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77 Cards in this Set

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Whats the name of the study of prenatal development?


What are the 3 distinct periods during prenatal development?

pre-implantation period

Embryonic Period

Fetal Period

What is the time frame for the period of Pre-implantation?

1 Week

What happens during the period of Pre-implantation?

The ovum is penetrated by the sperm


What is the definition for Primordium?

Earliest indication or sign of part of an organ during prenatal development

Where does Meiosis occur?

Occurs between the sperm and ovum

What is created during Meiosis?

a new individual via the combination of chromosomes


What is the definition of Zygote?

Fertilized egg from union of ovum and sperm

Which happens first Meiosis or Mitosis?


What happens during Mitosis?

Cell Division "Cleavage"

After initial cleavage the solid ball of cells is known as what?


Blastocyst is formed during mitosis due to the formation of a what?


The Vesicle is what?

A ball of fluid secreting cells

What is the sequence for pre-implantation?

The sperm and ovum fertilize

a Zygote is formed

Meiosis occurs which is a mixing of chromosomes)

Mitosis (Cell division)

Blastocyst is present (collection of cells)

Traveling toward the site of implantation (Uterus)

Implantation occurs on the uterus wall

Trophoblast Layer( found of the perimeter of blastocyst)= prenatal support tissues

Embryoblast Layer which is found in the blastocyst)= creates embryo

Where does implantation occur

Uterus Wall

Where is the trophoblast layer found?

on the perimeter of blastocyst

The Trophoblast layer ='s What?

Prenatal support tissues

Embryoblast layer is found where?

in the blastocyst

Embryoblast layer creates the?


Mitosis occurs when?

During grow and repair

Meiosis takes place when?


Trophoblast layer consist of what kind of cells?

peripheral cells

Where does the blastocyst become in embedded at, at the end of the first week?


Embryoblast layer is made of what cells?

Small inner mass of embyronic cells

Which layer gives rise to important prenatal support tissues?

Trophoblast layer

Which layer later gives rise to the embryo during the next prenatal period?

Embryoblast Layer

What is the time period for the Embryonic Period

Beginning of 2nd week- end of the 8th week

What are the different processes during the embryonic period?






What period does the Blastocyst form into an embryo

The Embryonic period

Induction is when?

One group of cells acting on another group of cells.

Where the proximity or contrast between cells is enough for induction

Proliferation is what?

Controlled cellular growth

Interstital growth occurs where

Internally or within

Appositional Growth occurs by what?

Layers opposite to interstitial

Growth can be disproportionate within a structure and is not always uniform like the growth of a balloon as described in our text.



Differentiation is action that what?

Changes identical cells to unique cells

Ctyodifferentiation equals what?

Creation of different cell types

Histodifferetiation equals what?

Creation of different tissue types

Morphodifferentiation equals what?

Creation of different structures

Maturation beings in what phase and continues in the what stage?

Begins in Embryological phases

Continues in Festal phases

Maturation is what?

The Attainment of complete form, function, and size

In week two of the prenatal development the blastocyst is what?

Profilerates, differentiates, and morphogenesis

Embryonic Cell layers in the second week

are created (germ layers)

When is the bilaminar Embryonic disk formed?

In the second week of the prenatal development

How does the bilaminar embryonic disk appear?

As a collection of cells that are between the yolk sac and amniotic cavity

The bilaminar disk becomes the what?


Hypoblast layer is what layer inferior or superior and made of what cells?

Inferior and small cuboidal cells

Epiblast layer is what layer inferior or superior and made of what cells

Superior layer and high columnar cells

Amniotic Cavity is on what layer side?

and is it Inferior or superior

The Epiblast layer side/ Superior and appears smaller

Yolk Sac is on what layer?

Inferior or Superior? and appears how

On the hypoblast layer/ Inferior

and appears Larger

Placenta does what?

Surrounds the majority of the blastocyst

connects the pregnant women to the developing embryp

The Bilaminar Disk forms what in week 3

Primitive Streak

What is the Primitive Streak

A thick proliferation in the mid-line area, therefore creating a symmetry on either side of the streak

What is the Mesenchyme

Created or originated from the migratory cells that come from the epiblast layer into the primative streak. Therefore it is as if the cells migrate to the primitive streak area to become something else/ better themselves

Mesoderm is what?

The new layer that forms due to the migratory cells into the midline area/ primitive streak

Trilaminar embryonic disk was previously known as ?

Bilaminar Disk it is now tri because it has 3 layers with the mesoderm in the mix

Ectoderm was previously what?


What does the ectoderm consist of?

Epidermis, nervous system and other structures

Mesoderm consist of what?

Muscle coats, Connective tissue, vessels, organs, and other structures

Endoderm was previously known as?


The Endoderm consist of what?

Epithelial linings, respiratory passages and digestive tract

Trilaminar Disk equals what?

Extensive cell growth creating the following structures

Cephalic end

Oropharyngeal membrane

Caudal end

Cloacal membrane

What is the cephalic End?

The head

What is the Oropharyngeal Membrane?

Has ectoderm externally and endoderm internally (THE MOUTH) `

Claudal End is what?

The Tail

Cloacal membrane is the what

Anus/ end of the digestive tract

When does the central nervous system start to form

Towards the end of the third week

The central nervous system begins with the cells differentiating from the ectoderm but becomes?


Neural Plate equals what

Line of cells that extend from the cephalic end to the caudal end and the thickening of this line of cells creates the Neural Groove

Neural Crest Cells orginate from the what?

cells of the neural folds and migrate to the Mesenchyme to grow and become structures such as the face, neck, and branchial arches

Mesoderm at the end of week 3 form what?

Somites along either side of the "Midline" of the developing CNS which is (38 paired blocks of mesoderm)

Week 4 of the embryonic period is called what?

Embryonic Folding week

What happens during the embryonic folding week

Establishment the organization of the human axis and placing tissues where they generally are suppose to be

Differentiation and cell proliferation cause dramatic changes in the caudal and cephalic end

After folding, the endoderm lies inside of the ectoderm now

Mesoderm fills the space between these layers

Forgut is what?

Anterior portion of the tube

Primitive pharynx/ throat

Hindgut and midgut are what?

More posterior/ forms the rest of the pharynx as well as the remainder of the digestive tract


after the embryonic period

When does the fetal period start

beginning of the 9th week now

The Embryo has been breathing since?

The 3rd week