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35 Cards in this Set

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structure that produces a chemical secretion necessary for normal body functioning.
Exocrine Gland
Gland that has a duct associated with it
Passageway that allows secretion to be emptied directly into the location where secretion is to be
Endocrine Gland
Ductless gland/ secretion poured directly into vascular system.
List the Glandular tissues in the head and neck
lacrimal, salivary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus
Lacrimal Gland
Paired exocrine gland; secretes tears
Salivary Gland Functions
moistens mouth & food, makes speech possible, aids in digestion, neutralize acids, clumps bacteria
Glucoprotien in saliva function:
clump bacteria together for swallowing, wont cause systemic harm
Manor Salivary Glands
large paired, associated with ducts; parotid, submandibular, sublingual, minor salivary gland
Parotid Gland
Largest encapsulated gland, provides 25% of secretion, divides into superficial and deep lobes.
Parotid/Stensons Duct is associated with what gland?
Parotid Gland
Parotid Papilla
small elevation of tissue that marks opening to parotid duct on inner surface of cheeck opposite second molar.
Palpation of Parotid Gland
bilaterally palpated form anterior to each eat and move to cheek areas then to inferior to angle of mandible
Enlargement of parotid gland, tender
Submandibular Salivary Gland
2nd largest encapsulated, provides 60-65% saliva
Submandibular/Wgartons duct
travels floor of the mouth and opens into sublingual caruncle
Palpation of submandibular Salivary Gland
bilaterally palpated by moving fingers inward form infeirior border of mondible near its angle as patient lowers head
Submandibular gland lesion; salivary stone formation
Submandibular gland lesion; a hard calcified usually a symptomatic salivary stone
Sublingual Salivary Gland
Smalled most diffused and only unencapsulated salivary gland, 10% of saliva (includes small ducts along subling. fold)
Sublingual/Bartholins duct
formed by short ducts of gland that combine and opens into oral cavity through caurnicle
Sublingual Caurncle
small papillae near midline of floor of mouth on each side of lingual freneum.
Palpation os Sublingual Salivary Gland
Bilaterally palpate on flood of mouth posterior to mand. canine and 1 finger extraorally bw 2 fingers
Minor Salivary Glands
Smaller, numerous exocrine glands, scattered in tissues on B, L, and L mucosa, SP, lateral HP and floor of mouth
Von Ebners Glands
minor glands associated with large circumvallate lingual papillaw pon posterior region of dorsal surface of tongue
Minor Salivary Gland lesion, severence of duct from trauma thus blocking saliva flow
Thyroid Gland
Largest endocrine gland; produces & secreters thyroxine; 2 lat lobes, not visible, mobile when swallows, palpate soft mass
anteriorly connectes 2 loateral lobes of thyroid gland
Palpation of thyroid gland
locate thyroid cartilage and pass fingers to side and swallow
Thyroid gland lesion, enlarged gland
Parathyroid Glands
4 small endocrine glands (paired), produce/secrete parathyroid hormone; regulates calcium & phosphorous; not visible or palpatable
Location of Parathyroid Glands
close to inside of posterior surface of thyroid gland
Thymus Gland
Endocrine gland; part of immune system; t-cells mature here; 2 lateral lobes, not palpable
Growth of Thymus
grows from birth to puberty, stops growing at puberty and begins to shrink, by 40 almost dissapeared (return to birth weight)
Thymus gland location
in thorax and anterior region of base of neck inferior to thyroid gland