoid

insertion of omohyoid

inferior bely: ends as a tendon

superior belly: lower border of yoid bone

action of omohyoid

depresses and retracts hyoid bone, retracts larynx

innervation of omohyoid

ansa cervicalis C2, C3

scalenus anterior origin

anterior tubercule of transverse processes of C3-C6

scalenus anterior insertion

scalene tubercule on inner border and upper surface of 1str ib

scalenus anterior action

bends cervical protion of vertebral column forward and contralaterally asists in elevation of 1st rib

innervation of scalenus anterior

ventral rami of C4-C6

scalenus medius origin

posterior tubercule of transverse processes of C2-C7 vertebrae

insertion of scalenus medius

upper surface of first rib

action of scalenus medius

raises first rib acting from above, acting from below flexes head isilaterally and contralaterally rotates

innervation of scalenus medius

ventral rami of C3-C8 nerves

scalenus posterior origin

posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C4-C6 vertebrae

insertion of scalenus posterior

outer surface of second rib

action of scalenus posterior

raises second rib, when rib fixed bends neck ipsilaterally and contralaterally rotates

innervation of scalenus posterior

ventral rami of C6-C8 nerves

platysma origin

subcutaneous fascia covering the pec major and deltoid

insertion of platysma

lower margin of mandible and subcutaneous fascia and muscles of jaw and mouth

innervation of platysma

cervical branch of facial nerve VII

action of platysma

weakly draws down lower lip and depresses mandible

sternocleidomastoid origin

sternal head: manubrium of sternum

clavicular head: superior border of medial 1/3 of clavicle

insertion of sternocleidomastoid

mastoid process and lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line

action of sternocleidomastoid

one side acting: ipsilateral neck bend and contralateral rotation

both sides acting: flexes neck or when neck is fixed raises thorax in forced breathing

innervation of sternocleidomastoid

accessory nerve

longus capitis origin

anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of 3rd-6th cervical vertebrae

longus capitis insertion

basilar process of occipital bone anterior to foramen magnum

action of longus capitis

flexes cervical vertebrae and head

innervation of longus capitis


longus colli origin

superior oblique: transverse processes of C3-C5

medial: anterior surfaces of the bodies of the 1st 3 thoracic and lower 3 cervical vertebrae

inferior: anterior surface of the bodies of the 1st 2 or 3 thoracic vertebrae

longus colli insertion

supierior: anterior arch of atlas

medial: anterior surface of C2-C4 vertebrae

inferior: transverse processes of C5-C6 vertebrae

action of longus colli

all 3 parts flex neck, oblique portion bends laterally, inferior contralaterally rotates

innervation of longus colli


rectus capitis anterior origin

anterior base of tranverse process of atlas

insertion of rectus capitis anterior

occipital bone anterior to foramen magnum

action of rectus capitis anterior

flexes head

innervation of rectus capitis anterior


rectus capitis lateralis origin

transverse process of atlas

rectus capitis lateralis insertion

jugular process of occipital bone

action of rectus capitis lateralis

bends head laterally

innervation of rectus capitis lateralis


quadrangular space

lateral and long head tricep, deltoid, teres major, teres minor : axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral come through

lumbar triangle

lats, external abdominal oblique, illiac crest