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9 Cards in this Set

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Hyoid bone

Unpaired, often listed as part of the facial bone. No direct bony attachment to the skull.

Vertebral columns 5 major functions

1. Suppourts the weight of the head and trunk 2. Protects the spinal column 3. Allows spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord 4. Provides a site for muscle attachment 5. Permits movement of the head and trunk


Divided into 5 regions: 7 cervical vertabrae (C), 12 thoracic vertabrae (T), 5 lumbar vertabrae (L), 1 sacral bone, and 1 coccygeal bone


The weight bearing portion of a vertabrae that is a bony disk

Vertebral arch

Divided into left and right halves, projects posteriorly from the body. Each half has two parts.


Attached to the body in vertabrae


Found in the vertabrae, joins with the other lamina found in the vertabrael arch

Vertebral foramen

Large opening surrounded by the vertebreal arch and the posterior part of the body

Vertebral canal

Combined foramina of adjacent vertabrae