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133 Cards in this Set

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Name the organs and function of the Integumentary System

Organs: skin

Functions: forms external body covering

Protects deep tissue from injury

Helps regulate body temperature

Largest organ system

Name the organs and function of the Skeletal System

organs: Cartilage, joints, bones

Functions: Protect and support organs

Provides muscle attachment for movement

site of blood cell formation

store lipids and minerals

Name the organs and function of the Muscular system

Organs: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle

Functions: produce movement, maintains posture, produces heat

Name the organs and function of the Nervous system

Organs: Brain, sensory receptors, spinal cord, nerves

Functions: fast-acting control system, respond to internal and external change, activates muscles and glands, the interface between the internal and external environment

Name the organs and function of the Endocrine System

organs: pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus gland (only in infants), adrenal gland, prancreas, testis, overies

function: Secrete regulatory hormones

Name the organs and function of the Cardiovascular system

Organs: heart, blood vessels

Functions: transport materials in the body via blood pumped by the heart (every cell in the body is near a capillary)

Name the organs and function of the Lymphatic system

Organs: lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels

Functions: returns fluid to blood vessels, cleanses the blood, involved in immunity

Name the organs and function of the respiratory system

Organs: nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchus lungs

Functions: keeps blood supplied with oxygen (for the cells), removes carbon dioxide

Name the organs and function of the Digestive system

Organs: oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus

Functions: breaks down food, allows for nutrient absorption into the blood, eliminates indigestible material as feces

Name the organs and function of the Urinary system

Organs: kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra

Functions: excrete nitrogenous waste from the blood, maintains the acid-base balance, regulates the solvent vs solute balance in the blood (urine is not the main function)

Name the organs and function of the reproductive system

Organs: gonads

Functions: produce offspring

Name the steps for mechanism for Response of Homeostatic Imbalance

1. Stimulus creates change

2. Receptor (sensory neurons) detect the change

3. Message (input) is sent along the afferent pathway to the control center

4. The control center (brain/spinal cord) receives the message (also referred to as the integrators)

5. The control center sends a message (output) along the efferent pathway to the effector (muscles/glands)

6. The effector responds therefore restoring homeostasis

The main function to provide energy


What is the keystone molecule and an example of a monosaccharide?


How many sugar molecules are in oligosaccharides? give an example of one

a few


What are polysaccharides? Give examples

complex carbs, many glucose molecules bonded together

starch, cellulose, glycogen(stored in muscles)

cellulose makes cell walls in what?


What stores energy and is a cell membrane component?


Name 2 lipids with fatty acids

Glycerides (fats, oils)


Name a lipid with no fatty acids

cholesterol (a precursor of vitamin d)

What is a protein?

Amino acids linked together with peptide bonds, large, complex, and folded in 3d shapes

Name 4 amino acids

Keratin, Collagen, enzyme, hemoglobin

Where is keratin found?

hair and nails

Where is collagen found?

bone and cartilage

What is an enzyme?

increases the rate of reaction

acts as a biological catalysts

remain unchanged at the end of a reaction so it can be used again

What is a hemoglobin?

Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide

What is a fibrous protein?

tightly wound, stable, also know as structural proteins (collagen, keratin)

What is a globular protein?

Functions as antibodies or enzymes, can be denatured (its activity can change), also know as functional proteins

What is a nucleic acid?

5 carbon sugar, phosphate, and nitrogen containing base

Give 3 examples of Nucleic acids


Define ATP

adenosine triphosphate

an energy molecule (the energy is held in the chemical bond)

Define and describe function of DNA and RNA

deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid

storage, transmission, and translation of genetic material

Describe the process of photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H20 -(sunlight, chlorophyll)-->C6H12O6(glucose) + 6O2 (oxygen) + 6H20

Weare _____ organisms (oxygen based)


96% of our body is made from which 4 elements?

Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen

What happens in synthesis reaction

atoms or molecules combine (a+b = ab)

What happens in decomposition reaction

molecule is broken down (ab= a+b)

define hydrolysis

polymers are broken down into monomers through the addition of water molecules

What are the four organic molecules of life?

Carbs, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids

Maintaining an equilibrium of the body is known as what?


Define metabolism

All chemical reactions in your body

Define irritability

Ability to react to stimulus

sense and response to stimuli

What is the pigment molecule in the process of photosynthesis?


a pH of 6 would be considered what?


a pH of 7 would be considered what?


a pH higher than 7 would be considered what?

Base (alkaline)

Name the functions of the skeletal system

support, movement, protection

All of the following are nucleotides in DNA except ... Adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine

uracil (comes in with RNA)

"help, help I'm trapped and I can't get out" Which bone cell am I?


what is the cell that is trapped in the lacuna of the bone matrix?

Osteocytes (mature bone cell found in the lacuna)

What are the functions of Paranasal sinuses?

Give resonance to voice

Amplify voice

Humidify air before it gets to the lungs

What is the bone cell that breaks down bone to release more calcium?


What does the canaliculi do?

Connects everything to the central canal

Which cell junction prevents cells from being pulled apart?


Which organelle is considered to be the powerhouse of the cell?


What carry out protein synthesis in cells?


This is a type of diffusion strictly applied to water


True or false: passive transport requires ATP


What is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms?


This membrane lines all body cavities that open to the exterior body surface

Mucous membrane

Osteoporosis is a bone thinning disease where ______ are more active


What is part of the axial skeleton?


Vertebra column

Bony Thorax (ribs)

At what age does a baby's bones fuse together?


What is the study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts?


What process requires ATP?

Sodium- Potassium Pump

How many chromosomes are in gametes (sex cells)?


How many bones are in the human body?


What serous membrane touches the organ?


A mature bone cell is called what?


Where does transcription occur?

The Nucleus

Where would you find intracellular fluid?

Inside of a cell

What does exocytosis do?

Remove substances from inside the cell

What does endocytosis do?

Englf material to bring inside the cell

"cell drinking"

What is the connective tissue layer that encases the outside of the diaphysis of a long bone?


What does mRNA do?

Takes protein building instruction from the DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm

What does tRNA do?

Brings codeons to ribosomes that were specificied by mRNA

What does rRNA do?

(ribosomal)- where amino acids are assembled

What is the study of how the body and body parts work/function?


What is the smallest living functional unit of an organism?


Which system provides the external body covering?


Which system excretes nitrogenous waste, mainttains acid-base balance, and regulates water and electrolytes?


How many chromosomes are found in all other body cells except for the gametes?


Growth means increase in what?

cell size and cell number

A disturbance of homeostasis resulting in disease is called what?

Homeostatic imbalance

During the maintenance of homeostasis input is sent to the control center along the _____ pathway


Which feedback machanism to maintain homeostasis works to shut off or reduce the intensity of the stimulus? "thermostat" that brings the body back to normal range

Negative feedback

Red marrow makes what?

Where is it found?

Red blood cells

In the epiphysis in the spongy bone

A _____ section would divide my body into anterior and posterior parts


What name refers to a paranasal sinus?


What covers the yellow marrow in a long bone?


The directional term referring to a part of the body being close to the point of attachment to the body trunk is what?


Which body cavity contains the heart and lungs?

Dorsal cavity

Which process is an example of active transport?

Solute pumping

Which area of the cell does translation occur?


Where is interstitial fluid found?

In between cells

How many cervical vertebrae are there?


What comes first in protein synthesis?


Hydrolysis is the process of ...?

Adding water to take apart a molecule

Bones grow in length at the ...?

Epiphyseal Plate

Osteoclasts do what?

Destroy bone

Bone remodeling is a cycle of..?

Deposits and withdrawals

What bone cell is found in the lacuna?


In embryos the skeleton system is composed of mainly...?

Hyaline Cartilage

An abnormal lateral spinal curvature is known as what?


Name 5 paranasal sinuses

Palatine, ethmoid, maxillary, sphenoid, frontal

The longest and strongest bone in your body is the...?


We are _____ based organisms


What does it men when the cell membrane is selectively permeable?

Only allows specific molecules to go in and out

What is the function of the golgi apparatus?

Modify and package proteins

What is the solvent for the human body?


Which process of membrane transport does not require ATP?


Mitosis results in

Two identical daughter cells

What is the process called when a vesicle that gets pinched off from the golgi body empties its contents into the interstitial fluid?

Exocytosis (exits) (active transport)

What is the protein that you find in bone?


Melanocytes (differ or are the same) from person to person

The same

Which pigment gives a yellow/orange tint


This is a type of endocytosis that refers to "cell eating"


True or false all cells perform the same function


Gap Junctions allow what?

Cells to communicate

What does the rough endoplasmic Reticulum do?

Modifies proteins

______ has their own DNA therefore they can divide themselves


What is the difference between a solute and solvents?

Solutes dissolved in liquid

Solutes dissolve in solvent

Diffusion refers too what?

Particles going from high to low concentration

What is the purpose of facilitated diffusion?

Transport lipid-insoluble large substances

What do tRNA transfer?

amino acids and acode to the ribosome for the protein

What stage of mitosis is DNA duplicated and the cells is prepared for the division?


An example of a cutaneous membrane is the


What is the serous membrane referring to the abdominal cavity?


Which organ system return fluids to the blood vessels, cleans the blood, and provide immunity?


Mitochondria can make how many ATP molecules per one glucose molecule


What senses and sends message along the afferent pathway to the control center when maintaining homeostasis


What would you find in a central canal of an osteon?




Lymphatic vessels

Spongy bone is found in the _____of the long bone and helps absorb shock
