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100 Cards in this Set

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Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus would damage what nerve?
* The Axillary nerve (and post. humeral circumflex artery)
Fracture of the shaft of the humerus would damage:
* The radial nerve and deep brachial artery (in the spiral groove)

Spiral groove = radial = midshaft
Fx of the medial epicondyle in the arm would damage:
* Ulnar nerve (funny bone)
Fx of the hamate would damage:
* Ulnar nerve and artery (1st bone under 'pinky' metacarpal)
Someone who falls on their outstretched hand might damage:
* Radial artery
A pt who has broken his hand by punching a wall has probably fx'd:
* A metacarpal ("boxer's fx")
An inferior dislocation of the shoulder would damage what nerve?
* The axillary nerve
Muscle that adducts the humerus:
* Pectoralis major and subscapularis
Muscles involved in rotating the shoulder "out" (supination-- lateral rotation):
* Mainly the INFRAspinatus but also the teres minor
Muscles of the rotator cuff:
* SItS (supraspinatous, infraspinatous, teres minor, subscapularis)
Innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscle:
* Axillary nerve
Forms the floor of the triangle of auscultation:
* Rhomboid major (upper border of lat, lateral border of trapezius, and medial border of the scapula)
Innervates the biceps:

Innervates the tricep:
* Bicep = musculocutaneous

Tricep = Radial
Damage to c5, c6, and c7 would damage this nerve and cause:
* Long thoracic and cause winged scapula
What nerve roots make up the sympathetic trunk?
* C5 to T1
A pt who compresses the posterior cord d/t constant crutch use would have:
* Wrist drop (loss of function of the extensors of the forearm)
A pt who couldn't do "curls" has injured:
* his musculocutaneous nerve
Fracture of the medial epicondyle would cause:
* Claw hand (damage to ulnar nerve)

Loss of adduction of the thumb
Injury to the upper trunk such as in a breech delivery or motorcycle accident would cause:
* Erb palsy-- waiters tip hand
Adducts the fingers:
* Palmar interossei (PAD)
Abducts the fingers:
* Dorsal interossei (DAB)
Flexes the fingers:
* lumbricals and interossei
Extends the fingers:
* extensor digitorum
Innvervates the interossei muscles that abduct/adduct the fingers:
* Ulnar nerve
In a clavicle fx, the medial part will be pulled up by what muscle:
* the SCM (sternocleidomastoid)
Parts of the "terrible triad" of the knee:
* ACL, MCL, Medial meniscus tears
Innervates the anterior muscles of the lower leg and foot:
* Deep peroneal nerve
Innervates the skin on the lateral side of the lower leg and dorsum of the foot:
* Superficial peroneal nerve
Muscle that stabilizes the pelvis when a leg is raised off the floor:
* gluteus medius (superior gluteal nerve)
What makes the femoral triangle?
* Sartorius laterally, adductor longus medially, and inguinal ligament superiorly

Contains the femoral nerve, artery, and vein
What innervates the anterior, medial, and posterior muscles of the thigh:
* Ant = femoral nerve
Medial = obturator nerve
Post = Sciatic nerve
Artery that supplies the lateral compartment of the lower leg in the superficial peroneal region:
* There is no named artery
Innervates the posterior muscles of the leg (gastrocs, soleus, etc):
* The Tibial nerve
Small muscle that "unlocks" the knee:
* Popliteus muscle
Achilles reflex is tapping on what tendons?
* Tendons of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
If you lose plantar flexion of the foot, you have injured what nerve?
* Tibial nerve
Artery supplying blood to the femoral head:
* Medial circumflex femoral artery
Artery supplying blood to the knee, then branches just below the knee:
* Popliteal artery
White muscle fiber characteristics:
* Low myoglobin, Fast contraction, with high ATPase (high ATPase = quicker contraction = faster)
Artery most affected by a Berry Aneurysm:
* ACA (leg/foot) actually near the branch of the anterior communicating artery
What hand movement won't be allowed if the median nerve is cut?
* Opposition of the thumb
What nerve is damaged if the thumb can't adduct?
* Ulnar nerve controls thumb adduction (adductor pollicis)
Free edge of the lesser omentum contains what 3 structures:
* CBD, Hepatic Artery, and Portal Vein (Duct, Artery, Vein)
What findings would you see with a Klumpke palsy, what is injured?
* Klumpke palsy = Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Damage to C8, T1)

Numbness along inner aspect of the hand, can't use intrinsic hand muscles

Can be d/t a cervical rib also
Posterior upper pharynx is innervated by:
* CN IX (glosspharyngeal)
Ability to oppose the thumb (opponens pollicis) is via this nerve:
* Median nerve
Ability to adduct the thumb is via what nerve:
* Ulnar nerve
Important portal-caval anastamoses:
* Gastric veins -- Azygous system

Paraumbilical veins - superficial umbilical veins

Superior rectal - Middle/Inferior rectal
Retroperitoneal structures:
* Most of duodenum, most of pancreas, ascending/descending colon, rectum/anal canal, kidneys/adrenals, ureter/IVC/aorta
Gray-white penile plaque (shaft of penis):

Red plaque, glans of penis:

Multiple plaques:
* White plaque on shaft = Bowen's

Red plaque, glans = Eryth of Queryat

Multiple plaques = Bowenoid papulosis
Muscle that could avulse the lesser trochanter of the femur:
* Psoas major
Most important risk factor for breast cancer:
* Family history
If the tongue (when stuck out) deviates to the right, what is damaged?
* The right genioglossus muscle (hypoglossal innervation)
The ureter can be found immediately anterior to the:
* External illiac artery
Best hormone to dx a Zollinger-Ellison syndrome:
* Secretin
Nerve that would control extending the fingers and wrist:
* Radial nerve

(Ulnar is wrist flexion and flexion of digits 4 and 5--pinky)
OCD pt's show increased activity where in the brain?
* Caudate, prefrontal cortex, and basal ganglia
Anal canal innervation think:
* Inferior rectal nerve or pudendal nerve
Fascia that is most superficial and where a plastic surgeon would do a lipo from:
* Camper's fascia (Campers are fat)
Endodermal sinus tumor think:
* Yolk sac tumor (increased AFP)
2 demyelinating diseases:
* Multiple Sclerosis and Guillon-Barre

(Diabetes affects axons, not myelin)
A kid who falls on his outstretched hand and breaks his scaphoid will damage:
* His radial artery leading to avascular necrosis and PAIN IN THE SKIN over the SNUFF-BOX of the hand
Posterior cord gives rise to what nerves:
* Axillary and radial nerves
What gives rise to the Median nerve:

What gives rise to the Ulnar nerve:

What gives rise to the Musculocutaneous nerve:
* Median = Medial/Lateral cords

Ulnar = Medial Cord

Musculocut = Lateral Cord
A pt with menetrier's disease who has big rugal folds, high mucus, and scant gastric glands will have reduced:
* Protein digestion (protein-losing enteropathy)
Ovarian tumor that can cause hyperthyroidism:
* Monodermal teratoma (Struma ovarii)
Innervates the gag reflex and salivation (via the parotid):
* Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

Facial innervates the other lacrimal glands
On what structure is the splenic artery and vein found:
* Spleno-renal ligament
Testicular tumor that presents with a high ALP:
* High Alkaline Phosphatase = SEMINOMA (most common testicular tumor)
What space are you trying to hit when doing a lumbar punture?
* Subarachnoid space
Nerve that lies on the anterior of the anterior scalene muscle:
* Phrenic nerve
Highly diagnostic of CHF in older pt's is:
* An S3 heart sound
Basilar head trauma (damage to foramen ovale) might damage:
* Mandibular nerve (muscles of mastication)
Heart valve most affected by bacterial endocarditis (staph aureus, strep viridans, strep pyogenes--group A beta-hemolytic strep):
* Mitral Valve
Heart valve most affected by an IV drug user who gets an endocarditis:
* Tricuspid Valve (Don't TRI drugs)
Pt who can't sleep anymore and has paralysis of gaze upward has:
* Pinealoma
Superior colliculus is for:

Inferior colliculus is for:
* Supeior = Eyes

Inferior = auditory
Kid with brain tumor that has a cyst, histo exam show astrocytes with long fibers (Rosenthal fibers) she has:
* Pilocytic astrocytoma
Antibodies seen with lupus:
* Anti-dsDNA
Ligament that is part of the lesser omentum and separates the great sac from the lesser sac:
* Gastrohepatic ligament
Nerve responsible for hip abduction (moving thighs "out"):
* Superior gluteal nerve

(Obturator is for hip ADDuction-- bringing thighs "IN")
CNS tumor with bizarre pattern with necrosis and hemorrhage:
* Gliobastoma multiforme (BAD tumor)
A kid with urine coming out of his belly-button, what does this structure usually become:
* Urine = Urachus = MEDIAN Umbilical ligament

(mediaL ligament = umbilicaL artery)
Best access in the neck to the vertebral artery:
* Sub-occipital triangle
Going fast and trying to grab something, or breech delivery both damage:
* Lower part of brachial plexus (C8 to T1) -- Klumpkes paralysis

Dysfunction to Middle 2 fingers, middle palm, and Medial Arm/Forearm
Malignant HTN will lead to what changes in blood vessels:
* Onion skinning -- hyperplastic arteriosclerosis

(Hyaline arteriosclerosis = mild HTN and diabetes)
Developmentally will cause a hydrocoele:
* Incomplete fusion of the processus vaginalis
Apoprotein in chylomicrons that is responsible for activating lipoprotein lipase:
How does the epidermis regrow over an abraded area?
* Growth of epidermis from hair follicles and sweat glands in the dermis
Gag reflex is:
* Glosspharyngeal for the afferent/sensory limb, and Vagus for the motor limb
Process that allows muscles to relax after contraction:
* Binding of calcium to calsequestrin
CSF flow is:
* Lateral vents -- foramen of monroe -- 3rd vent -- aqueduct of sylvius -- 4th vent
Is lymph flow increased or decreased with exercise?
* Increased with exercise
A guy with a testicular mass, where does the lymph drain?
* Para-aortic nodes
Responsible for increased coronary artery blood flow:
* Increased cardiac tissue ADENOSINE
Only muscle that opens the jaw:
* Lateral Pterygoid
Paget's disease of breast, think:
* Ductal carcinoma In-Situ
A man with testicular torsion, what arteries are affected?
* Testicular artery-- direct branch of the aorta
Features of ADPKD:
* High BP (d/t high Renin), Anemai (d/t low erythropoeitin), elevated BUN/CREAT d/t renal failure
Most common cause of sudden cardiac death:
* Ischemic heart disease