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51 Cards in this Set

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What innervates prevertebral muscles?
Somatic motor portion of the cervical ventral rami
where does pharynx start and stop?
Base of skull to cricoid cartilage -> becomes esophagus
Outer circular coat of muscles?
Superior, middle and inferior constrictors
Inner longitudinal coat of muscles?
Salpingopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus and stylopharyngeus
Vertical muscles of pharynx do what?
Elevate pharynx and larynx to start swallowing
constrictor mm. of pharynx do what?
Propel food to esophagus
from medial -> lateral name the order of nn's running posterior to the pharynx (just inferior to skull)
Glossophayngeal -> Sympathetic trunk -> Vagus -> Hypoglossal -> Accessory
IX -> sympathetic trunk -> X -> XII -> XI
which constrictor inserts on hyoid?
Middle constrictor
Which constrictor inserts on cricoid cartilage?
Inferior constrictor
Where does the superior constictor insert?
Pterygomandibular raphe
sensory to nasopharynx?
sensory to oropharynx?
Glossopharyngeal n.
sensory to laryngopharynx?
Vagus n.
Somatic motor to pharynx?
Vagus does all EXCEPT stylopharyngeus m (CN IX)
Parasympathetic to mucous glands of pharynx?
Superior cervical ganglion
Nerves responsible for gag reflex?
CN IX (sensory) & CN X (motor)
Somatic sensory of CN IX?
Oropharynx, middle ear, posterior 1/3 of tongue
Parasympathetic component of CN IX innv. what?
parotid gland (via otic ganglion)
Visceral sensory of CN IX?
Carotid body and sinus
Special sensory of CN IX?
Taste - posterior 1/3 of tongue
What's located underneath the pharyngeal recess?
Adenoids (AKA tonsils)
The nose participates in (clever acronym)?
Air humidification
Dust filtration
Nose receives sections from?
Nasal mucosa & nasolacrimal ducts
Internal opening of the nose?
Appx location?
1) Choanae
2) Posterior to Vomer and anterior to Torus Tubarius

When may police effect an investigatory detention?
If police have a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity or involvement in a completed crime, supported by articulable facts (i.e., not merely a hunch).
What bone(s) form the:
1) Superior Concha
2) Middle Concha
3) Inferior Concha
1) Ethmoid
2) Ethmoid
3*) Palatine (perpendicular plate)
*wiki: the inferior turbinate bone arises from the maxilla
4 spaces withing the lateral wall of nose?
1) Sphenoethmoidal recess
2) Superior meatus
3) Middle meatus
4) Inferior meatus
2 mucosa on the lateral nasal wall?
1) Olfactory mucosa (1/3)
2) Respiratory mucosa (2/3)
Function of sphenoethmoidal recess?
Receives mucosa from the sphenoid sinus -> oral pharynx to be swallowed
Drains into superior meatus?
posterior ethmoidal cells?
Drains into middle meatus?
1) Anterior and middle ethmoidal cells
2) Maxillary sinus
3) Frontonasal duct
Drains into inferior meatus?
nasolacrimal gland
Describe path starting at the Lacrimal gland
Ducts -> lacrimal curuncle/lake -> lacrimal sac -> lacrimal canaliculi -> nasolacrimal duct -> inferior meatus
Somatic sensory innervation to nasal cavity?
V1 + V2
1) Parasympathetic innervation of nasal cavity?
2) Targets
3) Synapse?
1) CN VII via V2
2) Glands of the mucosa of nasal cavity, oral cavity and paranasal sinuses
3) Pterygpalatine ganglion
Parasympathetic innervation of lacrimal gland?
CN VII via V2 & V1
Sympathetic innervation of nasal cavity?
Superior cervical ganglion (primarily by way of blood vessels)
Path of nasopalatine nerve in the nasal cavity?
Enters: Sphenopalatine foramen
Exits: Incisive foramen
2 folds in oropharynx?
1) Palatoglossal (more lateral)
2) Palatopharyngeal
Muscles that adjust the soft palate and their innervation?
1) Tensor palati (V3) -- opens auditory tube
2) Levator palati (CN X;posterior to tensor) -- elevates soft palate
Rule 1:
Muscles with "tensor" innv. by?
Muscles with "palat-" innv. by?
CN X; unless rule 1 applies
Rule 3:
Muscles with "glossus" innv. by?
CN XII; unless rule 2 applies
Somatic sensory of tongue?
proximal 1/3 = CN IX
distal 2/3 = lingual n. (V3)
Special sensory of tongue?
proximal 1/3 = CN IX
distal 2/3 = Chorda tympani (VII)
3 extrinsic tongue muscles and innervation?
1) Genioglossus
2) Hyoglossus
3) Styoglossus
** All innv by CN XII
innervation and function of palatoglossus?
1) CN X
2) rises back part of tongue (but "more associate with soft palate)
Innervation of mylohyoid?
Nerve to mylohyoid (branch of V3)
Innervation of geniohyoid?
Innervation of the 3 salivary glands?
1) Parotid gland (CN IX)
2) Salivary gland (CN VII via V3)
3) Submandibular gland (CN VII via V3)
locate the geniohyoid?
just superior and directly midline to the mylohyoid