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5 Cards in this Set

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What does the patellar ligament reflex test?
1. Femoral Nerve

2. Spinal Nerves L2-L4
Site of Femoral Hernias
Femoral Ring leading to the Femoral Canal.
What does a Positive Trendelenburg Test indicate?
Fracture or Dislocation at the hip joint, or general damage to the Superior Gluteal Nerve.

Contralateral gluts cannot support the unsupported leg, and the hip on the side of leg that is raised will drop.
What does Foot Drop indicate?
Common fibular nerve injury and possible fracture of the fibular near the head.
Boundaries and Contents of the Popliteal Fossa:
Superolaterally - Biceps Femoris

Superomedially - Semimembranosus

Inferolaterally and Inferomedially - Lateral and Medial heads of the Gastrognemius

Posteriorly - Skin and Popliteal Fascia

Floor - Popliteal Surface of the Femur

Small Saphenous Vein
Popliteal Arteries and Veins
Tibial Nerve
Common Fibular Nerve
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Popliteal lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels