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31 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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four techniques used when examining surface anatomy
a branch of gross anatomy that examines shapes and markings on the surface of the body as they relate to deeper structures
surface anatomy
three regions of the cranium
frontal - forehead
temporal - lateral skull
occipital - posterior skull
cheek bone
fleshy part of the external ear
opening within the auricle
external acoustic meatus
posterior and inferior to the auricle
mastoid process
the midline verticle depression between the nose and the upper lip
Refers to the chin region.
mental region of the face
the chin is referred to as the
lies anterior to the sternocleidomastoid msucle and inferior to the mandible
anterior triangle
anterior triangle contains
submandibular salivary gland
carotid artery and internal jugular vein
thyroid gland and overlying strap muscles of the neck
located posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle , superior to the clavicle and anterior to the trapezius
posterior triangle
posterior triangle contains
external jugular vein
spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
brachial plexus
subclavian artery and vein
sternal notch
costal margins
infrasternal angle
sternal angle
abdominopelivic region
linea alba
pubic bone
rectus abdominis
anterior superior iliac spine
inguinal ligament
The back region contains
lateral and medial borders of the scapula and the spine of the scapula

the triangle of ausculation
triangle of ausculation defined by these three muscles
rhombid major
latissimus dorsi
becomes subcutaneous along the medial side of the arm and is clinically important in the measurement of blood pressure
brachial artery
a depression on the anterior elbow region
cubital fossa
resides in the cubital fossa and is a source for venipuncture
median cubital vein
can be palpated medial to the biceps tendon
bracheal artery
three bony prominences present at the distal end of the brachium
lateral epicaondyle of the humerus

olecranon of the ulna

medial epicondyle of the humerus
easily palpable as a lateral bump along the wrist on the radial side
styloid process
at the base of the thumb
thenar emineence
at the base of the little finger
hypothenar eminence
this triangle is clinacally important because it contains the femoral artery, vein and nerve and can be used as a pressure point for controlling lower limb hemorrhage
femoral triangle
can be palpated on the anterior surface just inferior to the knee joint
tibial tuberosity
at the distal end of the leg are the
medial malleolus and the lateral malleolus
(achilles tendon) can be palpated on the posteroinferior leg
calcaneal tendon