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120 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
between neck and arm
carpel tunnel
gateway to palm
Movement of scapula
protraction & retraction
Shoulder joint movement
internal/external rotation
Elbow joint Movements
Wrist joint Movements
Hand Movements
Movements of thumb
Upper appendage
Articulates with axis at sternoclavicular joint
between sternum and clavicle
one part with the bone articulates with axis
Bones of shoulder
Proximal end of humerus
Greater tubercle
attachment fir supraspinatus, infraspinatus and trees minor muscle
Lesser tubercle
attachment for subscapularis muscle
Sternoclavicular joint stabilized by...
Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
Posterior sternoclavicular ligament
interclavicular ligament
costoclavicular ligament
Acromioclavicular joint stabilized by...
acromioclavicular ligament
coracoclavicular ligament=trapezoid ligament and coronoid ligament
Glenohumeral joint stabilized by rotator cuff muscle tendons
join with joint capsule and form musculotendinous collar surrounding A, P and S aspects of the joint
Skeletal arch superiorly formed by
coracoid process and acromion and coraco-acromial ligament
Rotator Cuff muscles
Supraspinatus muscle
Infraspinatus muscle
Teres minor muscle
Subscapularis muscle
Deltoid origin
spine of scapula, acromion, and lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Deltoid insertion
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Deltoid innervation
axillary nerve
Deltoid function
abduct arm beyond initial 15 degrees
Posterior Scapular region
located deep to trapezium and deltoid muscles
4 muscles:
teres minor
teres major
Supraspinatus origin
medial 2/3 of supraspinous fossa
Supraspinatus insertion
greater tubercle of humerus
Supraspinatus innervation
suprascapular nerve
Supraspinatus function
initiation of abduction of the arm to 15 degrees
Infraspinatus origin
medial 2/3 of infraspinous fossa of scapula
Infraspinatus insertion
greater tubercle of humerus
Infraspinatus innervation
suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus function
lateral rotation of the arm
Teres minor origin
posterior surface of scapula adjacent to lateral border
Teres minor insertion
greater tubercle of humerus
Teres minor innervation
axillary nerve
Teres minor function
lateral rotation of arm
Teres major origin
inferior angle of scapula
Teres major insertion
intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Teres major innervation
inferior subscapular nerve
Teres major function
medial rotation and extension of arm
Suprascapular foramen
formed by supra scapular notch of scapular and superior transverse scapular ligament
passageway for suprascapular nerve
Triangular interval formed by
lateral margin of long head of triceps brachia
shaft of humerus
inferior margin of teres minor
Triangular interval passageway
for radial nerve and profunda brachii a.
Quadrangular space formed by
inferior margin of teres minor
surgical neck of humerus
superior margin of teres major
lateral margin of long head of triceps brachii
Quadrangular space passageway for
axillary nerve and posterior circumflex artery & vein
Triangular space formed by
medial margin of long head of triceps brachia
superior margin of teres major
inferior margin of teres minor
Triangular space passageway for
circumflex scapular artery and vein
Suprascapular nerve
from superior trunk of brachial plexus
innervates supraspinous and infraspinous muscle
Axillary nerve
from posterior cord of brachial plexus
innervates deltoid and teres minor muscles
Suprascapular artery
originates in base of neck as brank of thyrocervical trunk
supplies supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles
Posterior circumflex artery
originates from 3rd part of axillary artery
supplies related muscles and glenohumeral joint
Circumflex scapular
branch of sub scapular artery which originates from 3rd part of axillary artery
supplies related muscles in scapular region
axillary inlet
medial- lateral border of 1st rib
anterior- posterior surface of clavicle
posterior- superior border of scapula
axillary inlet
major vessels and nerves pass between neck and axillae by crossing over the 1st rib through inlet
subclavian a. & v.--> axillary a. & v. when crosses lateral margin of 1st rib
axillary inlet anterior wall
pectoralis major and minor m.
subclavius muscle
clavipectoral fascia
pectorals major muscle origin
2 heads:
clavicular- originate from medial half of clavicle
sternocostal head- originates from medial part of the anterior thoracic wall
p. major insertion
p. major fx
flexion, adduction and medial rotation of arm at glenohumeral joint
p. major innervation
lateral and medial pectoral n. (from brachial plexus)
subclavius origin
lies deep to pectorals major between clavicle and 1st rib
subclavius function
subclavius innervation
branch from superior trunk of brachial plexus
pectoralis minor m. origin
lies deep to pectorals major m.
anterior surfaces of ribs 3-5
p. minor insertion
coracoid process of scapula
p. minor fx
protracts scapula
depresses lateral angle of scapula
p. minor innervation
medial pectoral nerve (originates from brachial plexus)
clavipectoral fascia
sheets of tissue covering the clavicle floor of axilla
encloses subclavius and p. minor m.
medial wall of axilla
upper thoracic wall
serratus anterior m.
serratus anterior muscle origin
lateral surface of ribs 1-9
serratus anterior insertion
medial border of scapula
serratus anterior m. fx
protraction and rotation of scapula
keeps medial border and inferior angle of scapula opposed to thoracic wall
serratus anterior m. innervation
long thoracic nerve (from brachial plexus)
injury to long thoracic nerve
results in winged scapula
inferior angle of scapula protrudes posteriorly
lateral wall of axilla
intertubercular sulcus of humerus
intertubercular sulcus attachment for
pectoralis major m.
latissimus dorsi
teres minor
posterior wall of axilla
bone- costal surface of scapula
muscles- subsapularis, distal parts of teres major and latissimus dorsi, proximal part of long head of triceps brachii
subscapularis origin
medial 2/3 of sub scapular fossa
subscapularis insertion
lesser tubercle of humerus
subscapularis innervation
superior and inferior subscapular nerve
subscapularis fx
medial rotation of arm
member of rotator cuff muscles
Pass through quadrangular space
anterior and posterior circumfelx humeral a.
Pass through triangular
circumflex scapular a.
pass through triangular interval
radial n. and profunda brachii a.
floor of axilla
skin of armpit
subcutaneous tissue
deep fascia
contents of axilla
major vessels, nerves and lymphatics of upper limb
proximal parts of 2 muscles (biceps brachii and coracobrachialis)
axillary process of breast
lymph nodes
biceps brachii origin
short head-coracoid process
long head- supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Coracobrachialis origin
coracoid process
Superior thoracic a.
1st part of axillary a.
supplies upper regions of medial and anterior axillary walls
Thoraco-acromial artery
2nd part of axillary a.
supplies anterior axillary wall
divides into 4 branches- pectoral, deltoid, clavicular, acromial
Lateral thoracic artery
2nd part of axillary a.
supplies medial and anterior walls of axilla
-lateral aspect of the breast
-pectoral muscles
-anterior serratus m.
Subscapular artery
3rd part
supplies= posterior wall of axilla, posterior scapular region
2 terminal branches= circumflex scapular a. & thoracodorsal a. (supplies latissimus dorsi m.)
anterior humeral circumflex artery
3rd part of axillary a.
passes anterior to surgical neck of humerus
anastomoses with posterior circumflex artery
posterior circumflex artery
3rd part of axillary a.
leaves axilla via quadrangular space
curves around neck of humerus (supplies surround muscles and glenohumeral joint)
Axillary vein
begins at lower margin of teres major m.
is continuation of basilic vein
cephalic v. joins axillary v.
becomes subclavian v. when lateral border crosses 1st rib
somatic plexus
formed by anterior rami of C5 to C8 and most of T1
3 Cords of Brachial plexus
related to 2nd part of axillary artery
lateral, medial, posterior
Nerves associated with anterior compartments
arise from medial and lateral cords
Nerves associated with posterior compartments
arise from posterior cord
Dorsal scapular n.
C5 root
innervate rhomboid major and minor muscle
Long thoracic n.
ant. rami of C5-C7
passes down neck through axillary inlet and down medial wall of axilla
innervates serratus anterior m.
Suprascapular n.
superior trunk
innervates suprspinatus and infraspinatus mm.
nerve to subclavius muscle
superior trunk
passes over subclavian a. & v.
innervates subclavius m.
lateral pectoral n.
innervates pectorals major m.
musculocutaneous n.
terminal branch of lateral cord
innervators 3 flexor muscles in anterior compartment of arm
terminates as lateral cutaneous n. of forearm
lateral root of median n.
largest terminal branch of lateral cord
joins with median n. to form median n.
medial pectoral n.
innervates pectorals major and minor mm.
medial cutaneous n. of ARM
skin on medial side of distal 1/3 of arm
medial cutaneous n. of FOREARM
skin on medial side of forearm
medial root of median n.
joins with lateral root of median n. to form median n.
Ulnar nerve
terminal branch of medial cord
supplies flexor carpi ulnaris m. & medial half of flexor digitorum profundus
some of intrinsic m. of hand
skin of medial part of hand
Median n.
innervates most of forearm muscles in anterior compartment
Hand- 3 thenar m., 2 lateral lumbrical m.
Skin- palmer surface of lateral 31/2 digits and palm
Superior subscapular n.
innervates subscapularis m.
thoracodorsal n.
innervates latissimus dorsi m.
inferior subscapular n.
innervates subscapularis and teres major m.
axillary n.
innervates deltoid and teres minor m.
Radial n.
largest terminal branch of posterior cord
innervates muscles in P. compartments of arm and forearm
skin on posterior aspect of arm and forearm & dorsal aspect of hand
Axillary lymph nodes
drain upper limb, adjacent trunk, and mammary glad
upper limb
abdominal wall, chest, mammary gland
back, shoulder, neck
Receive tributaries from humeral, sub scapular, and pectoral nodes
Most superior, drains all other groups of nodes in region