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28 Cards in this Set

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in the 5th week, the gonads of both sexes derive from which embryological tissues
intermediate mesoderm of the posterior abdominal wall

underlying mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue)

primordial germ cells
primordial germ cells originate where

and migrate to
primordial germ cells originate in the wall of the umbilical vesicle

and migrate to the gonadal ridges where they enter the underlying mesenchyme and are incorporated into the gonadal cords
the indifferent gonads are comprised of a cortex and a medulla

ovaries are derived from the ___________

testes are derived from the______________
ovaries derived from the cortex

testes derived from the medulla

the other part, in each case, regresses
the testes gradually separate from the disintegrating mesonephros and become suspended by their own mesentery, called
the mesorchium
HCG stimulates what in the developing teste
testosterone production
Mullerian Inhibiting Substance does what
produced by Sertoli cells until puberty, MIS inhibits the formation of the paramesonephric ducts that form the uterus and uterine tubes
when does the lumina of the seminiferous tubules develop
testosterone stimulates the _______________ ducts to form male genital ducts
do inguinal canals develop in both sexes
superior and inferior attachments of the gubernaculum

how many are there?
sup= inferior pole of the gonad

inf+ the internal surface of the labioscrotal swellings

2, each side of the abdomen
what is the processus vaginalis
an evagination of the peritoneum in the testicular zone, ventral to the gubernaculum
what herniates through the abdominal wall
the processus vaginalis
what fascial layers of the abdominal wall are carried by the processus vaginalis as it herniates through the wall
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversalis fascia
testes descend retroperitoneally at week _____

takes _____ days

2 - 3
extension of transversalis fascia becomes the__________
internal spermatic fascia
extension of the internal oblique muscle becomes the ___________
cremasteric muscle
extension of the external oblique aponeurosis becomes the ________________
external spermatic fascia
once the connecting stalk of the processus vaginalis is obliterated, what do you call that space
tunica vaginalis
what happens if the abdominal end of the processus vaginalis remains open and peritoneal fluid accumulates there
hydrocele of the testis
besides the gubernaculum, what 3 factors also drive the descent of the testes
intra-abdominal pressure

differential growth

gonadotropic hormones
does the testis pass through the processus vaginalis?
No, posterior to it

the tunica vaginalis forms a 2-layered sac (visceral and parietal layer) which covers the testes
what do you call the caudal remnant of the gubernaculum
epidydimalscrotal ligament
does the transversus abdominus muscle participate in the tunica vaginalis?
contents of the spermatic cord
testicular artery and vein

ductus deferens

and... The ARTERY of the ductus deferens

the cremasteric artery

sympathetic nerves

genital br. of genitofemoral n.

lymphatic vessels

pampiniform plexus (a network of many small veins found in the sp. cord)
undescended testis
a fold of the intestines in the unfused processus vaginalis
congenital indirect inguineal hernia
descent of the ovaries

the gubernaculum attaches where caudally
caudally to the uterus near the attachment of the uterine tube
cranial part of the gubernaculum becomes what ligament in the ladies

caudal part?
ovarian ligament

round ligaments of the uterus, which pass through the inguinal canals to terminate in the labia majora