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47 Cards in this Set

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part of the immune system; help fight disease process
Lymphatic Vessels
system of channelks that parallel venous blood vessels in location/have valves to ensure one way flow of lymph
tissue fluid from surrounding region
lymph nodes
bean shaped bodies grouped in clusters along connecting lymphatic vessels/filter toxic products from lymph to prevent entry into vascular system
WBC within nodes; helps foght disease process
lymph flows into nodes by way of ______ vessels
lymph flows out of nodes by way of single_____ vessel.
Primary or Regional
Where lymph from particular tissue drains
secondary or central
after lymph from primary nodes drains
lymphatic ducts
larger lymphatic vessels that drain smaller vessels and then empty into the venous system
Right Side Lymphatics
converge by rt jugular trunk, joins lymph from rt arm and thorax to form rt lymphatic duct which drains into venous system at jnct. of rt subclavian and rt internal jugular
Left Side Lymphatics
converge into lft jugular trunk & then hold into thoracic duct & joins venous system at jnct of lft subclavian and lft internal jugular
4 Major groups of nodes
Superficial, Deep Lymphn nodes of head, cervical, deep cervicle
5 Superficial nodes
occipital, retromandibular, anterior auricular, superficial parotid, facial
Occipital node
bilaterally on posterior base of head, drians portion of head, lean forward to palpate
Retroauricular (mastoid or posterior auricular nodes)
located posterior to each ear, drains external ear, lacrimal gland, & adjacent region of face adn scalp, palpate bilatterally
Anterior Auricular (mastoid or posterior auricular nodes)
Located anterior to each eat; drains external ear, lacrimal gland, & adjacent regoion of face and scalp, palpate bilaterally
Superficial Parotid (mastoid or mosterior auricular nodes)
Superficial to each parotid gland, drains external ear, lacrimal gland, and adjacent region of face and scalp, palpate bilaterally
located the lenghth of faciakl vein; subgroups: malar, nasiolabial, buccal, mandibular
Facial--- Malar
drains infraorbital region
facial-- Nasiolabial
drains the nose area
Facial-- Buccal
Drains the labial commisure and above buccinators muscle
tissues over surface of mand. anteriors to masseter muscle
Deep Parotid
Located deep in parotis gland, drains middle ear auditory tube and parotid salivary gland; cannot palpate
Located near deep parotid nodes & level of atlas (1st); drains pharynx, palate, paranasal sinus, and nasal cavity, cannot palapate
Superficial Lymph nodes
a cervical lymph node; 4 kinds- submental, submandibular, exernal jugular (superior superficial, lateral cervical), anterior jugular nodes
(cervical, facial)located inferior to chin, superficial to mylohyoid muscle
Submental drain/ empty
D-both sides of chin, lower lip, floor, apex, mand incisors
E-submand. nodes or deep cervical nodes
(cervical/facial) inferior border of ramus, palpate-lower chin open slightlyapex on palate
Submandibular Lymph Node Drainage
drains cheeks, upper lip, body, anterior HP, teeth (not mand incisor or max 3rds)
External Jugular/Superior superficial lateral cervical
located on each side of neck along external jugular vein
External Jugular/Superior superficial lateral cervical drain empty
D-infrahyoid region of neck
E-deep cervical nodes
Deep cervical lymph nodes
located along length of internal jugular vein each side of neck, base of skull to root of neck
Deep Cervical Lymph nodes- palpate
underside of anterior and posterior aspects of muscle
Superior deep cervical/internal jugular (primary nodes)
deep beneath SCM;drains post. nasal cavity, post HP, SP, base, max 3rds, esoph., trachea, thyroid
jugulodigastric/tonsillar node

a deep cervical
easily palated when palatinje tonsils or pharynx are inflamed
Inferior Deep Cervical (primary)
deep to SCM, drains post scalp, neck, superficial pectoral and arm portico
Jugulo-omohyoid lymoh nodes
crossing of omohyiod muslce and internal jugular; drains tongue and submental region
Accessory (spinal)/ posterior lateral superfical node
drains into supraclavicular nodes
superclavicular /transverese node
drains lateral cervical triangle
masses of lymphod tissues, located in oral cavity, drains superior deep cervical lympoh nodes/jugulodigastric lymph nodes
Palatine tonsils
2 rounded masses of variabl size; located in oral cavity between anterior and posterior faucial pillars
Lingual Tonsils
layer of lymphoid tissue, located intraorally on base of dorsal surface of tongue
Pharyngeal Tonsil/ Adenoids
located on posterior wall of nasophayrnx
Tubal Tonsil
located in nasopharynx
tonsils; increase in size and change in consistency of lymoh tissue as a result of disease; palate-feels firm to bony hard, tender
Metastasis & Cancer
spread of cancer from original or primary site of tumor to another or secondary site