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69 Cards in this Set

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remnants of notocord, can be on the pelvic region or base of the skull.
still part of notochord is nuc pulposoa and apical ligament of dens
sacrococcygeal tertotoma
remnants of primitive streak. Internal, external, both
Ectopia Cordi
heart lies outside of the thoracic cavity bc of lesion in the sternum- incomplete lateral folding of ventral body wall
gut herniates through a lesion in the anterior abdominal wall due to incomplete lateral folding
Carpal Tunnel
Compression of the Median N. at the wrist as it passes through the carpal tunnel and under the flexor retinaculum. This condition results in numbness and weakness of the hand
Colles Fracture
Fracture of the distal radius w/ posterior displacement. Usually resulting from a fall onto an outstretched hand. May include: Median N. irritation, extensor pollicis longus rupture
Dropped Wrist
Damage to the Radial N causing unopposed flexion of the wrist
Erb-Duchenne Palsy “waiters tip”
Damage to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. Presents as a pronated arm and a dropped wrist
Klumpke’s Palsy “claw hand”
Damage to the lower trunk of the brachial plexus presenting with digits 4 & 5 bent. Inability to grasp paper between digits.
Mallet Finger
Avulsion of the attachment of the extensor digitorum as it inserts into the dorsal terminal phalanx of the finger. Finger appears bent at the tip
Smith Fracture
Fall on to back of hand. ANTERIOR displacement
Acromioclavicular Separation
Caused by falling on the point of your shoulder. Causes your arm and shoulder to “step down”
Glenohumeral Dislocation
Anterioinferior movement. Usually results in damage to the Axillary Artery
Humeral Mid Shaft Break
May cause damage to the Radial N. and the Deep branch of the Brachial A. “Dead arm”
Humeral Surgical Neck Break
May cause damage to the Axillary N. and the Posterior Circumflex A.
Olecranon Burstitis “Students Elbow”
Swelling over the olecranon due to repeated pressure on that area and compression of the nerve. The bursitis may be drained
Tennis Elbow
Tenderness in the extensor region of the lateral epichondyle caused by repetitive motion
Spina Bifida
Failure of vertebral arch to develop and fuse.
SB Occulta
least severe, just tuft of hair on lumbar region, otherwise asymptomatic
SB Meningecoele
2nd least severe, cyst on back with CSF and meninges
SB Meningomyelocoele
cyst on back filled with cord and spinal nerves
SB Cystica with Myeloschisis
most severe SB, open cord with mass of neural tissue exposed
Jefferson Burst Fracture
Compression of C1 between occipital and C2, fall on TOP of head
Exaggerated curvature of Thoracic spine
Exaggerated curvature of lumbar spine
lateral curvature of spine caused by unequal leg length, muscle imbalance, hemivertabra
fracture of pars interarticularis
Fracture and anterior displacement of L5 resulting in squeezing of cauda equina
thoracic outlet syndrome
presence of cervial rib that results in compression of sublavian artery and or inferior trunk of brahial plexus, may result in thenar wasting and or pallor and loss of sensation in the limb...compression of structures in superior aperature outlet
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
absence of pleuroperitoneal membrane. usually on left side, gut enters through the defect. heart pushed right and hypoplasia of lung may occur
Congenital Hiatal hernia
abnormally large esophageal hiatus. stomach pulled into the thorax and constricted at the hiatus
Eventration of Diaphragm
defective musculature of diaphragm. upon inspiration eventraion of gut tube occurs but technically remains in the thorax bc its still separate by tussie from the upper cavity
presence of gas in the pleural cavity between the parietal pleura and visceral pleura...needle just above rib-above 11?
surfactant deficiency resulting in labored, rapid inspiration after birth, prolonged intruetrin asphyxia produces major changes in type 2 cells which are responsible for surfactant production
tracheoesophageal fistula
improper development of tracheoesophageal septum which links the respiratory and digestive system (trachea and esphogaus connected) fluid may pass into the lungs causing polyhydroamnios. results bc of babys inability to swallow and absorb amniotic fluid as it can not reach the gut
ASD Primum
failure of ostium primum in heart to close- Down Syndrome
ASD Secundum
ostium secundum is abnormally large due to short septum secundum or excessive absorption of septum primum
Sinus Venosus Type
Incomplete Absorption of sinus venosus in right atrium
opposite folding of the heart resulting in a mirror image of the heart in the chest. asymptomatic
Persistant Ductus Arteriousus
failure of ductus arteriosus to close 1 month after due date. more common in females than males. usually associated with maternal rubella
Teratology of Fallot
shunt of blood from right to left
Interventricular Septal
Overriding of the aorta
Pulmonary stenosis
transposition of great vessels
failure of spiral twising of aorticopulmonary septum. shunts blood from right to left
ventricular septum defect
most common congenital heart disease. shunts blood from left to right.
pericardial effusion/cardiac tamponade
blood or excess fluid in perichardial cavity between parietal and visceral layers. relieved by passing needle upward left of xiphoid
persistant truncus arteriosus
absence of aoricopulmonary septum resulting in mixed blood through pulmonary atery and aorta
CYANOSIS because shunt from right to left
Left to right shunts
OKKK bc blood will still go to lungs via pulmonary trunk
Right to left
NOTTT ok...deoxy blood will go to body, and CYANOSIS will occur
Cyanotic Heart Defects
Transposition of great arteries
Teratology of Fallot
Persistant Truncus Arteriosis
undescended tests remain in abdmonial cavity, inguinal cnal
ectopic testis
testis in abnormal position after passing through inguinal canal, abnormal attachment of gubernaculum
fluid collects in unclosed part of processus vaginalis
indirect inguinal hernia
intestine pushes into unclosed processus vaginalis herniates inside spermatic cord and goes in scrotum
congenital inguinal hernia
gut herniates through deep ring and lateral to inferior epigastic
anular pancreas
ventral bud may be bifid, two parts migrate to opposite directions around 2nd part of duodenum, ring around pancreatic tissue obstruct bowel
ballooning of lower abdnominal aorta
dull visceral para umbilical pain, moves to macpurneys point as sharp somatic pain in right parietal peritoneal irritation. iliacfossa. laprooscopic surgery
bowel ischemia
volvulus twisting of small bowel and sigmoid colon. around splenic flexure, between superior and mesenteric arterial supply
caput medusa
engored paraumbilical veins radationg from umbilicus across abdomen to join systemic veins. veins anastamose with superficial epigastrics
congenital omphalocoele
failure of withdrawal of midgut loop from umbilical cord cord, resulting in external gut
esophageal verices
engorged and dilated esophageal vessels in mucosal lining, portal hypertension, blood unable to pass through liver via portal vein, large blood accumulates around gatroesophageal junction
hirschbrung disease, congenital megacolon
absence of parasympathetic ganglia in segment of descending colon due to nueral crest cells to migrate
omphaloenteric duct meckels diverticulum
meckels diverticulum, persdidtence of proximal part of omphaloneteric duct 2 2 2 2%
prolapsed internal hemrrhoids
vericose beins developing in internal rectum, caused by strain
rectal prolapse
rectm pushed out true pelvis to exterior, weakness of anal sphincter of pelivis to floor
renal agencies
absense of metanephric diverticulum
discoid pancake kidney
kidneys ascent, fuse to form discoid kidney
horseshoe kidney
ascent arrested by inferior mesenteric artery
bifid ureter
metanephric diverticulum split
2 kidneys
two metanephric diverticula