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55 Cards in this Set

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located in the cervical part of the spinal cord and innervates the upper limbs
cervical elargement
located in the lumbar and sacral parts of the spinal cord and innervates the lower limbs
lubosacral enlargement
the tapering inferior end of the spinal cord
conus medullaris
inferiro to the conus medullaris
project inferiorly from the spinal cord
cauda equina
a thinn strand of pia mater that helps anchor the spinal cord to the coccyx
filum terminale
the spinal cord gives rise to ______ that connect the CNS to muscles, receptors and glands
thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves
lies between the dura mater and periosteum covering the inner walls of the vertebra.

houses areolar connective tissue, blood vessels, and adipose connective tissue
epidural space
a narrow ______ separates the dura mater from teh arachnoid. This space is a _____
subdural space
potential space
deep to the dura mater and the subdural space
a real space filled with cerebral spinal fluid
subarachnoid space
the spinal cord is partitioned into an ____ gray matter region and an ____ white matter region
after leaving the intervertebral foramen, a typical spinal nerve splits into branches termed
the smaller of the two main branches and innervates the deep muscles of the back plus skin of the back
dorsal ramus
the larger of the two main branches and innervates the anterior and lateral portions of the trunk and the upper and lower limbs
ventral ramus
a specific segment of skin supplied by a single pair of spinal nerves
a network of interweaving anterior rami of spinal nerves
nerve plexus
Nerve Plexuses
cervical plexus
brachial plexus
lumbosacral plexus
spinal nerves T1-T11
intercostal nerves because they travel in the intercostal spaces between adjacent ribs
spinal nerve T12
subcostal nerve because it arises below the ribs
intercostal nerve T1
forms part of the brachial plexus
intercostal nerves T2-T6
innervate the intercostal muscles and are sensory for the anterior chest wall
intercoastal nerves T7-T12
innervate the intercoastal muscles, the abdominal muscles and the overlying skin
(the anterolateral abdominal wall)
key dermatome
T10 at the umbilicus
formed by vental rami of spinal nerves C1 thru C4
cervical plexus
originates from C3, C4, C5
phrenic nerve
(3,4,5 keep the diaphragm alive)
network of nerves that suupply the upper limbs
brachial plexuses
ventral (anterior) rami of C5-T1 form
each brachial plexus
_____ of C5-T1 form the roots of the brachial plexus
anterior rami
superior trunk
nerves C5 and C6
middle trunk
nerve C7
inferior trunk
nerves C8 and T1
formed from the ventral (anterior) rami of spinal nerves L4-S4
lumbosacral plexuses
the largest and longest nerve in the body
sciatic nerve
stretch reflex
monosynaptic reflex arc

when a stimulus results in the stretching of a muscle, the muscle relexively contracts
stretch in a muscle is monitored by a stretch receptor called the ____
muscle spindle
innervates gluteal region and most of lower limb
sacral plexus
contains axons of sensory neurons
posterior root
strand of pia mater that anchors spinal cord to coccyx
filum terminale
composed of tracts and funiculi
white matter
innervates infrahyoid muscles
cervical plexus
forms anterior and lateral horns
basal plate
rapid, involuntary motor reaction of a muscle
contains cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons
lateral horn
a segment of skin supplied by a spinal nerve
innervates anterior thigh muscles
femoral nerve
the tapered inferior end of the spinal cord is called the

a. conus medullaris
b. filum terminale
c. cauda equina
d. posterior root
A. conus medullaris
the anterior root of a spinal nerve contains

a. axons of both motor and sensory neurons
b. axons of sensory neurons only
c. interneurons
d. axons of motor neurons only
D. axons of motor neurons only
identify the meningeal layer immediately deep to the subdural space

a. pia mater
b. arachnoid
c. epidural space
d. dura mater
B. arachnoid
axons cross from one side of the spinal cord to the other through a region called the

a. lateral horn
b. posterior horn
c. gray commissure
d. anterior horn
C. gray commissure
the radial nerve originates from the ____ plexus

a. cervical
b. lumbar
c. sacral
d. brachial
D. brachial
which structure provides motor innervation to the deep back muscles and receives sensory information from the skin of the back?

a. anterior ramus
b. anterior root
c. posterior ramus
d. posterior root
C. posterior ramus
Lower limbs are supplied by neurons from the _____ of the spinal cord

a. lumbosacral enlargement
b. thoracic region
c. cervical enlargement
d. all of these are correct
A. lumbosacral enlargement
the subarachnoid space contains _____, and teh epidural space contains _____.

a. CSF; fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels
b. fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels; blood
c. CSF; pia mater
d. fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels; CSF
A. CSF; fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels
the white matter of the spinal cord is composed primarily of

a. unmyelinated axons
b. neurolemmocytes and satellite cells
c. myelinated axons
d. cell bodies of neurons
C. myelinated axons
which statement is true about intercostal nerves?

a. they are formed from the posterior rami of spinal nerves
b. they form a thoracic plexus of nerves
c. they originate from the thoracic part of the spinal cord
d. they innervate the deep back muscles of the thoracic region
C. they originate from the throacic part of the spinal cord