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30 Cards in this Set

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They include protection, sensing of the environment, excretion of salt and water, synthesis of chemicals and hormones, and control of body temperature.
Skin Functions
The Epidermis and it's cell types (keratinocytes and melanocytes) and cell layers, the dermal epidermal junction and the dermis (both papillary and reticular layers).
Skin Structure
Is a critical function of the skin through the phenomena of evaporation, radiation, conduction, and convection.
Homeostasis of Body Temperature
Hypodermis, Subcutaneous layer, Superfical are all different names but have the same meaning, which is what?
Layer beneath the dermis.
Another name for skin, Classified as a membrane, the cutaneous membrane, and the body's largest organ.
________ and Carotene contribute to color of skin & serve to decrease amount of ultra violet light that can penetrate into deeper layers. Phagocytic Cells
Horny Layer, also called the base layer or Top layer, outer portion of squamous epithelium. Dead cells that are flat, multilayered, and have no nucleus.
Stratum Corneum (Horny Layer)
Spiny Layer, under the ganulosom, layers are thick, cells are starting to die and flatten. **Prickly due to the desmosomes.
Stratum Spinosum (Spiny Layer)
The thinner layer composed of connective tissue, they form the texture of the skin, or small ridges. They help us grasp things and walk on slippery surfaces.
Papillary Layer
***** Extra Credit*****

A thin superficial layer of dermis forms bumps, or projections on the epidermis. Determined by heredity, unique to each person, finger prints & footprints used for identification.
Dermal Papillae
*****Extra Credit*****
Common fingerprint patterns are?
The thicker layer, composed of collagen, protein, and elastic fibers. Gives sin it's toughness. Arrector pili muscles extreme fright or cold hair pulled upright, skin gives"goose pimples"
Reticular Layer
Vascular region includes:
Papillary layer
Reticular Layer
Used for the homeostasis of body temperature. If not used, heat exhaustion and heat stroke will occur. Respond due to androgen levels.
Sweat Glands
Oily secretion on the skin and hair, this oily substance is called subum. Protects against dry skin, cracked skin, & germs; connected to the hair follicles. Respond due to androgen levels.
Sebaceous Glands
Modified epidermal cells, keratinized; cells divide and push upwards, then die(just like the epidermis). Sheath formed by epithelial & connective tissue.
Hair Follicles
(Somatic) Pain, Pressure, Touch, Vibration, Heat and Cold.
Sensory Receptors
Scar tissue resulting from repair of the dermis, often losing their color.
Cleavage Lines
If an incision cuts across cleavage lines, stress tends to pull the cut edges apart and may retard healing. Surgical incisions parallel to cleavage lines are subjected to less stress and tend to heal more rapidly.
Langer's Cleavage Lines
Not part of the skin itself, it carries the major blood vessels and nerves to the skin above, The rich blood supply and loose spongy texture of this area make it an ideal site for the rapid and relatively pain free absorption of infected material. Liquid medicines, such as insulin, and pelleted implant materials often are often injected here.
Subcutaneous (hypodermis)
Hypodermis is connected to what?
The dermis and then to underlying skin.
What are the functions of the skin?
Movement with out injury
Vitamin D
Regulation of blood flow to the skin and evaporation of sweat.
Homeostasis of body temperature
Where is the hair follicle found?
In the Dermis
What is hair formed by?
Heavily keratinized epidermal cells
What a white crest shaped white area? The moon of nails?
Opens into hair follicle, so these are found in areas of the body with thick hair, active during emotional stress and produces a thick fluid; developed during puberty.
Apocrine Sweat Glands
Opens up into a pore of the epidermis, fluid is very watery to cool the body, found all over the body, decreases as we age.
Eccrine Sweat Glands
Protects against dry skin, cracked skin, and germs. Connected to the hair follicles.
Special variety of apocrine sweat glands. Protects the ear canal and produces a brown waxy substance.
Ceruminous Glands