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35 Cards in this Set

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Layer 1 Plantar Foot Muscles
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digitorum brevis
Abductor hallucis
Layer 2 Plantar Foot Muscles
Quadratus plantae
FDL & FHL tendons
Layer 3 Plantar Foot Muscles
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Flexor hallucis brevis
Adductor hallucis
Layer 4 Plantar Foot Muscles
Plantar interossei
Dorsal interossei
Medial plantar nerve Innervation
Motor to:
-AbH, FDB, FHB, 1 st lumbrical
Sensory to:
-medial sole,
3 ½ digits
Lateral plantar nerve Innervation
Motor to:
2-4 lumbricals, interossei
Sensory to:
-lateral sole,
1 ½ digits
What does sensory to plantar portion of digits?
Common plantar digital nerves
Proper plantar digital nerves
What is the name of the diseas characterized by:
-Growth plate of femoral head separates/arterial supply disrupted
-Femoral head degenerates
Legg, Calve, Perthes disease
Hip jount less than 126
Coxa Varga
Hip joint more than 126
coxa valga
“Bow legs”
Genu varum, mediolateral miallignment
“Knock Knees”
Genu valgus
Bowing of the legs (backward) is called:
Genu recurvatum
List 4 Patellar Bursea Superior to inferiot
Suprapatellar bursa
Prepatellar bursa
Superficial infrapatellar bursa
Deep infrapatellar bursa
Landmarks for triangle for Aspiration of fluid in knee
-Lateral tubercle of tibia
-Lateral epicondyle of femur
-Apex of patella
How are ACL injuries most frequently caused?
extended knee with anterior blow—Hyperextension.
excessive lateral rotation of femur on fixed tibia
What is the Unhappy Triad?
1) Rupture of medial collateral ligament
2) Associated tear of medial meniscus
3) ACL rupture due to tibia-femur separation
What makes up the Mortise?
-medial malleolus
-lateral malleolus
-distal tibia
-held together by tibiofibular ligs.
What's a Pott’s fracture (Weber C)?
Caused by forcible eversion
medial malleolus avulsion, talus forces
breakage of lateral malleolus
Four Anastomoses around the knee
lateral circumflex femoral a. branch
femoral a. branch
popliteal a. branches
anterior tibial a. branch
What muscles comprise the calcaneal tendon?
(Superficial Muscles)
Q1)Anastomoses of the ankle
2Q)Collateral circulation of the ankle via
Perforating branch of fibular a. with anterior tibial a. (via arcuate a. and dorsalis pedis a.)
2A) Lateral malleolar & calcaneal branches of fibular a.
Medial malleolar & calcaneal branches of post tibial a.
Lesion to the SUPERIOR GLUTEAL NERVE may be indicated by?
Trendelenburg Sign or Gait due to loss of hip abduction
What nerve and condition?
positive Trendelenburg sign
Steppage gait, Waddling gait, or Swing-out gait may be caused bywhat nerve?
(Most commonly injured)
Damage to the Femoral Nerve can cause what functional deficits?
Functional deficits
-reduced hip flexion
-reduced/lost knee extension

Hip hike to help foot clear floor
Pain at adductor origin radiating to
thigh or weakness of thigh (kicking, jumping) may indicate damage to what nerve?
Tingling, burning, numbness along posterior leg, sole of foot may indicate damage to what nerve?
What nerve may be damaged?
resulting in steppage or high step gait
Whats “Ski boot syndrome?(neuropathy)”
Usually DEEP FIBULAR NERVE entrapment that causes pain in between digits 1-2
“Jogger’s foot” is caused by?
Entrapment of medial plantar nerve
deep to flexor retinaculum/abductor

resulting inBurning, tingling, numbness on medial side
Entrapment of what nerve in 3rd interosseus space resulting in shooting electrical pain is caused by damage to what nerve?
common plantar
What's another term for flat feet?
pes planus
What are the arteries that run along neck of femur?
-Retinacular arteries
What is the name of the artery that runs in the round ligament of the femur?
-Artery to the head of the femur