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25 Cards in this Set

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What are the characteristics of CT
1. Cells not in contact with each other
2. Many types of cells can live in CT
In CT, what are the cells surrounded by
Extracellular Matrix or ECM
What does the ECM contain
collagen fibers
elastic fibers
reticular fibers
and ground substance>proteins, carbohydrates, water, other molecules
Tough protein fiber with tensile strength
Flexible protein fiber
elastic fiber
Protein fiber that is weved together to make a meshlike framework
Reticular fibers
Name the functions of CT
1. protection
2. physical framework
3. connect things together
4. transport
What are the three types of Connective Tissue
1. Proper
2. Support
3. Fluid
What are the two types of CT Proper?
1. Loose
2. Dense
Type of CT proper found in many places, especially packing organs and cushioning
Loose CT

CT>proper>Loose or dense
What are the three types of Loose CT?
1. areolor
2. adipose
3. reticular
This type of loose CT cells are fibroblasts, in a viscous ECM,and found in subcutaneous layer (under skin) and around many organs

CT>Proper>loose>areolar or adipose or reticular
Cells that make and secrete lots of fibrous proteins
This type of CT is made up of cells that are adipocytes, in a loosely packed ECM
This type of CT is made of cells called fibroblasts and found in tougher ECM. It forms the stroma or framework of organs like liver and spleen
What mades CT>proper>dense so dense
More proteins makes the ECM dense
This type of tissue has fibroblast cells and found in densely packed ECM of collagen fibers. Handles stress really well in one direction because fibers are parallel.
This type of CT is made of fibroblast in a densely packed but irregular array of mostly collagen fibers. Has strength in all directions
This type of CT has mostly cells that are fibroblasts, in an ECM of mostly elastic fibers. It can stretch and return to original shape
What is thwo types CT>Supporting
Firm, almost rubbery
cells called chondroycytes
cells in spaced called lacuna
Weakest type of cartilage, glassy appearance, wrapped in perichondrium. Some examples supports nose and trachea. conncects some ribs to sternum. Covers end of long bones
This type of CT is very durable, has no perichardium, acts as a shock absorber in intervertebral discs,pubic symphysis, and knee joints
This type of CT is flexible and resilient. Has perichondrium. Examples are epiglottis and external ear
This is a type of CT that is also an organ