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288 Cards in this Set

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action of epicranius frontal and occipital bellies
raises eyebrows and fixes aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly
origin of the epicranius frontal and occipital bellies
Frontal belly- galea aponeurotica
Occipital belly- occipital bones and temporal bones
insertion of the epicranius frontal and occipital bellies
Frontal belly-skin of eyebrows and root of nose
occipital belly-galea aponeurotica
action of the orbicularis oculi
close eyes
origin of the orbicularis oculi
Frontal and maxiullary bones and ligaments around orbit
insertion of orbicularis oculi
Encircles orbit and inserts in tissue of eyelid
action of orbicularis supercilii
draws eyebrows together and inferiorly
origin of corrugator supercilii
arch of frontal bone above nasal bone
insertion of the surrugator supercilii
skin of eyebrow
action of levator labii superioris
opeins lips
origin of the levator labii superioris
zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin of maxilla
insertion of levaor labii superioris
kin and muscle of upper lip and border of nostril
action of zygomaticus major and minor
raises lateral corners of mouth upward
orignin of the zygomaticus major and minor
zygomatic bone
insertion of zygomaticus major and minor
skin and muscle at coner of mouth
action of the risorius
draws corner of lip laterally
orignin of risorius
fascia of masseter muscle
insertion of risorius
skin at angle of mouth
action of the depressor labii inferioris
draws lower lip inferiorly
origin of the depressor labii inferioris
body of mandible lateral to its midline
insertion of the depressor labii inferioris
skin and muslce of lower lip
action of the depressor anguli oris
draws corners of mouth downward and laterally
origin of depressor anguli oris
body of mandible below incisors
insertion of depressor anguli oris
skin and muscle at angle of mouth below inertion of zygomaticus
action of the orbicularis oris
closes lips (kissing and whistling)
origin of the orbicularis oris
arises indirectly from maxilla and mandible; fibers blended with fibers of other muscles associated with lips
insertion of orbicularis oris
encircle mouth inserts into muscle and skin at angles of mouth
action of mentalis
wrinkles chin
orignin of mentalis
mandible below incisors
insertion of mentalis
skin of chin
action of the buccinator
compresses cheeck
orignin of the buccinator
molar region of maxilla and mandible
insertion of buccinator
orbicularis oris
action of the masseter
prime mover of jaw closure
origin of the masseter
zygomatic arch and maxilla
insertion of masseter
angel and ramus of mandible
action of the temporalis
closes jaw
orignin of the temporalis
temporal fossa
insertion of the temporalis
coronid process of mandible
action of the medial pterygoid
in conjunction with lateral pteygoid, aids in grinding
orign of the medial pterygoid
sphenoid, palatine and maxillary bones
insertion of the medial pterygoid
medial surface of mandible, near angle
action of the lateral pterygoid
aids in grinding movements of teeth
origin of lateral pterygoid
greater wing of sphenoid bone
insertion of the lateral pterygoid
mandibular condyle
action of the platysma
tenses skin of neck
origin of the platysma
fascia of chest and deltoid
insertion of the platysma
lower margin of mandible, skin and muscle at corner of mouth
action of the sternocleidomastoid
flexion of neck forward, and rotate head toward sholder on opposite side
orignin of sternoclediomastoid
manubrium of sternum and medial protion of clavicle
insertion of sternocleidomastoid
mastoid process of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of occiptial bone
action of the scalenes-anterior, middle, and posterior
elevate ribs 1-2
origin of scalenes-anterior, middle, and posterior
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
insertion of scalenes-anterior, middle, and posterior
anterolaterally on ribs 1-2
action of the digastric
open mouth and depress mandible
origin of digastric
lower margin of mandible and mastoid process
insertion of digastric
by a conncective tissue loop to hyoid bone
action of stylohyoid
elevates and retracts hyoid bone
origin of stylohyoid
styloid process of temporal
insertion of stylohyoid
hyoid bone
action of mylohyoid
elevated hyoid bone and floor mouth
origin of mylohyoid
medial surface of mandible
insertion of mylohyoid
hyoid bone and median raphe
action of the sternohyoid
depresses larynx and hypid bone if mandible is fixed
origin of sternohyoid
manubrium and medial end of clavicle
insertion of sternohyoid
lower margin of body of hypid bone
action of sternothyroid
pulls larynx and hyoid bone inferiorly
origin of sternothyroid
posterior surface of manubrium
insertion of sternothyroid
thyroid cartilage of larnyx
action of omohyoid
depresses and retracts hypid bone
origin of omohyoid
superior surface of scapula
insertion of omohyoid
hyoid bone; inferior border
action of thyrohyoid
depresses hypid bone; elevates larynx if hyoid is fixed
origin of thyrohyoid
thyroid cartilage
insertion of thyrohyoid
hyoid bone
action of the pectoralis major
primer mover of arm flexion; adducts, medially rotates arm
origin of pectoralis major
clavicale, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6 and aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
insertion of pectoralis major
fibers converge to insert by short tendon into intertubercular sulcus of humerus
action of serratus anterior
prime mover to protect and hold scapula against chest wall
origin of serratus anterior
lateral aspect of ribs 1-8
insertion of serratus anterior
vertebral border of anterior surface of scapula
action of deltoid
acting as a whole prime mover of arm abduction
origin of deltoid
lateral 1/3 of clavicle; acromion and spine of scapula
insertion of deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
action of pectoralis minor
with ribs rixed, draws scapula forward and inferiorly
origin of pectoralis minor
anterior surface of ribs 3-5, near their costal cartilages
insertion of pectoralis minor
coracoid process of scapula
action of external intercostals
pull ribs toward one another to elevate ribs cage
origin of external intercostals
inferior border of rib above
insertion of ecternal intercostals
superior border of tib below
action of internal intercostals
draw ribs together to depress rib cage
origin of internal intercostals
superior border of rib below
insertion of internal intercostals
inferior border of rib above
action of diaphragm
prime mover of inspiration: flattens on contraction
origin of diaphragm
inferior border of rib cage and sternum, costal cartilages of last six ribs and lumbar vertebrae
insertion of diaphragm
central tendon
action of rectus abdominis
flexes and rotates vertebral column
origin of rectus abdominis
pubid crest and symphysis
insertion of rectus abdominis
xiphoid process and costal cartilage of ribs 5-7
action of external oblique
flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall
origin of external oblique
anterior surface of last eight ribs
insertion of external oblique
linea alba pubic crest and tubercles and iliac crest
action of internal oblique
as for external oblique
origin of interal oblique
lumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament
insertion of interal oblique
linea alba, public crest, and costal cartilages of last three ribs
action of the transverseus abdominis
compresses abdominal contents
origin of transverseus abdominis
inguinal ligament, iliac crest, cartilages of last five or six ribs and lumbar fascia
insertion of transverse abdominis
linea alba and pubic crest
action of trapezius
stabilizes, raises, rotates and retracts scapula
origin of trapezius
occipital bone; ligamentum nuchae; spines of C7 and all thoracic vertebrae
insertion of trapezius
acromion and spinous process of scapula; lateral third of clavicle
action of latissimus dorsi
prime mover of arm extension; adducts and medially rotates arm
origin of latissimus dorsi
indirect attachment to spinous processes of lower six thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, last three to four ribs and iliac crest
insertion of latissimus doris
floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
action of infraspinatus
lateral rotation of humerus
origin of infraspinatus
infraspinous fossa of scapula
insertion of infraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
action of teres minor
as for infraspinatus
origin of trese minor
lateral margin of scapula
insertion of trese minor
greater tubercle of humerus
action of trese major
extends, medially rotates, and adducts humerus
origin of trese major
posterior surface at inferior angle of scapula
insertion of trese major
intertubercular sulcus of humerus
action of supraspinatus
initiates abduction of humerus
origin of supraspinatus
supraspinous fossa of scapula
insertion of supraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
action of leavator scapulae
elevates and adducts
origin of levator scapulae
transverse processes of C1-C4
insertion of leavator scapulae
medial border of scapula superior to spine
action of rhombiods-major and minor
stabilizes scapula
origin of rhombiods-major and minor
spinous processes of C7 and T1-T5
insetion of rhombiods-major and minor
medial border of scapula
action of the semispinalis
acting together, extend head and vertebral column; rotation toward opposite side
origin of semispinalis
transverse processes of C7-T12
insertion of semispinalis
Occipital bone and spinous processes of cervical vertebrae and T1-T4
action of erector spinae
extend and laterally flex the vertebral column; fibers of the longissimus also extend head
origin of erector spinae
Iliac crest, transverse processes of lumbar thoracic, and cervical vertebrea, and/or ribs 3-6 depending on specific part
insertion of erector spinae
ribs and transverse processes of vertebrae about six segments above origin; longissimus also inserts into mastoid process
action of splenius
as a group, extend or hyperextend head
origin of splenius
ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C7-T6
insertion of splenius
mastoid process, occipital bone, and transverse processes of C2-C4
action of quadratus lumborum
each flexes vertebral column laterally
origin of quadratus lumborum
Iliac crest and lumbar fascia
insertion of quadratus lumborum
inferior border of rib 12; transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
action of triceps brachii
powerful forarm extensor
origin or triceps brachii
long head-inferior margin of glenoid cavity; lateral head-posterior humerus; medial head-distal radial groove on posterior humerus
insertion of triceps brachii
olecranon process of ulna
action of the anconeus
abducts ulna during forarm pronation
origin of anconeus
lateral epicondyle of humerus
insertion of anconeus
lateral aspect of olecranon process of ulna
action of biceps brachii
flexion (powerful) of elbow and supinatoin of forearm
origin of biceps brachii
short head: coracoid process; tendon of long head runs in intertubercular sulcus and within capsule of shoulder joint
insertion of biceps brachii
radial tuberosity
action of brachioradialis
synergist in forearm flexion
origin of brachioradialis
lateral ridge at distale end of humerus
insertion of brachioradialis
base of styloid process of radius
action of brachialis
a major flexor of forearm
origin of brachialis
distal portion of antierior humerus
insertion of brachialis
coronoid process of ulna
action of the pronator teres
pronate forearm
origin of pronator teres
medial epicondyle of humerus and coroniod process of ulna
insertion of pronator teres
midshaft of radius
action of the flexor carpi radialis
powerful flexor of wrist; abducts hand
origin of flexor carpi radialis
medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of flexor carpi radialis
base of metacarpals 2 and 3
action of palmaris longus
tenses skin and fascia of palm
origin of palmaris longus
medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of palmaris longus
palmar aponeurosis; skin and fascia pf palm
action of flexor carpi ulnaris
powerful flexor of wrist; adducts hand
origin of flexor carpi ulnaris
meidal epicondyle of humerous, olecranon process and posterior surface of ulna
insertion of flexor crapi ulnaris
base of metacarpal 5; pisiform and hamate bones
action of flexor digitorum superficialis
flexes wrist and middle phalanges of fingers 2-5
origin of flexor digitorum superficialis
medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna, and shaft of radius
insertion of flexor digitorum superficialis
middle phalanges of fingers 2-5
action of flexor pollicis longus
flexes distal phalanx of thumb
origin of flexor pollicis longus
anterior surface of radius, and interosseous membrane
insertion of flexor pollicis longus
distal phalanx of thumb
action of flexor digirorum profundus
flexes distal phalanges
origin of flexor digirorum profundus
anteromedial surfaces of ulna, interosseous membrane, and coronoid process
insertion of flexor digitorum profundus
distal phalanges of fingers 2-5
actions of the pronator quadratus
pronates forearm
origin of pronator quadratus
distal porton of anterior ulnar surface
insertion of pronator quadratus
anterior surface of radius, distal end
actions of extensor carpi radialis longus
extends and abducts wrist
origin of extensor carpi radialis longus
lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
insertion of extensor carpi radialis longus
base of metacarpal 2
action of extensor carpi radialis brevis
extends and abducts wrist
origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis
lateral epicondyle of humerus
insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis
base of metacarpal 3
action of the extensor digitorum
prime mover of finger extension
origin of extensor digitorum
lateral epicondyle of humerus
insertion of extensor digitorum
by four tendons into distal phalanges of fingers 2-5
action of extensor carpi ulnaris
extends and adducts wrist
origin of extensor carpi ulnaris
lateral epicondyle of humerus; posterior border of ulna
insertion of extensor carpi ulnaris
base of metacarpal 5
action of the extensor pollicis longus and brevis
extends thumb
origin of extensor pollicis longus and brevis
dorsal shaft of ulna and radius, interosseous membrane
insertion of extensor pollicis longus and brevis
base of distal phalanx of thumb (longus) and proximal phalanx of thumb (brevis)
action of abductor pollicis longus
abducts and extends thumb
origin of abductor pollicis longus
posterior surfaces of radius and ulna; interosseous membrane
insertion of abductor pollicis longus
metacarpal 1 and trapezium
action of supinator
acts with biceps brachii to supinate forearm
origin of supinator
lateral epicondyle of humerus; proximal ulna
insertion of spinator
proximal end of radius
action of abductor pollicis
abducts thumb
origin of abductor pollicis brevis
flexor retinaculum and nearby carpals
insertion of abductor pollicis brevis
lateral base of thumb's proximal phalanx
action of flexor pollicis brevis
flexes thumb
origin of flexor pollicis brevis
flexor retinaculum and trapezium
insertion of flexor pollicis brevis
lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
action of opponens pollicis
origin of opponens pollicis
flexor retinaculum and trapezium
insertion of opponens pollicis
whole anterior side of meacarpal 1
action of adductor pollicis
adducts and helps to oppose thumb
origin of adductor pollicis
capitate bone and bases of metacarpals 2-4 front of metacarpal 3
insertion of adductor pollicis
medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
action of the abductor digiti minimi
abducts little finger
origin of abductor digiti minimi
pisiform bone
insertion of abductor digiti minimi
medial side of proximal phalanx of little finger
action of flexor digiti minimi brevis
flexes little finger
origin of flexor digiti minimi brevis
same as abductor digital minimi
insertion of flexor digiti minimi brevis
hamate bone and flexor retinaculum
action of opponens digiti minimi
helps in opposition
origin of opponens digiti minimi
same as flexor digiti minimi brevis
insertion of opponens digiti minimi
most of length of medial side of metacarpal 5
action of lumricals
flex fingers at metacarpophalangeal joints but extends fingers at interphalangeal joints
origin of lumbricals
lateral side of each tendon of flexor digitorum profunds in palm
insertion of lumbricals
lateral edge of expansion on first phalanx of fingers 2-5
action of palmar interossei
adduct finger
origin of palmar interossei
side of each metacarpal that faces the midaxis of the hand
insertion of palmar interossei
extensor expansion on first phalanx of each finger on side facing midaxis of hand
action of dorsal interossei
abduct fingers
origin of dorsal interossei
sides of metacarpals
insertion of dorsal interossei
exterior expansion over first phalanx of fingers 2-4 on side opposite midaxis of hand, but on both sides of fingers 3
action of ilipsoas-iliacus and psoas major
primer mover of thigh flexion and flexing trunk on thigh; lateral flexion of vertebral column
origin of iliopsoas-iliacus and psoas major
iliacus-iliac fossa and crest, lateral sacrum; psoas major-transverse processes, bodies, and discs of T 12 and lumbar vertebrae
insertion of iliopsoas-iliacus and psoas major
on and just below lesser trochanter of femur
action of sartorius
flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thugh; flexes knee
origin of sartorius
anterior superior iliac spine
insertion of sartorius
by an aponeurosis into medial aspect of proximal tibia
action of adductors-magnus, longus, and brevis
adduct and medially rotate and flex thigh
orgin of adductors-magus, longus, and brevis
magnus-ischial and pubic rami and ischial tuberosity
longus-pubis near pubic symphysis
brevis-body and inferior ramus of pubis
insertion of adductors-magus, longus, and brevis
magnus-linea aspera and adductor tubercule of femur
longous and brevis-linea aspera
action of pectineus
adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
origin of pectineus
pectineal line of pubis (and superior ramus)
insertion of pectineus
inferior from lesser trochanter to linea aspera of femur
action of gracilis
adducts thigh; flexes and medially rotates leg
origin of gracilis
inferior ramus and body of pubis
insertion of gracilis
medial surface of tibia just inferior to medial condyle
action of rectus femoris
extends knee and flexes thigh at hip
origin of rectus femoris
anterior inferior iliac spine and superior margin of acetabulum
insertion of rectus femoris
tibial tuberosity and patella
action of vastus lateralis
extends and stabilizes knee
origin of vastus lateralis
greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line, and linea aspera
insertion of vastus lateralis
tibial tuberosity and patella
action of the vastus medialis
extends knee
origin of vastus medialis
linea aspera and intertrochanteric line and linea aspera
insertion of vastus medialis
tibial tuberosity and patella
action of vastus intermedius
extends knee
origin of vastus intermedius
anterior and lateral surface of femur
insertion of vastus intermedius
tibial tuberosity and patella
action of tensor fasciae latae
steadies the trunk on thigh
origin of tensor fasciae latae
anterior aspect of iliac crest adn anterior superior iliac spine
insertion of tensor fasciae latae
iliotibial tract (lateral portion of fascia lata)
action of gluteus maximus
major extensor of thigh
origin of gluteus maximus
dorsal ilium, sacrum, and coccyx
insertion of gluteus maximus
gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibal tract
action of gluteus medius
abducts and medially rotates thigh
origin of gluteus medius
upper lateral surface of ilium
insertion of gluteus medius
greater trochanter of femur
action of gluteus minimus
abducts and medially rotates thigh
origin of gluteus minimus
external inferior surface of ilium
insertion of gluteus minimus
greater trochanter
action of biceps femoris
extends thing and flexes knee
origin of biceps femoris
ischial tuberosity; linea aspera and distal femur
insertion of biceps femoris
tendon passes laterally to insert into head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
action of semitendinosus
extends thigh; flexes knee
origin of semitendinosus
ischial tuberosity
insertion of semitendinosus
medial aspect of upper tibial shaft
action of semimembranosus
extends thigh; flexes knee
origin of semimembranosus
ischial tuberosity
insertion of semimembranosus
medial condyle of tibia; lateral condyle of femur
action of fibularis (peroneus) longus
plantar flexes and everts foot
origin of fibularis (peroneus) longus
head and upper portion of fibula
insertion of fibularis (peroneus) longus
by tendon under foot to metatarsal 1 and medial cuneiform
action of fibularis (peroneus) brevis
plantar flexes and everts foot
origin of fibularis (peroneus) brevis
distal portion of fibula shaft
insertion of fibularis (peroneus) brevis
tendon running behind lateral malleolus to insert on proximal end of metatarsal 5